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Reasons Why This Team Has Fallen So Much Since 2011


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Main reason? Gillis.

Hodgson trade: Horrible horrible timing, I don't even care about the backround story behind why he was traded, it was just retarded to trade him at the deadline when you could've let him play out the season with team in the playoffs and then shop him in the draft or packaged him with Luongo for a better return...

CS trade: I like Horvat I think he's a good prospect, but the key word there is "PROSPECT"... I don't think we got enough for him considering Thomas Vanek a pending UFA got the Sabres, Matt Moulson, a 1st round pick and a 2nd round pick!!

NTCs: The big reason why we cant make a damn deal is because Gillis gave these out like candies on Halloween... Higgins is a nice serviceable 3rd liner, at his age and that term, he shouldn't have been rewarded with a friggin NTC. Burrows, Garrison, Bieksa, Edler, all pieces we could trade and they all have NTCs....

Also, we've been on a top 6 winger search for years now... and he has nothing to show for it. We're wasting the last couple of good season left in Sedins and Kesler because Gillis cant make a damn deal to address our secondary scoring need.

When the Sens lost Alfie to the Wings, they immediately traded for Bobby Ryan. When Malkin needed a winger to play with, Shero traded for Neal. When Kesler needs a winger, he gets Santorelli, Raymond, Kassian, Booth, Sturm, Higgins. The only successful winger he's ever had was Demitra and Sammuelsson.

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This thread and all the comments is what is wrong with CDC- they think they know everything.

Not everything, just the obvious..which is secondary scoring, I know it might not be easy to acquire players, but we've let a few of them go and Gillis has only had about 6 years to address that problem.

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You should add 2 things:

- the Lockout. It has killed the Canucks EVERY time they've had one and every time they come out of one, the Canucks stink for years after. They usually end up getting good again before a CBA expires then the cycle starts again. The Canucks this year comparative to 2011 are declining in skill/value/winning and Torts can't do anything about it. It's what he's been given that falls directly on the GM.

- How about players up the farm that don't develop/trade away? Let's review in 4 years our Gillis lineup:

Sedin - Sedin - _______

Shinkaruk - Kesler - ______

Higgins - Horvat - Kassian

Archibald - Gaunce - ______

Edler - Garrison

Tanev - Corrado

Stanton - Bieksa



There's a lot of holes, an aging core, and very little pieces to replace it;

If we decide for the first time in years that we become sellers; we could stockpile some draft picks and increase our depth which we need badly.

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After 23 games this year, the Canucks have 26 pts, last year they had 28, the year before that they had 27, the year before that they had 29, and the year before that they had 24. That's an average of 26.4 pts at this point in the season.

Oh how the mighty have fallen, by 0.4 pts on average. Even the Canucks best regular season ever, we started off with 29 pts. We're only 3 points off that pace.

I think we're still ok as a hockey club.

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After 23 games this year, the Canucks have 26 pts, last year they had 28, the year before that they had 27, the year before that they had 29, and the year before that they had 24. That's an average of 26.4 pts at this point in the season.

Oh how the mighty have fallen, by 0.4 pts on average. Even the Canucks best regular season ever, we started off with 29 pts. We're only 3 points off that pace.

I think we're still ok as a hockey club.

All the other teams have gotten better read point 4 its the main reason we have fallen(cause others have gotten better and we haven't)

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If we decide for the first time in years that we become sellers; we could stockpile some draft picks and increase our depth which we need badly.

Hmmm...interesting thought.

I still think we'll get out of this funk this year and at least make the playoffs, but what if we don't? What if playoffs are a long-shot at best come the deadline? Who do you think Gillis might try to move?

Edler? Kesler? Bieksa? Burrows? If we have actually fallen off the map to the point of not making the playoffs, I would consider moving all four of those guys for younger players/prospects. Then finish the year with:

Sedin - Sedin - Kassian

Higgins - Santorelli - Hansen

Dalpe - Richardson - Booth

Archibald - Welsh - Weise

Hamhuis - Tanev

Garrison - Corrado

Alberts - Stanton

That's actually not a TERRIBLE lineup (not playoff-worthy, but again, we're assuming that neither is the current team here). Then, next season, add some youth, which we should have a king's ransom worth of from moving 4 key guys. We will also have a TON of cap room, so we can add 1-2 key free agents.

