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What systems are successful in today's NHL playoffs?


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Most of you have been watching the playoffs and observing that some there is SOME consistency to which teams have been winning. Just wondering what other teams are doing that the Canucks need to do to be more successful.

For me it's board play coming off the walls, using the cycle in the ozone. Then speed and good transition from our own end.

Every good playoff team has a really good transition, very fast, don't spend much time in their own end and fast guys who pass well to get the puck in, and chase down loose pucks like there's no tomorrow.

Speed, Size, and Smarts.

Goaltending is a given, capitalizing on opportunities is a given, but I really hope we get a coach that gets our transition game going, and gets our guys to work real hard in the corners.

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I don't think there's one strategy or system that's the recipe for the Cup. Obviously there are some universal things all team should be doing (playing physical, going in front of the net, etc.). But as far as a "model" or "system" - it's not the system you use, it's the situation you use it in and how well you execute it.

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Lineup + Health > System. If you don't have the horses, then it doesn't really matter what the system is.

I'd say the teams that have been successful in the playoffs have been remarkably healthy for the most part. imho This is brought on by a deep lineup, superior puck control, game-to-game lineup management and other, off-ice factors.

In 2011 we had a very deep lineup, but it wasn't healthy as a whole often. We got over injuries with our depth, superior puck control and lineup management. The fail was sustaining major injuries the further we got into the playoffs. We could've used some more off-ice help, imho.

This season we had a diminished lineup, which translated to inferior puck control and brutal injury problems, resulting in AV having to be a chessmaster and Gillis having to pull off an expensive Roy trade for us to hold onto a division win. Being swept was disappointing, but not totally unexpected.

The question is if we could've won in 2011 with a healthy lineup and if the same system would've worked in that case. Winning in that case is a total 'what if' though that doesn't really matter. But i wanted to be clear about 'the system' being overrated. It's ultimately up to the players to follow through.

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FO circle dominance supports a puck possession game and takes pressure off the d-core. Kesler and Mannie a case in point. It was very noticeable as soon as Kesler got back this season the dif he made. Also a big advocate of the two man deep forecheck.

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I agree with what you have pointed out, i'd also add in that In playoffs teams tighten up their play in their own end. The defensive teams like to keep players in the perimeter. The teams that like to crash the net and bang away to get the garbage goals seems to make a big difference. Skill takes a back seat as the whistle tends to be put away and players like Brown, Lucic, Bickell who know how to use their size effectively turn up their game.

The Sedins have skill which is important but skills doesn't scare the opposing team, Skill doesn't make the other teams second guess their decisions. The dump and chase wears down the other teams D, and we need those types of players in addition to the skill. I remember watching Bertuzzi in the St.louis series in 2003 and he was such an impact player that wore down the other teams D as the series went on.

We need a healthy Booth, we need Kassian to become that impact player in playoffs. Players like Raymond, and Higgins are not those type of players and come playoff time with the game tightens up they disappear.

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A System that has your owner also the Chairman of the Board of Goveners of the NHL.

A System whereby you employ the son of "former" Vice President of Player Safety and current director of Hockey Operations

A System whereby you create for yourself an image in the media that allows you to do all the things you accuse other teams of while you yourself do them the most.

And of course having the NHL refs as your team owner's employees doesn't hurt in the slightest now does it?

Another possible route is of course to hire your daddy Scotty Bowman to call all the shots for you.

My money is on the Bruins. As god-like Bowman is, Boston will win this year for sure. I would go into why that is (beyond anything hockey related) but I would just be flamed worse than I generally am.

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You pretty much nailed it on the head.

Great transition game which gets the puck out of the zone easily and outnumbers the opponents off of the rush. As well as defending the transition game well.

Dumping the puck in and getting it first, and using a mix of size to create space down low and speed to outwork the opponent.

All of this is a result of puck support and chemistry. Can't stress this enough. Boston and Chicago do a great job of it, LA did, and even Detroit when they were beating Chicago. Our problem is that our transition game was terrible both offensively and defensively. And we aren't supporting the puck and playing smart.

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