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#NFL tells ESPN Lions should have been given the ball goal to go in Seattle. Back judge makes wrong call in same end zone as #FAILMARY. Wow.

Uh oh...another fail by the refs in a Seattle game

Now that's a call worth bitching about if I'm a Lions fan. So turnovers are reviewed automatically right? Fumble and touchback could have been reviewed, and wasn't.

I'll take the lucky break, but the Seahawks should take this bloody game as a wakeup call.

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I seriously laughed at your post. Not because it's witty but the exact opposite to be honest. Nobody is saying Brady isn't a great player so there was no need to get defensive. If you really think he would even survive a game behind that o-line, much less win one, you have no concept of this game.

Doh - you meant the Hawks O-Line.

I was talking about the Patriots with Brady playing the Lions.

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Just change the standings and give Det the W and Seattle the L.

Well that doesn't really work. There was still 1:45 on the clock with Seattle holding two timeouts. If anything there would have been an interesting chess match if the Lions got the ball first and goal at the 1. If anyone knows about failing from the 1 yard line it's the Seahawks :lol: It's a shame there was a missed call but it's a bigger shame Wright didn't know his rulebook. If he just makes himself big and shields the ball out like a soccer player the game is over legally.

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Whenever Tannehill got picked off in practice by a practice squad player, he'd "get back at them" by belittling them for how much less money they make than him.


What a joke. You call that a leader? That's small d*ck syndrome when you resort to bringing up how much more money you make.

Pathetic, much like his quarterbacking ability.

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Lol, "BatGate" is pathetic. Was it a penalty according the rule? Sure.

Did Detroit deserve to win because of a technicality applied in a situation that few people knew about? No.

If Wright does ANYTHING else, its a touchback. He swipes at it in a half arsed attempt to catch and it goes out? Touchback. He runs into it and it goes out? Touchback. He catches it and goes down? Touchback.

This is controversy for the sake of controversy. Detroit had no chance at that ball. Even if they did get the call, they still had to score. Even if they scored, Seattle still gets the ball. Claiming Detroit should have won is ridiculous and if this happened in the first quarter no one would give a s***.

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Whenever Tannehill got picked off in practice by a practice squad player, he'd "get back at them" by belittling them for how much less money they make than him.


What a joke. You call that a leader? That's small d*ck syndrome when you resort to bringing up how much more money you make.

Pathetic, much like his quarterbacking ability.

Wow that's pathetic. Wouldn't be shocked if he gets the Geno treatment soon lol.

Btw Donte Stallworth says that Brady used to pay practice squad guys who intercepted him. Respect. That's a leader right there.

Edited by Jiggs50
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Lol, "BatGate" is pathetic. Was it a penalty according the rule? Sure.

Did Detroit deserve to win because of a technicality applied in a situation that few people knew about? No.

If Wright does ANYTHING else, its a touchback. He swipes at it in a half arsed attempt to catch and it goes out? Touchback. He runs into it and it goes out? Touchback. He catches it and goes down? Touchback.

This is controversy for the sake of controversy. Detroit had no chance at that ball. Even if they did get the call, they still had to score. Even if they scored, Seattle still gets the ball. Claiming Detroit should have won is ridiculous and if this happened in the first quarter no one would give a s***.

I wouldn't call it ridiculous. Detroit would have easily had the advantage in the game if that call was made. It would have been 1st and goal from about the 6 yard line. If they scored a TD yes the Hawks would have gotten the ball back but they would have needed to score a TD against a defense that hadn't allowed a TD to them that entire half and in general was dominating them.

It isn't guaranteed but it is very far to say the Lions probably would have won if that call was made xD

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I wouldn't call it ridiculous. Detroit would have easily had the advantage in the game if that call was made. It would have been 1st and goal from about the 6 yard line. If they scored a TD yes the Hawks would have gotten the ball back but they would have needed to score a TD against a defense that hadn't allowed a TD to them that entire half and in general was dominating them.

It isn't guaranteed but it is very far to say the Lions probably would have won if that call was made xD

Once again, I think you (and some other Hawks haters) and I have a much different view on what dominating is? To be honest I think that comment disqualifies your opinion.

