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[Report] Torts Suspended 6 Games


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Is this just pretty much a "they can't win so I don't care about them anymore" post?

If so...good riddance. bye.

Take Manatee with you. You guys can sniff each others farts and pat yourselves on the back to how realistic you are. Or fap I don't care.

And Manatee if you think they aren't getting money from you; think again. You want to prove a point you had better stop posting because if you haven't noticed this site has ads. Those ads are driven by traffic and you are creating traffic.

I don't see any ads, bro. I use the mobile version.

Even if I did see ads, any money they make off of the traffic isn't coming out of my pocket. Sure, I pay for internet service but the bill's the same if I come here or not.

You've been served. Apologize.

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clearly he didn't give a flying you know what......in fact he wasn't thinking of anyone else when he went storming through the halls of Rogers Arena. I don't agree with him starting his 4th line, but there's nothing wrong with it. It was the subsequent screaming at Hartley on the bench, then the between periods crap.......he embarassed himself, his family, the organization and the league. He's lucky he didn't get more.

Well, the jury is certainly out on whether he embarrassed the organization. If this team turns the corner, we make an unexpected great run in the playoffs, or even all the way to the cup finals, Torts will be seen more as a hero. And if by chance we do win the cup - this season or over the next couple - Torts will be a hero.

Himself, I don't think he cares if it turns the team around for the better. His family certainly knows who he is, so I'm sure they support him anyway. As for the league, the NHL is doing a good job of embarrassing itself as it is.

Some confrontation in life is necessary for change. If he was swinging sticks and punching players, I'd be more insensitive and critical. So the guy shook things up and stirred the pot. That's exactly what this organization needs.

And if we do it the uncomfortable way, well, we've already tried every other way over the past 40 years. No matter how we do it, no one will respect us anyway. 2011 proved that point.

At this stage with the Canucks, I'm all about doing things we normally wouldn't do ... even if it stirs the pot.

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He put out his fourth line, a line he hasn't started first all season long. And Westgarth @ center doesn't even play center. Either he was trying to start something or such decisions may be indicative of why the Flames suck.

The I-put-my-4th-liners-out-because-they-scored-last-game argument fell apart when you look at McGrattan's (the only Flame not to get ejected) 2:48 of total icetime. Second lowest Calgary icetime was Galiardi at 13:55.

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clearly he didn't give a flying you know what......in fact he wasn't thinking of anyone else when he went storming through the halls of Rogers Arena. I don't agree with him starting his 4th line, but there's nothing wrong with it. It was the subsequent screaming at Hartley on the bench, then the between periods crap.......he embarassed himself, his family, the organization and the league. He's lucky he didn't get more.

really? I think you underestimate Torts by a wide margin. I firmly believe this was a calculated move. he's far too intelligent and caring of his team to make this about himself as you suggest. I think you are mistaken. Just because this an unprecedented incident doesn't mean it was purely impulsive.
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The I-put-my-4th-liners-out-because-they-scored-last-game argument fell apart when you look at McGrattan's (the only Flame not to get ejected) 2:48 of total icetime. Second lowest Calgary icetime was Galiardi at 13:55.

Didn't Burkie also state a few days prior that he didn't like how his team was playing and that it needed to change? I've heard this mentioned a few times on 1040..

Who's better a opponent to make that statement against than the "soft" Canucks.

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So what, because his dad works in the NHL office he shouldn't be allowed to play the game he has worked his whole life on to achieve his childhood dream of playing it professionally? And it's not like Gregory Campbell isn't worthy of playing in the NHL, guy is a great 4th line centreman and I would take him on my team in a heartbeat. I usually think you are a pretty well thought out poster, but no offence that comment is naive and dumb.

So how on Earth is he fairly applying discipline if his son's team is involved in the mix? Do you REALLY think he wouldn't weigh a little in favour of his son? If you don't think he would, that's rather naive/dumb.

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I don't see any ads, bro. I use the mobile version.

Even if I did see ads, any money they make off of the traffic isn't coming out of my pocket. Sure, I pay for internet service but the bill's the same if I come here or not.

You've been served. Apologize.

you don't see ads so they don't exist?!?

Traffic is traffic guy.

*drops mic*

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He put out his fourth line, a line he hasn't started first all season long. And Westgarth @ center doesn't even play center. Either he was trying to start something or such decisions may be indicative of why the Flames suck.

I'm pretty sure B. Jones got waived out.
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I know I'm late to this party, but I'll throw my 2 cents in the ring saying I have no problem with what Torts did... especially in light of the fact he is clearly trying to initiate a culture shift on this team that is very set in its ways. We have a victim, turn-the-other-cheek mentality that simply cannot be fun to play with after all these years. We've all seen this group look disinterested and uninspired the past 2 playoffs - whether these actions pay dividends now or later it was, quite frankly, inevitable.

It's not the Canucks' job to play "clean hockey" it is not the Canucks' job to be ambassadors of the game, it is not the Canucks' job to make the league look good - the Canucks need to do what's best for the Canucks and right now that is consistently sticking up for themselves when getting pushed around.

The bottom line is that while the new "Tortorella" style doesn't exactly suit our current team, this isn't a group that is likely to contend for the cup as-is anyways.. what better time to set the table and try to cultivate a tougher brand? Gillis seems on board with getting bigger/stronger/tougher so Torts is just setting the table while the pieces (hopefully) begin to fall into place.

As for 6 games? Who cares - Gulutzan and Sullivan have both been head coaches at this level I'm sure they can survive for 2 weeks without John. As for this team surviving without growing a spine? I'm not so confident.

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Didn't Burkie also state a few days prior that he didn't like how his team was playing and that it needed to change? I've heard this mentioned a few times on 1040..

Who's better a opponent to make that statement against than the "soft" Canucks.

We showed them man. We showed them. The rest of the League saw it and other coaches will think twice before pulling this crap on us.

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Good point, but I watched and it's Westgarth at center from the get go

Agree. No one got waived out.

And I really want to get the transcript of the conversation between Westgarth, Lain and Bieksa before the puck dropped.

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It's not the Canucks' job to play "clean hockey" it is not the Canucks' job to be ambassadors of the game, it is not the Canucks' job to make the league look good - the Canucks need to do what's best for the Canucks and right now that is consistently sticking up for themselves when getting pushed around.


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euphoria/, on 21 January 2014 - 03:54 PM, said:

Price is right, Hartley didn't force Torts to put out our enforcers. We could have put out the Sedins and Booth with Tanev and Hamhuis, turtled, and got a powerplay.

That sounds like a great way to play the game .. :lol:

Sounds like what we were doing before this year.

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