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luongo for patrick kane

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i have been thinking as of late that luongo going to Leafs would not help us. yes they have some great propects but cant see anything on the roster that can help us now. as of much i like david booth but i cant see him helping us. yes he has only 1st season but regardless who goses on 2nd line has to be a playmaker.

patrick kane can shoot, pass and playmake amazing plays. yes he dose not have size. but we did make a trade for kassian right? he only played one season. give him time and nobody going wanna mess with him, and he can score but one agian time going to tell he could be a huge bust. backhawks need goailetending.

look i understand partick kane off ice is not looking so good. he has the right to party as much as he wants he is only 23. he is still learning. yes he has only 66 point this year and he did not score a goal in like 15 games at one point but one again he still learning the game.

remember he score the game winner of game 7 in 2010 cup finale and he score the amazing backhand game 6 goal on luongo. dont get me wrong luongo had no chance on that play.


patrick kane

1st round pick chicgo



david booth

were going have give up a top 6 becouse kane will replace booth. dont see how this is a bad deal now that we have more cap room we could maybe go for shea weaber lol yeah right i wish but it can give us more options for free agents and we can for sure sign edler to a longterm contact. would not mind paying him what karlsson just got on his new deal. but knowing edler and how he watch burrow,kesler,sedins all took a paycut i am sure he would. I see him getting 5.5, 6 million per a year on his new contract. mike gills send he was going talk to edler about contract during the summer. once again edler would never ask more money then the sedins or would mike gills offer.

but who know kane could not even be on the market.

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1) Wrong Forum

2) Patrick Kane is Chicagos 2nd best player. They aren't trading the 2007 1st overall for a 33 year old Luongo

3) Not a single player that can help us? Your right. Schenn and Franson wont help.

I read 2 sentences. I couldnt even finish the first paragraph. There is probably a lot more I could find thats wrong.

Normally I am not a forum police but when people post proposals (crappy ones at that) in the Rumours section it pisses me off. Many people are going to think Lu may go to Chicago now.

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He's exactly the type of player we need in our top 6, but i think he might party a bit too much and not give a crap. Either way he's the sniper/playmaker that we need to succeed. No one on our team can snipe. It's why we suck at scoring in the playoffs.

On the other hand, Luongo would beast with the Hawks. They'd kick our ass. Captain Serious and Luongo would rip the Canucks apart.

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This trade isnt as unrealistic as some of you may think, a lot of people think that we will never trade with chicago because of our "rivalry" well news flash, the GM's dont give a frack about a rivalry.

Kane was crap last year compared to others. He struggled.

Chicago has zero goalies, all of them suck, eddie lack is better than chicagos starters. They desperately need a goalie..

The ops proposal is stupid, but its not far off.

Lu + 1st for kane - If needed can add a good prospect or under achieving roster player

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1) Wrong Forum

2) Patrick Kane is Chicagos 2nd best player. They aren't trading the 2007 1st overall for a 33 year old Luongo

3) Not a single player that can help us? Your right. Schenn and Franson wont help.

I read 2 sentences. I couldnt even finish the first paragraph. There is probably a lot more I could find thats wrong.

Normally I am not a forum police but when people post proposals (crappy ones at that) in the Rumours section it pisses me off. Many people are going to think Lu may go to Chicago now.

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He's exactly the type of player we need in our top 6, but i think he might party a bit too much and not give a crap. Either way he's the sniper/playmaker that we need to succeed. No one on our team can snipe. It's why we suck at scoring in the playoffs.

On the other hand, Luongo would beast with the Hawks. They'd kick our ass. Captain Serious and Luongo would rip the Canucks apart.

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Some of you people are nuts with the value of Patrick Kane especially considering how bad he was last year.

Remember the Kane for Miller rumors last year yet I've seen posts suggesting Lu and 3 firsts wouldn't fetch Kane, a guy who's gone from a sniper to a playmaking winger?!! Are you people crazy??? Taking into account the progression of Hayes and Saad and this deal would get serious consideration from the Hawks. I think the Canucks would need to sweeten the pot only because of Lu's contract, but with a goaltender the Hawks once again become a legit contender.

This isn't happening...let's get that straight but calm down people on the value of Patrick Kane.

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Actually, I thought about Patrick Kane, but a trade in the likes of Kane-Luongo might make sense, by virtue of the fact Kane has been quite disrespectful and inappropriate over the last few months with drinking and driving incidents. Chicago may want Kane out of their organization.

Plus, his cap is over $6M. Of course, we might have to add more for Kane, but a trade might be possible.

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I doubt this would seriously happen as others have said Kane is too much of a star in Chicago but I would be lying if I said this trade would make me a very happy girl if it did happen. Not to mention I have been dreaming of this trade from the moment the 'team' list got leaked and Chicago was named as a possible place he would want to go!

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