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Tony Romo

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As for the Pats, big off season awaits us. Vital decisions and changes will be made:


-have the 3 headed monster (Hightower/Collins/Jones) to sign. Guess is sign 2 and franchise the other.

- Amendola will either get cut or he'll have to restructure his deal to stay and take a pay cut.

- Mayo will likely be gone. Great guy who helps with a community but he's not healthy enough and other guys have leapfrogged him on the depth chart...like Sheard who I hope we sign.

- Lafell is gone. Played through injury but he's been a disappointment and hasn't played to expectation. Need to replace him with a WR who has size that can serve as a medium-long threat. Same as Chandler. Though likely we retain him since there aren't many better options out there.

- Need to sign a legitimate running back. Lewis is a 3rd down specialist. We need a true 1st/2nd down back who can pound the ball and go straight ahead. If we can get that guy, then as sad as it would be Blount is gone. If we can't find that guy, keep Blount. Doug Martin? Would be the perfect fit but kind of a long shot. Only positive is RBs don't cost much so it is a possibility.

- Most important, need to fix up our oline. Once the most dominant, it's now just a shadow of its former self. Need high picks (1st/2nd/3rd rounders) invested into them and develop them. Soldier is a great comparison but we need to build it back up and be one of the leagues best. Need guys like Koppen/Light/Neal/Mankins but it'll take time to get one up to those standards. 

- And just a personal request, a veteran presence in the secondary would go a long ways. Dream would be to sign Eric Weddle. Would be the perfect Belichick player. Think Rodney Harrison. And would allow Chung to be put into man coverage more being so versatile. 


...so yea, as you can see, it'll be busy in Nee England.

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3 hours ago, NucksPatsFan said:

I don't know why people say Peyton "deserves" anything for being a nice guy.

I have the utmost respect for the guy for what he's done in his career, but we're talking about the 2015/2016 Super Bowl, and in this season, he had a mediocre regular season, the parts he did play, he was mediocre last week, and was mediocre yesterday.

I hold doors open for people, help the elderly walk their groceries to their car and give change to the homeless, but sh*t, my boss ain't going to be giving me a raise at my job for that stuff.  

Meanwhile, you got this guy in Cam Newton who's been on fire all season, in the talks for the MVP, and continued it into the playoffs. There's a guy that deserves a ring. Give Peyton all the humanitarian awards, he deserves those, but I hate when people bring the charity aspect into the competitive field. Sedins should have 5 cups by now based on how nice of people they are. 

Sometimes it's just nice to see a good person come out on top, nothing really more than that.  Athletes are people too, it's easier to pull for the ones who carry themselves well off the field as well as on it.

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35 minutes ago, Jägermeister said:

Sometimes it's just nice to see a good person come out on top, nothing really more than that.  Athletes are people too, it's easier to pull for the ones who carry themselves well off the field as well as on it.

I get that it's nice to see a good person come out on top, just doesn't mean they're deserving of a title. Should be all about the athlete in the state of competition. 

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1 hour ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

Rivalry + the fact the media blows Peyton and will take his word for anything but will take out the pitchforks when anything is said against Brady/Pats...can you imagine if the scenario was flipped yesterday, the game was in NE, the Broncos tablets stopped working, and we scored all our points within that time frame? Happened against the Steelers in the regular season and people were all riled up...now imagine it at a playoff game in Foxborough. Madness would have ensued but because it was in Denver, not a word said.

....and cmon now, Cam is a boss. To be completely honest, he only comes off as a douche because he's black. Not stirring the pot or trying to be racist, but it's the honest truth. If he was white and did what he did, none of the media would question him and would say it's just a passionate QB doing what he loves and having fun. Well, it's the exact same thing with black Cam except the sad reality people judge based on colour. ARod used to celebrate quite a bit, never heard anything about him a thug or douche did we lol. It's just because of his colour but Cam is a guy you can't hate on. He does all the right things.

I have never seen any QB do a 1 minute dance routine in the endzone after a touchdown. White or black that guy's a douche. For the record I am not a fan of A-Rod either. 

That being said weren't you and Pats fan the guys hating on the Seahawks because of Sherman and his bravado? Maybe it was just Patsfan. Seems hypocritical to me.

