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Gino Odjick voices his opinion on David Booth

Everybody Hates Raymond

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<p>Pretty sure that if that really is Gino posting it is intended to be sarcasm poking fun at those that have been giving Booth and Torts a hard time and not intended to be a threat to Booth.

Only problem is that sarcasm translates very poorly in written form such as twitter, texts, emails, etc.p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------OK.....I retract this statement after reading Gino's twitter feed. It is hard to get a read on the guy. With anyone else I would think this was sarcasm but Gino seems to really have a chip on his shoulder where it's Gino vs. the world.

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Dears are eaten in most cases.Bears generally, are hung on a wall or lay under the coffee table.

I'm from northern bc and hunting is huge up here. My family was never into it but I know a couple hundred hunters and they don't kill anything they don't eat. Sure there's bad apples out there that poach and don't care but they don't day a word about it or they'd get the crap kicked out of them.

In a true hunters eyes killing a bear and not eating it is like hitting a girl. An absolute indisputable sin.

It's hard to understand for people from the city but it's not as barbaric as it seems. The passion these guys have doesn't come from the thrill of ending an animals life, it comes from going out, putting in hard work to fill up a freezer and provide for their families.

IMO even though I don't hunt, going out finding an animal, killing it, butchering it and putting it on your wife and kids plate is a lot classier than giving Jim Pattison your paycheck in exchange for a chicken raised in a cage smaller than a dog kennell

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thats hilarious gino into the sauce again, but hes right booth is a bitch small cockadoo tries to over compensate by being a big game hunter probably shoots a gun from 500 yrs with top of line scope man up go bear hunting with a regular bow if your such a man get this guy off our team useless no compete level just cashing in that huge cap hit. send him home so hes not injured in summer buy out please not sure why gino is mad at torts

A gun that shoots through time? Sounds like a job for Inspector Spacetime!

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UF, if you look at his pace right now as of 23 games. He has how many points? 1 goal 2 assists? At this point if you extrapolate that out to an 82 game schedule at that pace, he'll have a grand total of 3 goals and 6 assists at his current pace for a grand season total of 9 points. How do you figure that 1 "great" season translates into the potential for a season. Since he came back from injury in Florida, he hasn't produced at his potential at all. That's the reason Florida bit on that trade or he'd still be in a Florida uniform right now.

Frankly, I don't care if he's in a Canuck uniform or not, but if he's going to be in one, I would like to see him make an effort when he's out on the ice on a shift. As far as I can see, Tortorella doesn't think he is putting 100% effort out and that is good enough for me.

To tell you the truth, Torts said it right when he assessed the team post-Florida Panthers game and said they mailed that performance in. His words:

"We sucked... Easily our worst game of the year... We didn't deserve a point."

You don't win many games like that and as the season gets closer to April, the teams are going to tighten up on their defense. You can't find the back of the net now, you think you've got a miracle of a chance later on in the season? ~shaking head~.

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I'm from northern bc and hunting is huge up here. My family was never into it but I know a couple hundred hunters and they don't kill anything they don't eat. Sure there's bad apples out there that poach and don't care but they don't day a word about it or they'd get the crap kicked out of them.

In a true hunters eyes killing a bear and not eating it is like hitting a girl. An absolute indisputable sin.

It's hard to understand for people from the city but it's not as barbaric as it seems. The passion these guys have doesn't come from the thrill of ending an animals life, it comes from going out, putting in hard work to fill up a freezer and provide for their families.

IMO even though I don't hunt, going out finding an animal, killing it, butchering it and putting it on your wife and kids plate is a lot classier than giving Jim Pattison your paycheck in exchange for a chicken raised in a cage smaller than a dog kennell

As a hunter I can say you hit the nail on the head pretty much. Most of the hate comes from ignorance and a fake sense of being "holier than thou". People ignore the ugly facts about how their food ends up on their own plates. To me, unless you are a completely devout vegetarian, you have no argument. The process that brings the meat to the store is far more barbaric and unjust than going out into the bush and taking the time and energy to find, kill, clean and prepare the animal yourself. It's how it's been done since the beginning of time. And don't for a second, think it's easy, because it isn't.

Not only is hunting done as a hobby, but as someone with a lot of food related health issues (due to all the tampering done from the previous generations), it's pretty much the only way to get fresh untampered meat these days without paying double the cost.

Sure there's always going to be those jerks who make hunters look bad, but that's the case for anything. And yes, there are hunters who mainly hunt for trophy, but the meat still doesn't go to waste. If they don't eat it, they donate it to people who need it.

And people need to drop the whole Christian thing. As a Christian I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with it. Most of the hunters I know are Christians. In fact I know a few pastors who are hunters. From a Christian standpoint it's completely fine. In fact I believe that God would rather have us hunting for our food than genetically tampering with animals who are born, live and die in cages barely bigger than themselves.

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As a hunter I can say you hit the nail on the head pretty much. Most of the hate comes from ignorance and a fake sense of being "holier than thou". People ignore the ugly facts about how their food ends up on their own plates. To me, unless you are a completely devout vegetarian, you have no argument. The process that brings the meat to the store is far more barbaric and unjust than going out into the bush and taking the time and energy to find, kill, clean and prepare the animal yourself. It's how it's been done since the beginning of time. And don't for a second, think it's easy, because it isn't.

Not only is hunting done as a hobby, but as someone with a lot of food related health issues (due to all the tampering done from the previous generations), it's pretty much the only way to get fresh untampered meat these days without paying double the cost.

Sure there's always going to be those jerks who make hunters look bad, but that's the case for anything. And yes, there are hunters who mainly hunt for trophy, but the meat still doesn't go to waste. If they don't eat it, they donate it to people who need it.

And people need to drop the whole Christian thing. As a Christian I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with it. Most of the hunters I know are Christians. In fact I know a few pastors who are hunters. From a Christian standpoint it's completely fine. In fact I believe that God would rather have us hunting for our food than genetically tampering with animals who are born, live and die in cages barely bigger than themselves.

Christians know something about killing! If Gino wants to whoop Nolan he had better look back to their last encounter

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