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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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11 hours ago, Monty said:



Netflix movie starring Clive Owen and some girl.


Horrible. Absolutely horrible. The idea itself was interesting, so props to the writer for coming up with an interesting idea for the foundation of the film. Shame on writer/director Andrew Nichol (Gattaca, Truman Show) for coming up with such a terrible story once he put pen to paper. So uninteresting.


Speaking of Nichol, has anyone else fallen off a cliff more than he has? Ever since Truman Show (which he only wrote), he has only come up with duds. And not just duds, by awful films.




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On 5/19/2018 at 9:42 AM, Shift-4 said:


Don't &^@#ing bother /10

Great book.   I read it in Swedish (trying to improve my Swedish....it isn't working) but love the author and the genre but heard the movie was a mess and it would ruin the good feels I had for the book.

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A Quiet Place: 8/10


If you are going to review a movie, I think it is good to rate it on what it is, not on what you wish it would have been. However, sometimes you just wish a movie took a great idea and went in a different direction with it. I think that everything about this movie was great but that it could have been much better.


95% of the movie happens in the span of a couple hours. It was just too intense. I would have preferred backstory, character development, understanding what happened, why they were on the farm, etc. Maybe this is unreasonable given that it is a movie and not a TV series, but sometimes I found myself just wanting a break


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3 hours ago, Shift-4 said:

Solo - justalright/10


This movie could have been so much more for me. It wasn't bad like Last Jedi. But still a far cry from being great.


1 hour ago, Salacious Crumb said:

Thanks for saving me the typing.

Yeah, it wasn’t like TLJ where you could pinpoint all the wrong with it. But it was more like Rogue One, in that you didn’t care about the characters at all. They didn’t do poorly in their roles, even replacement Han. He was fine. It’s just that it was completely hallow. And, for a heist film, not really fun.


I will say that the dynamic between Han and Chewy was handled well and was fun.


However, the robot was not as bad as Jar-Jar, but she was close.

#Feminism-Bot 3000


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2 hours ago, Monty said:


Yeah, it wasn’t like TLJ where you could pinpoint all the wrong with it. But it was more like Rogue One, in that you didn’t care about the characters at all. They didn’t do poorly in their roles, even replacement Han. He was fine. It’s just that it was completely hallow. And, for a heist film, not really fun.


I will say that the dynamic between Han and Chewy was handled well and was fun.


However, the robot was not as bad as Jar-Jar, but she was close.

#Feminism-Bot 3000


I am getting the feeling Disney is trying to hard too drive love interests. I wish they would stop.

Best part about Rogue One was no love interest.

Han-Leia worked but it isn't going to work that well every time.



I am not sure a Han that is scorned by his first love fits with the Han we know from the original trilogy. 


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3 hours ago, Shift-4 said:

Solo - justalright/10


This movie could have been so much more for me. It wasn't bad like Last Jedi. But still a far cry from being great.

It is tough to believe the characters are in danger, when you know they are alive for the movies set 10-20 years in the future.

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On 2018-05-26 at 10:04 AM, Monty said:

Wife’s birthday was a week and a half ago, while mine was yesterday. So we’re getting a sitter tonight, have a few drinks, and then watch Solo. 

Happy birthday 


just had mine Saturday.

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