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15 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I have never seen any QB do a 1 minute dance routine in the endzone after a touchdown. White or black that guy's a douche. For the record I am not a fan of A-Rod either. 

That being said weren't you and Pats fan the guys hating on the Seahawks because of Sherman and his bravado? Maybe it was just Patsfan. Seems hypocritical to me.

Sherman is cocky though and talks a lot of crap which rubs people the wrong way and rightfully so. Cam isn't that. He's just having fun and enjoying. So what he celebrates? Don't like it don't let him score simple as that.

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@M A K A V E L I 96 lmao you're so sad and pathetic bro. Like I get you hate the Pats but it's hilarious how you care more about them than you're actual team lol. And when you win this much, you're bound to lose here and there so whatever, it comes with the territory.


...just remember though, SB banners are forever

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8 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

Sherman is cocky though and talks a lot of crap which rubs people the wrong way and rightfully so. Cam isn't that. He's just having fun and enjoying. So what he celebrates? Don't like it don't let him score simple as that.

Cam ripped down the banner of an opposing team's fan off the stands an ran away with it. In another game he took someone's flag an threw it on the ground.


He dances in people's faces and acts like a jackass after every play. Not cocky, who are you watching?

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11 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

Sherman is cocky though and talks a lot of crap which rubs people the wrong way and rightfully so. Cam isn't that. He's just having fun and enjoying. So what he celebrates? Don't like it don't let him score simple as that.

Right, don't let him score, and he pouts like a baby, hiding under his towel.  I don't mind the Panthers as a whole, but Cam is a complete tool on the field.  

I don't know anything about him off the field.  He may be a great person in the community.  But given his attitude, I wouldn't guess that he was.

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1 minute ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Cam ripped down the banner of an opposing team's fan off the stands an ran away with it. In another game he took someone's flag an threw it on the ground.


He dances in people's faces and acts like a jackass after every play. Not cocky, who are you watching?

So what players do that all time, and he does it with a smile on his face. 

And like I said, he's having fun and enjoying the game, not being cocky. There's a big difference. Talk about No Fun League :lol: 

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22 minutes ago, M A K A V E L I 96 said:

Keep crying TRR. Brady had a terrible game. When it's all said and done, Wilson will leave Brady in the dust when his career is over in 10+ years.

Says the crybaby. LMAOOO. That statement is complete lulz. Good joke hahahahahaha. And you know who else is "exciting to watch"? Manziel. Please, go ahead and take him over all these other "boring" guys, especially the guy with the most exciting and epic playoff/SB games ever :lol::lol: 






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I can get behind the Peyton probably doesn't produce very much argument but that's not exactly new for the Broncos this year. On the other side, the Panthers lost their only low-scoring game of the year. This game is going to come down to how Denver deals with Cam's mobility. As long as the Broncos stay within a score or two during the first half it'll be an epic finish.

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Cam ripped down the banner of an opposing team's fan off the stands an ran away with it. In another game he took someone's flag an threw it on the ground.


He dances in people's faces and acts like a jackass after every play. Not cocky, who are you watching?

People throw mad shade at Cam just cause he's black. If this was a white guy, people wouldn't say jack.

Ripped a banner oh my god arrest him! He was handed the flag in the other game by a Panthers fan. Did you want him to take it home as a souvenir? 

Cam has fun. Dude gets his entire team amped up every game. He's the mvp and arguably the best qb in the game. 

Cam Newton makes the game fun to watch. If you don't wanna see that, go watch golf. 

Edited by Jiggs50
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6 minutes ago, Jiggs50 said:

People throw mad shade at Cam just cause he's black. If this was a white guy, people wouldn't say jack.

Ripped a banner oh my god arrest him! He was handed the flag in the other game by a Panthers fan. Did you want him to take it home as a souvenir? 

Cam has fun. Dude gets his entire team amped up every game. He's the mvp and arguably the best qb in the game. 

Cam Newton makes the game fun to watch. If you don't wanna see that, go watch golf. 

I agree. The Panthers are an exciting team to watch and a big part of that is due to how awesome Newton has become. It's nice to see emotion. In this case, it's pure joy and fun to watch.

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