Either it works, and we're set for the next 4 years; or it doesn't, and we at least have a shot at McDavid.

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Main reason? Gillis.

Hodgson trade: Horrible horrible timing, I don't even care about the backround story behind why he was traded, it was just retarded to trade him at the deadline when you could've let him play out the season with team in the playoffs and then shop him in the draft or packaged him with Luongo for a better return...

CS trade: I like Horvat I think he's a good prospect, but the key word there is "PROSPECT"... I don't think we got enough for him considering Thomas Vanek a pending UFA got the Sabres, Matt Moulson, a 1st round pick and a 2nd round pick!!

NTCs: The big reason why we cant make a damn deal is because Gillis gave these out like candies on Halloween... Higgins is a nice serviceable 3rd liner, at his age and that term, he shouldn't have been rewarded with a friggin NTC. Burrows, Garrison, Bieksa, Edler, all pieces we could trade and they all have NTCs....

Also, we've been on a top 6 winger search for years now... and he has nothing to show for it. We're wasting the last couple of good season left in Sedins and Kesler because Gillis cant make a damn deal to address our secondary scoring need.

When the Sens lost Alfie to the Wings, they immediately traded for Bobby Ryan. When Malkin needed a winger to play with, Shero traded for Neal. When Kesler needs a winger, he gets Santorelli, Raymond, Kassian, Booth, Sturm, Higgins. The only successful winger he's ever had was Demitra and Sammuelsson.

Yup, this pretty well sums up my feelings about MG.

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After 23 games this year, the Canucks have 26 pts, last year they had 28, the year before that they had 27, the year before that they had 29, and the year before that they had 24. That's an average of 26.4 pts at this point in the season.

Oh how the mighty have fallen, by 0.4 pts on average. Even the Canucks best regular season ever, we started off with 29 pts. We're only 3 points off that pace.

I think we're still ok as a hockey club.

No. You're wrong, the sky is falling
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After 23 games this year, the Canucks have 26 pts, last year they had 28, the year before that they had 27, the year before that they had 29, and the year before that they had 24. That's an average of 26.4 pts at this point in the season.

Oh how the mighty have fallen, by 0.4 pts on average. Even the Canucks best regular season ever, we started off with 29 pts. We're only 3 points off that pace.

I think we're still ok as a hockey club.

It's that the circumstances are much different. We have a healthy team that can't score. The quality of hockey is terrible. The speed and skill seem to have vanished. No team identity. Lastly this year is different in that Mike Gillis has no clue what to do. Buyers or sellers?

A lot of question marks. Of course fans and media are going to question what's going on. Take it as constructive criticism. Stop whining about us whining lol. We all want the boys to win.

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We have fallen off because we have not addressed the issues in 2011

Actually as I recall, Gillis did try to address the needs of the 2011 team, which (by popular opinion) was toughness.

We got somewhat bigger..but we also got a bit slower. Vancouver's identity of a skill team that could skate and jump on opposing teams in transition gradually changed until we have what here today...which is...i'm not entirely sure.

I'm hoping that Torterella can instill some direction with this club with a bit more time and elbow grease because right now the Canucks look just lost out there.

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6. Reluctance to adapt and innovate.

Around 2005 and for several seasons following, the Sedins and their linemate, whoever it was, were highly successful. Their cycle game was uncanny and produced several quality scoring chances every game. Opponents played their "shut-down" lines against them and that, in turn, enabled the Kesler line and other lines to produce scoring support.

Over the past 2 seasons, opponents have figured out that the twins will cycle their entire shift, waiting to set up the "perfect" goal. They will even pass up a quality scoring opportunity in order to set up a linemate. With the Canucks often playing catch-up trying to overcome a 1 or 2 goal deficit, opponents are likely thrilled that the Sedins play "cycle" and concentrate on keeping them to the perimeter while ensuring no one is left alone in front. The constant cycle game eats up minutes on the clock so the opposition is content to let them play that game.

It is time for them to somehow adapt their game to outfox the opposition. They are highly skilled players and should be able to figure out different approaches. By all means retain some of the cycle game but also work on some north-south play.

Bottom line is, they are too predictable and therefore opposition can more easily defend. Perhaps splitting up the tandem on a regular basis would provide a solution. If we are looking at 4 more years of Sedinery, the plot needs to be updated.

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