Making the call would have been ridiculous as it would have negated an unbelievable play by BamBam on a technicallity. The result would have been the same regardless of the "bat" as there wasn't even a Lion in the vicinity. What would have been ridiculous is if the ref had made that call. The spirit of the rules in the NFL is to prevent a team from gaining an unfair advantage. This was certainly not the case here.

Futhermore, Nobody knew the rule except for some old school ref who brought it up 10 minutes after the game. None of the Lions coaches or players questioned the call. Neither did the announcers or anyone in the booth. Obviously KJ didn't know it either or he would have jumped on the ball.

Earl made a similar play last year where he caused a fumble on the goal line and pushed it out of the end zone and no one even "batted" an eye. Why bring it up now?

Two weeks ago the Hawks recovered a fumble against Green Bay after an interception, with the game on the line, and it didn't even get a review. Where was the outrage on that one? This is just another excuse for Hawks haters to piss and moan about a team that has been better than theirs as of late. Pats fans know what I am talking about. Then again, Pats fans that are outraged by the non call are probably just enjoying the negative attention being on someone else for a change. I for one am kind of enjoying it.

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Once again, I think you (and some other Hawks haters) and I have a much different view on what dominating is? To be honest I think that comment disqualifies your opinion.

Making the call would have been ridiculous as it would have negated an unbelievable play by BamBam on a technicallity. The result would have been the same regardless of the "bat" as there wasn't even a Lion in the vicinity. What would have been ridiculous is if the ref had made that call. The spirit of the rules in the NFL is to prevent a team from gaining an unfair advantage. This was certainly not the case here.

Futhermore, Nobody knew the rule except for some old school ref who brought it up 10 minutes after the game. None of the Lions coaches or players questioned the call. Neither did the announcers or anyone in the booth. Obviously KJ didn't know it either or he would have jumped on the ball.

Earl made a similar play last year where he caused a fumble on the goal line and pushed it out of the end zone and no one even "batted" an eye. Why bring it up now?

Two weeks ago the Hawks recovered a fumble against Green Bay after an interception, with the game on the line, and it didn't even get a review. Where was the outrage on that one? This is just another excuse for Hawks haters to piss and moan about a team that has been better than theirs as of late. Pats fans know what I am talking about. Then again, Pats fans that are outraged by the non call are probably just enjoying the negative attention being on someone else for a change. I for one am kind of enjoying it.

Why do you think I am a Hawks hater? xD (if you are curious I have no love or hate for ether the Hawks or Lions. I am genuinely unbiased towards them).

You are also missing the point. Yes it was a great defensive play leading up to it and yes it was unlikely a Lions player would have gotten it but it was still against the rules to bat the ball. You can argue that it is a dumb rule but it is still a rule and the NFL has already acknowledged that it was a botched call and should have been a penalty.

As far as no one knowing the rule well that is relevant to you. This actually came up a few years ago when Troy Polamalu dove at a fumble and punched it into the endzone from like 10-15 yards away. For what it is worth I am on the East Coast so maybe it wasn't known by "everyone" on the west but it is a rule I knew and have discussed with people years ago.

I am not even knocking the Hawks in this I am just stating the obvious.

1. Was it a penalty?

- Yes. The NFL admitted it was the wrong call.

2. Would the game have been the Lions to lose if they scored a TD?

- Yes. Outside of the fact that the Hawks only mustered 13 points and only 3 in that half... How often do teams in general drive 80 yards in less than a minute and a half when the defense can anticipate pass plays?

If that makes my opinion "invalid" in your eyes I can't do much about it but it seems like your homering hard. I made my remarks based on facts, percentages, and no cares about ether team. I am not bothered by sports teams losing xD

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Whenever Tannehill got picked off in practice by a practice squad player, he'd "get back at them" by belittling them for how much less money they make than him.


What a joke. You call that a leader? That's small d*ck syndrome when you resort to bringing up how much more money you make.

Pathetic, much like his quarterbacking ability.

And then Philbin compound the problem by telling the practice squad guys to take it easy. Shouldn't he be more worried that his QB couldn't even avoid turning the ball over to the practice squad guys? Can't blame the offensive line as much for their struggles when they're protecting a guy with that attitude.

Sucks to be taking over that mess. If it was my call, Tannehill would be told if he didn't start acting like a professional he'd have a practice squad offensive line against the starters in practice.

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