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Negativity Spewed By Vancouver Media


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has he?

trading marco sturm after 6 games? treating the best goalie this franchise has ever had like a piece of trash? this is only partly gillis, but trading for a veteran like ballard and letting him ride the pine all playoffs?

if anything, vancouver is attractive to free agents DESPITE mike gillis - its a beautiful port city in the best province in the best country in the world... sorry but i can't give gillis any credit for that.

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The players ******* hate them. I remember the day Dan Cloutier arrived in town from NYC he said the players around the league consider the Vancouver media the toughest, most negative media in the league.

Our media didn't receive the comments well, but I loved his candor!

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Funny thing is there is not much negativity in the Chicago papers about the Blackhawks these days. Maybe the Canucks should try to win a cup and perhaps that will chase away all this negativity.

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It's quite true, when you look at it, Hockey is a very negative sport these days. The newspaper's forget that they are supposed to report news, not just write their opinions, this is why I never buy or read The Province, that paper is just awful for spewing nonsense.

It is interesting however, that when somebody from outside Vancouver trashes a Vancouver player (Ron Maclean on Burrows) we will absolutely slam and condemn them, but when we constantly trash and slam our own players, its justified because we are 'fans'. It's okay to criticize a player for a bad game, but the way some media and fans bully the players, it does have an effect on the person. Don't you think they might feel more unwelcome in their home town? Who was that players a while back who got boo'd by their home fans? You think he felt welcome in that city?

This is one of the reasons we haven't seen Luongo happy here in a long time, he's always choking trying to say the right thing after a loss. No matter how well he played it was just a matter of time before he would let in a softie and the critics would be out in force. This place is worse then Montreal on goalies imo.

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Negativity and controversy sells newspapers or nowadays brings in web traffic. That's why Gallagher still has a job. I have issues of the Province dating back to the late 80s and the negativity has never changed, whether the team was good or bad.

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I'm also tired of the negative Vancouver media - especially, Tony Gallagher. I live in the Interior (BC) - maybe it's the grey skies down there in Van. It would be refreshing to hear more positive news about the Canucks - one can only hope.

I also miss Tom Larscheid. Maybe he was a homer but he was great.

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Gillis has done nothing wrong. He's made our team enticing for free agents, and signed really valuable players to hometown discounts. Even Lu's "crapty contract" is spectacular if we're not trying to trade it away.

Gillis deserves a bonus

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I have lived all over the country and been to a few canadian hockey markets before settling here, and I must say, the media here is by far the worst. Don't listen to the rumors that Toronto media is worse - it's not. Over there, we had negativity around the team for sure but here it's on a much larger scale because there are very few people to offer some positivity about the team towards its fans.

It's difficult to win when you're constantly being picked apart by those who surround your team and players & also act as a link between its fans. We could go on a ten game winning streak & media here would pull something out from the attic & immediately look for some way to bring the team down.

I remember during our recent cup run, how much coverage Lu's comments and other negative stuff were being given. Not the fact that we were there in the final & coming off a win. The media out here is unlike anything I have ever seen.

It's one thing to be picked on by media from other provinces, but when it's additionally accompanied by members in your hometown then the problem is magnified. Media out here is garbage - especially Botchford who is a joke & will rip the team any chance he gets. Anyways, rant is over. Who agrees that media is a big hurdle in itself out here if we want to win the cup?

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The guys on Team 1040 are pretty objective in my opinion. Some of the writers though...particularly Botchford and ol' gramps Gallagher. If he uses "heavens..." in another article again...

As an NHL player, no, an NHL all-star, how would you feel if an old man who has never played the game at a high level, or maybe even never played the game at all, continually took potshots at you? I for sure would never give that reporter the time of day let alone grant them an interview.

It really bugs me when these writers just bash the team's players. As others have mentioned, the majority of Canucks fans believe everything they read (Canucks fans first, hockey fans second) and as these morons spew garbage out that becomes gospel. Unfortunate, really.

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Contract cant be traded because cap went down 6 mill and they put a penalty on front loaded contracts. Gilles and 9 other GMs, all did it. The team owners spend to the cap ceiling and we should be thankful for that, I remember when canucks wouldn't spend the money. Say what you want about Gillis but gillis is the best GM we have had ever. Kassian Horvat, Hunter, gaunce, jenson and corrado light fire people will sing a different tune. When Booth nets 20 and Schneider busts in Weaker NJ all you Gillis haters can suck his......

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I'm also tired of the negative Vancouver media - especially, Tony Gallagher. I live in the Interior (BC) - maybe it's the grey skies down there in Van. It would be refreshing to hear more positive news about the Canucks - one can only hope.

I also miss Tom Larscheid. Maybe he was a homer but he was great.

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Remember the SCF and how Luongo commented about how he would have played the Burrows OT winner differently? The Boston media was all over that and turned it into bulletin board material. Where the heck was our media? Oh yeah, they blamed Luongo for opening his mouth.

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Remember the SCF and how Luongo commented about how he would have played the Burrows OT winner differently? The Boston media was all over that and turned it into bulletin board material. Where the heck was our media? Oh yeah, they blamed Luongo for opening his mouth.

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