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Bob McKenzie: "I expect the Vancouver Canucks to make a coaching change"

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Bob McKenzie usually only says something so daring when he has concrete insider info. I'm kind of sad to see AV go, but new blood can't hurt, as long as they get someone fitting. To me, the best man for the job is Pat Quinn. He lives in Vancouver, he has taken this team the furthest that it has been, and he is a great players' coach. I still remember the CBC interview with him directly after the loss in Game 7 to the Rangers in 1994. When the pain was still ripe in every fan, he said "There will have to be another time." I'd love to see him with a chance to take us there. It would only help with the Bure relations, and I could see Linden coming aboard in management if we got Quinn behind the bench.

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Bob McKenzie usually only says something so daring when he has concrete insider info. I'm kind of sad to see AV go, but new blood can't hurt, as long as they get someone fitting. To me, the best man for the job is Pat Quinn. He lives in Vancouver, he has taken this team the furthest that it has been, and he is a great players' coach. I still remember the CBC interview with him directly after the loss in Game 7 to the Rangers in 1994. When the pain was still ripe in every fan, he said "There will have to be another time." I'd love to see him with a chance to take us there. It would only help with the Bure relations, and I could see Linden coming aboard in management if we got Quinn behind the bench.

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If MG is serious about "big changes" it has to start with the coach. You can't promise change and then have the same coaches return next season. Even if all 21 players are different, if the strategies are the same, the on-ice product will be too.

We need a coach with a more aggressive style, and someone who is better with giving young players an opportunity. MG said that prospects won't have time to "bake in the oven anymore" and that they're going to be brought into the NHL sooner than in the past. Well if that's true, he needs to make sure that the coach is actually willing to give them opportunities to play. AV runs so hot and cold with some of his players. Seems like if he has a hate on for someone, it never goes away no matter what.

It's an intriguing prospect to possibly have a new coach after all these years!

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Coaches have a shelf life and I believe AV's expiry date should have come after LA knocked us out last year. I have never seen a coach shuffle the deck so much before the playoffs. Our breakout sucked, our transition game was weak and he completely dropped the ball with our Gk situation in the last 2 playoffs.

Not sure if MG and him have been on the same page in a while and I also hold him personally responsible for the Hodgson situation.

Going forward with AV would be the definition of insanity IMO. I am shocked by how many think we can trot out next season with this same dog and pony show??

A culture change starts with a new coach and defined roles by our players. If Gillis cant do it then perhaps a new GM like say ....Scott Niedermayer can.

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I just don't get why people believe AV is a good coach, Av was blessed with a great team playing in a weak divison. AV should be kissing Luongo's ass for saving his job so long and giving him his Jack Adams trophy. How many times in the playoffs did AV ever change his game plan. The answer is once when they played the hawks the first time around and decided to play run and gun with them, obviously that is when Luongo's first meltdown happened.

The Canucks Defense is too good to be struggling this bad for the past few years, other teams would be die to have the type of depth that the nucks have. And I put that blame on RIch Bowness and AV as well.

Let me remind you what AV said after a blow out lost to the Oilers this year, where he said something along the lines of. I didn't have anything in my lineup to stop them, are you kidding me? I understand the OIlers have a lot of young talent but they were once again in the lottery for another top pick. AV doesn't blame himself for anything, he always shifts the blame to someone else. The way he treats players is just terrible. People keep saying how bad of a trade was it to get Ballard, when Ballard wasn't even given a shot at all.

Mike Gillis has done a good job thus far in my opinoin, but I will say that he should be feeling the hot seat too if he doesn't do get rid of Luongo which pretty much will happen. And get rid of AV and hopefully be busy around the free agency so people can complain that he over spent on players.

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If any coach makes sense for the bigger model it is Dave Tippet. Guy plays sound defensive hockey and maximizes his teams talent to the core. He has made the crap Phoenix teams look good and is great with his goalies as well (Bryzgalov and subsequently Smith resurrected in Phoenix).

Personally, I could not give a rats rear end if the Canucks play boring hockey as long as they win. When they don't then style becomes an issue

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So many people here complaining about AV's defense-first mentality and you want Tortorella?

Torts takes boring-ass hockey to it's apex.. I'd hate to see the Canucks play collapse and pray hockey.

Just awful.

The Rangers are a graveyard for skilled forwards..

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Nonis had a large hand in building the current roster of this team. He and Burke brought in and developed the players that are currently here and are the core of this club. Gillis has not added sufficiently to that and was not able to replace the talent he traded away or let walk. Ohlund and Salo are two huge pieces that could have still played a very good role on this team yet Gillis let them walk away. Imagine if they were kept, Bieksa, Hamhuis, Garrison, Edler, Salo and Ohulnd, with Tanev and others as 7 and 8. Obviously cap issues would have been involved, but there is almost 9 mill in Booth and Ballard that didnt need to be brought in. Gillis has not done a good enough job to keep the Ferrari a Ferrari that he inheirited from Burke / Nonis. He's turned it into a Kia. Don't forget, Burke is the one that drafted Schnieder as well.

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if AV is replaced, it will because it is felt the team needs a new voice....AV is not responsible for this team's failure....gillis hasn't found the right personel yet.....people who hate AV blame him for every thing.

the first line is fine....kesler is by himself on the second line and we have no 3rd line center......the defense is evolving....not there yet but close...that is what gillis needs to address.

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I swear I want that AV gone so bad, I cant stand him anymore. Terrible coach, and the Canucks will never win a cup with him. I'm gonna lose my mind if we have to put up with him for another year. But there is no way in hell that Gillis would fire AV. He is such a lame ass GM. No balls and totally incapable of making tough managerial decisions when they have to be made. I wish the Aquillii's would tell him either he fires AV or he's gone. I've had it up to my neck with AV and its getting there with Gillis too. If he doesn't do it I want him the hell out too. I'm fed up with his endless patience and his standing pat at the deadline and doing nothing to improve the team, not to mention his terrible trades that have back fired big time.

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I swear I want that AV gone so bad, I cant stand him anymore. Terrible coach, and the Canucks will never win a cup with him. I'm gonna lose my mind if we have to put up with him for another year. But there is no way in hell that Gillis would fire AV. He is such a lame ass GM. No balls and totally incapable of making tough managerial decisions when they have to be made. I wish the Aquillii's would tell him either he fires AV or he's gone. I've had it up to my neck with AV and its getting there with Gillis too. If he doesn't do it I want him the hell out too. I'm fed up with his endless patience and his standing pat at the deadline and doing nothing to improve the team, not to mention his terrible trades that have back fired big time.

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Considering how good a team Buffalo has, I don't really want Ruff.

Hopefully Philadelphia let Laviolette go, because he would fit perfectly in Vancouver. Someone with a Cup ring, and who's been to the finals another time as well. Laviolette is a much better post-season coach than Ruff or AV.

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