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Tony Romo

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I don't know when your flight back is, but is there any chance you could grab me a SB XLIX jersey patch? Will pay you, of course.

I wouldn't know where to get one. I'm staying about 1hr 30 from the stadium. If I see some though I'll definitely pick one up.

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I wouldn't know where to get one. I'm staying about 1hr 30 from the stadium. If I see some though I'll definitely pick one up.

Alright thanks. My guess would be at the stadium's Pro Shop, but if you're 1.5 hrs away from the stadium then that's out of the question. They just get so overpriced online.

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If a Patriots player pretended to take a dump as his TD celebration and another Patriots player got ejected from the game for sucker punching and starting a fight, we wouldn't heard the end of it. 2 Seahawks players do it, and if you didn't see it happen you wouldn't know it ever did happen. Ahh, gotta love double standards.

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Do you think Tom Brady will retire soon? He will be 38 years old when the 2015 Football season starts in September. Or will he play a few more years to try to win a fifth Superbowl?

I think he'll play to 40 if he can see the Pats winning another one. If not, he'll call it quits and hand the reign over to Garoppolo as soon as he's ready.
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Interesting take on the Hawks - not that I care, well...I cared enough to share it:

Have we forgotten the Seahawks checkered relationship with ethics?

Aaron Hernadez says hello!


Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll. USA TODAY Sports photo by Joe Nicholson.

Its been a rough week to be a New England Patriots fan.

The day after handily defeating the Indianapolis Colts, when they should have been celebrating the teams thunderous win in the AFC Championship game, fans instead instantly found themselves on defense thanks to a few deflated footballs. Instantly, the legions of bitter Patriots haters around the nation both fans and members of the media themselves went on the offensive. Suddenly, people who had been silent about the NFLs other, more serious, scandals found their voice to attack the New England Patriots.

Of course, the hatred isnt because the Patriots have really been proven to have done anything wrong. Its really because of the teams enormous success over the years that they are a target; the faux outrage is just a mask for jealousy. While its true that Bill Belichick was once caught violating the rules, he and the team were appropriately punished for it and have moved on. That is truly the only questionable behavior during Kraft-Belichick-Brady era; they have otherwise been model NFL citizens.

If the many newly discovered moral centers in football fans were real, the team they would be hating in this Super Bowl would be the Seattle Seahawks, not the New England Patriots.

After all, it was their players who failed drug tests and were suspended in 2012. One of the players who tested positive was Richard Sherman, their star cornerback, though his suspension was overturned on appeal. Indeed, under Pete Carroll, the Seattle Seahawks have led the league in drug-related suspensions. Yet, strangely, there have been no calls for a wider investigation into the franchise, or for Carroll himself to be penalized in any way for the drug epidemic in his locker room.

Of course, questionable ethics is nothing new for Pete Carroll, whose checkered past should always be part of any conversation about him. After all, Carroll ended up back in the National Football League after fleeing his job coaching the USC Trojans as scandal embroiled that team. The NCAA found the team, under Carrolls control, guilty of multiple recruiting violations such as cash kickbacks for a star tailback and his family but Carroll had already leapt into a promotion with his golden parachute by the time the findings came down. The NCAA forced USC to vacate a number of its wins, barred the Trojans from bowl games and docked the team 30 scholarships.

None of this seems to bother anyone anymore. Just as we have dismissed Sean Paytons role in Bountygate with the New Orleans Saints, football fans seem more than ready and willing to grant Carroll a clean slate. Belichick, though, made a mistake and was penalized once, and yet it seems to dog him forever. Why the double standard?

The answer, of course, is that all of this isnt about what the Patriots may or may not have done with any footballs, but the fact that theyre winners. Thats reason enough for most fans to assume guilt, labeling the Patriots the villains of the contest, despite the Seahawks many sins.

Not only are the Seahawks troubled as a franchise, they have the less appealing players. Marshawn Lynchs constant trolling of the press by refusing to even speak to them makes him appear to be an arrogant prima donna. While the Seahawks players are saying our players arent that great, bashing Rob Gronkowski and Tom Brady, our coach praises them.

So if you find Tom Bradys success obnoxious rather than inspirational thats up to you. If you think Belichick is annoying, you can root against the New England Patriots as much as you want. Just dont pretend youre making an ethical decision by choosing to root for a team with an endemic culture of corruption instead. Thats not only ridiculous; now that youre aware of Seattles history and ignorance is no longer an excuse, its supremely hypocritical. So root for whichever team you want on Sunday, just be honest about your motivation.


Aaron Hernandez says hello. I guess whacking a few guys isn't as bad as doing A few roids. Nobody on the NEP does those, not even Brandon Browner. No sir dem Patroits is squeaky clean. Edited by PistolPete13
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Well as predicted, the Patriots won. Some people have been saying for the last 2 weeks that Carrol was as good of a head coach as Belichick, and with that ridiculous pass call he proved last night that he wasn't. No good coach would have called that when it was almost a sure thing that Lynch would have pounded it in. I can't even begin to imagine how angry and disgusted actual Seahawks fans are.

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Watched the second half over a buddy's place yesterday. There were five of us there, with varying degrees of experience in the game, however, it was unanimous that the slant call was the worst head coaching decision we had ever seen in a SB.

I had just finished saying that I would hand the ball to Marshawn three more times, if necessary. Absolutely horrible play call by Carroll.

On the plus side, one of my friends needed a Pats' win and 52 total points, for a come from behind win in his playoff pool.

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Aaron Hernandez says hello. I guess whacking a few guys isn't as bad as doing A few roids. Nobody on the NEP does those, not even Brandon Browner. No sir dem Patroits is squeaky clean.

Maybe...maybe not - just that they haven't been caught.

Point is, all teams will bend the rules as much as possible and try to get away with whatever they can.

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On the last 2 drives in the 4th quarter with the game on the line, Brady was 14/15 over 100 yards and 2 TD's against "LOB" .

One of the biggest plays was Gronk vs Chancellor 1 on 1 with 4:30 left and Gronk flat out beats him for 20 yards. Where'd all those people who were saying how Chancellor was gonna light up Gronk go? Remember when over the last 2 weeks all I heard was how Chancellor and Wagner would destroy Edelman over the middle? Oh ya, he had over 100 yards on 9 catches and the game winning TD.

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Well as predicted, the Patriots won. Some people have been saying for the last 2 weeks that Carrol was as good of a head coach as Belichick, and with that ridiculous pass call he proved last night that he wasn't. No good coach would have called that when it was almost a sure thing that Lynch would have pounded it in. I can't even begin to imagine how angry and disgusted actual Seahawks fans are.

No one is talking about the championship play by Butler and it sucks it'll always get over looked by "the call" .

The call itself actually was set up to work. They ran a rub route and Lockette was wide open. Butler who was the deep corner on the outside read the play and left his position and jolted forward to beat Lockette to the ball.

If Butler stays in his position and doesn't leave his responsibility and not listen to his instinct, Lockette catches that easily and Carroll is praised for his brilliant play call.

(but ya I would've ran it 4 straight times if I had Lynch LOL)

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