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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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On December 18, 2015 at 7:36 PM, GLASSJAW said:

speaking of re-watching shows, I just finished Deadwood season 1 for probably the 500th time. The single most rewarding show I've seen in terms of re-viewings. So many jokes and references and tidbits that I miss out the first 400 times. Easy 10/10

Deadwood is Dynamite!

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I'd give Star Wars a solid 8. I think it serves as a good bridge from the old trilogy to this new story, and I'm really looking forward to the next one. Lots of similarities to Episode 4 but I thought it was well done.

I had completely lost interest in it during the prequels so I'm glad they did a good job of this.

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I give The Force Awakens a solid 5/7

I tried watching that Amy Schumer movie, christ, I think she's pretty funny in real life but that movie was just one big clichéd tripe. I guess it only has a good score on IMDB cause strong independent feminists have no taste, or something.

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ah, screener season - the most wonderful time of the year came early! I'm so tired yet still tempted to stay up til 3am watching The Revenant

Watched season 2 of Fargo over the past few days. Didn't watch season 1 so I have nothing to compare it to (oh, there was that 90s movie I guess) but I found it quite enjoyable in a popcorn crime drama sense. Scratched the Breaking Bad / True Detective s.1 itch. Pushed into navel gazing territory occasionally, and as much as I'd like my 70s mid-western gangsters to debate French literature it's not the most realistic, but still a lot of fun. The UFO stuff was a little out of left field but it fit. 8/10

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21 minutes ago, The Bookie said:

ah, screener season - the most wonderful time of the year came early! I'm so tired yet still tempted to stay up til 3am watching The Revenant

Watched season 2 of Fargo over the past few days. Didn't watch season 1 so I have nothing to compare it to (oh, there was that 90s movie I guess) but I found it quite enjoyable in a popcorn crime drama sense. Scratched the Breaking Bad / True Detective s.1 itch. Pushed into navel gazing territory occasionally, and as much as I'd like my 70s mid-western gangsters to debate French literature it's not the most realistic, but still a lot of fun. The UFO stuff was a little out of left field but it fit. 8/10

part of me really wants to hold out for the theatre experience for Revenant, but who am I kidding? I won't get far, i don't think. 

as for movies:

I re-watched Elf. I seem to have a love/hate relationship with this thing. Last year I remember enjoying it. Year before that I didn't. This year I'm somewhere in between, I guess. 6-6.5/10

A Very Murray Christmas: 5.5/10. Bill Murray's netflix variety show. mostly a bunch of celebs or musicians singing famous songs. Some of them sound fantastic (I love the Phoenix song, and the group version of a Fairytale in New York), but some of the songs are just flat, and I don't care about the celeb worship going on, even if it is meant to be ironic.

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The opening scene of the Revenant was so great I stopped watching it so that I could wait until I got to my parents' house to watch it on their fancier TV. 

...and based on the first few minutes, I doubt Leo wins an Oscar, simply because the cinematography and costume design will over-power any acting performance.

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5 minutes ago, Down by the River said:

The opening scene of the Revenant was so great I stopped watching it so that I could wait until I got to my parents' house to watch it on their fancier TV. 

...and based on the first few minutes, I doubt Leo wins an Oscar, simply because the cinematography and costume design will over-power any acting performance.

Yes I am so pumped for this movie!

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12 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:

holy christ.

Sicario, Peanuts Movie, Revenant, Brooklyn, Carol

While I go to iTunes for music, I am looking forward to watching Revenant, Scario, and Brooklyn soon...

2 hours ago, DoughtysCheck said:

Just watched interstellar and I didn't understand it at all...

I've said before and I stand by it. Interstellar would have been better served had it been given the HBO 10 episodes miniseries format.

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9/10 for The Revenant. I only intended to watch the opening scene.... nope, just got sucked in. Very hypnotizing. The cinematography alone is worth 8. Simple story but I like that; reminiscent of Apocalypto. Leo did a great job and it mmmmight be enough to get him his long chased Oscar, I'm mostly impartial on him and this is probably the best acting I've seen from him, but on the other hand Hardy subtly upstaged him. My one complaint would be that there was a minor-character subplot (starring Ben Hutton!) that seemingly went nowhere unless I missed something.

Not my personal favorite of the year but I could see it winning Best Picture. They won't give it to Mad Max, so my vote would probably go to Spotlight, unless Hateful Eight or Carol ridiculously surprises me.

I'll re-evaluate once I can see it in theatres, but I didn't want to wait since I'm traveling in January and won't be able to catch it until February.


Small detail that I really liked from the bear attack scene - I have a friend who was bluff charged by a grizzly; wasn't injured but had to play dead. The thing that always stuck with me about his story was the bear pressing down on his chest and waiting to see if he was breathing. Creepy as F. Anyhow I like that they included that.


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Revenant: 6.5/10 - my comments are spoiler free, but don't read them if you think the negative bits can influence how you appreciate the movie (sometimes when i read a negative review or comment, i watch the movie looking for that negative thing. do you guys do that too?)

Horrible disappointment in many ways. Beautifully shot, great costume design, great early sequence - followed by 2 hours of almost nothing. Lubezki is one of my favourite people working in the film industry, and I think he may be the best camera man of all time - at least that I've seen. I have been looking forward to this since its announcement, and so my disappointment just makes me feel bitter almost. Sorta sad! This is Gravity all over again: no emotion, technical beauty. For an opposite version of this, check out Malick's "The New World" - which has a pretty mixed reception due to its slow pace and spiritual-heavy aspects, but it utilizes Lubezki's talents even better, and emphasizes emotion and subjectivity over canned thrills and conflict. 

Once again, I thought the acting was embarrassingly over-cooked from DiCaprio. Hardy, who I normally like, makes his character a Deliverance-grade caricature somehow more believable than DiCaprio's. Hardy has one of the most absurd, unbelievable, sh-tty accents I have ever heard. 

Maybe it's just because I've been watching Deadwood all week, which is a frequently similarly themed. But Deadwood is a far, far, far, far, far more intellectually and emotionally complex experience. The Deadwood writing is so wonderful and entertaining that this, by contrast, seemed like it was written for, or maybe by, children:



DiCaprio: u... killed my son

Hardy: Maybe u shouldn't have raised such a girly little b-tch!

DiCaprio: raaaghhh*gurgle gurgle* 


I agree with you, Bookie, that scene you tagged was great. I thought there were a few really good small scenes throughout, but the vast majority of this long movie was just brutally uninteresting. I didn't feel a single bit of "real" emotion and so the conflicts/resolution were ultimately boring or unsatisfying. I looked at the time remaining at least 7 times, and that isn't a good sign for me. After reading some reviews, I know I'm not the only one who has these complaints (it "only" has 81 on RT so far) -  and I wonder if this is because the final story was a pieced together revenge plot that was not in the movie or the original few versions of the script. But Inarittu signed up and changed all that, apparently. 



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The Revenant - I really enjoyed it/10

Yes, it's a simple revenge/survival film. But I liked it. Life was incredibly rough back in the day and people had very simple needs and no wants. Survive, survive, survive. I think crapping on the script and simplicity of the characters is unwarranted, seeing as though people didn't have time to make their life complex. Get food and supplies by any means necessary. That's it.

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14 minutes ago, Monty said:

The Revenant - I really enjoyed it/10

Yes, it's a simple revenge/survival film. But I liked it. Life was incredibly rough back in the day and people had very simple needs and no wants. Survive, survive, survive. I think crapping on the script and simplicity of the characters is unwarranted, seeing as though people didn't have time to make their life complex. Get food and supplies by any means necessary. That's it.

oh cooooome on

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