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[Rumour] Team1040 Doug Maclean


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you didn't find it intriguing that tortorella mentioned kesler would be getting a full physical in the middle of the season when the injury is to his hand?

Or, it could just be that the team knows that Kesler is a bit of a numpty and doesn't always speak up about every little ache or pain or bad back issue, so if you have in the shop anyways you may as well get the full check up..



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Or, it could just be that the team knows that Kesler is a bit of a numpty and doesn't always speak up about every little ache or pain or bad back issue, so if you have in the shop anyways you may as well get the full check up..



maybe. probably not though.

its probably more likely that i misconstrued tortorella's words. the way it was phrased it was hard to tell if he meant do tests on everything, or do tests on everything related to the hand. the guy is pretty inarticulate at the best of times and has a tendency to mangle sentences to the point of being nearly unintelligible.

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MacLean heard the Kesler rumours long before Dreger and McKenzie. He also didn't like them and knew Van fans would be upset because, as a few people have mentioned, Kesler for Sutter and Depres is ridiculous. This is why MacLean didn't mention any names or teams.

I personally really enjoy listening to Doug MacLean, I think he is refreshing and has a lot of contacts in the NHL. I also believe he is very respected around the league, despite having limited success as a GM (Brule>Price lol). I really don't understand the hate for him on these boards. While we are on that, Kypreos isn't as bad as people think either, and he was the first to report the St. Louis rumour, which the player himself indirectly confirmed today.

Meanwhile, I'm personally getting very bored of TSN's Dreger, Lebrun and MacKenzie who have been spewing out the same crap all year. Even Lebrun's side articles on ESPN have *edit* become* stale.


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maybe. probably not though.

its probably more likely that i misconstrued tortorella's words. the way it was phrased it was hard to tell if he meant do tests on everything, or do tests on everything related to the hand. the guy is pretty inarticulate at the best of times and has a tendency to mangle sentences to the point of being nearly unintelligible.

I didn't hear what Tortorella actually said, so maybe you are correct, chum.

Were any of the other guys who went to Russia mentioned in the discussion? It could be that all of them are going for check ups with team medical staff, and we're only hearing about Kesler as he is the one guy who has an injury issue.

I suppose it comes down to this: I'd see there was a whole ot more smoke/fire if Kesler was the only guy being examined, and that he was being examined by doctors who had connections to another team.



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If pitts wants kesler then Beau Bennet needs to be part of the deal

Too bad Bennett's hand is going to need another full month to recover. Though I would love a deal with Kesler, Edler, Prospect X for Neal, Bennett and Pouliot/Maata. Vancouver is getting the better deal but if they trade Kesler then they HAVE to win the deal or it's a no go. Remember Neal and Niskanen were traded for Goligoski. Bad trades for one team do happen sometimes.

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Sutter and Despres are not enough for Kesler. Especially considering the fact that Holmgren WILL drive the price up whether theyre interested or not, which I believe that they actually are.

Sutter, Maata/Pouliot, 1st

With Phily, I think you need one of Schenn and Couturier back....

INteresting debate as to which one to ask for. Schenn is a year and 4 months older, uses his body more, plays both C/LW, and has much more experience on the PP rather than the PK.. But the younger Couturier is by all reports projected to be the better all around center, wholl play more PK than PP, and block more shots.

I think based on the Canucks current needs, and current prospects in the system, that Schenn would be the better addition. He hasnt found offensive consistency at the NHL level yet, but the 22 year olds 18 points in 7 games at the 10/11 WJHCs lead me to believe that theres a lot more there. He also strikes me as a Tortorella type player.

The nucks would like to get a 1st round pick back in this deal aswell, and possibly more.

The other way I could see them go with PHilly is a Voracek, Laughton combo, though I doubt theyd go there.

CBJ is interesting aswell.... But Johansen wouldnt be available.... UNLESS.... They wanted to replace Tyutin with Edler aswell.

Kesler, Edler for Johansen, Nikitin, 1st

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Kesler to philly for Simmonds and b schenn. Rebuild done.

if we could get that i would be happy. id even add something to make it happen, nothing huge though. Thats 1 top 6 forward who is almost 30 for 2 young guys who are both top 6 guys now.

Thats the kind of value we need back, not brandon sutter. Pouliot would be nice, but not as a main piece for kesler. edler is a different story

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if we could get that i would be happy. id even add something to make it happen, nothing huge though. Thats 1 top 6 forward who is almost 30 for 2 young guys who are both top 6 guys now.

Thats the kind of value we need back, not brandon sutter. Pouliot would be nice, but not as a main piece for kesler. edler is a different story

Yup and that's what guys like Jeff Carter and Mike Richards brought back. I'd take kesler over those two any day, so that return is not out of the question. Plus Kesler's contract is way more attractive then the 10 year deals these two had.

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Yup and that's what guys like Jeff Carter and Mike Richards brought back. I'd take kesler over those two any day, so that return is not out of the question. Plus Kesler's contract is way more attractive then the 10 year deals these two had.

yes and no, they are signed longterm at a good cap hit. Both players were good, now they are still valuable but not the same player. I think it would be hard to get both from philly in a deal. Lets make it Holmgren-esque

Kesler, Edler


Schenns, Simmonds pick/hagg/prospect

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yes and no, they are signed longterm at a good cap hit. Both players were good, now they are still valuable but not the same player. I think it would be hard to get both from philly in a deal. Lets make it Holmgren-esque

Kesler, Edler


Schenns, Simmonds pick/hagg/prospect

I dont like it .. I know we usually over value our players but i feel this might be under valuing ..
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yes and no, they are signed longterm at a good cap hit. Both players were good, now they are still valuable but not the same player. I think it would be hard to get both from philly in a deal. Lets make it Holmgren-esque

Kesler, Edler


Schenns, Simmonds pick/hagg/prospect

No way would I do this as a nucks fan. Totally undervaluing both kesler and edler. Luke Schenn is crap wouldn't be in our top 4 dmen and the rest doesn't make up for the value kesler and elder have. Would trade them separately to maximize return as well.

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Can't recall the user but he posted a deal of Etem, Silferberg, Theodore & Ottawas 1st as a potential deal for Kesler and to me that would be a good deal that could accelerate the retool. It would suck playing Kesler 6 - 7 times a year but if Ottawa misses the playoffs thats at least a top 15 pick with potential for top 10 and of course depending on how Vancouver does that could be 2 top 15 picks this year. Adding 2 of Virtakinen, Tuch, Perlini etc on top of that Anaheim offer would really set the club up going forward.

I could see Edler to Pittsburgh being another interesting move now that Martin is out as well as Letang. Pouliot + 1st (their 1st will be on the low end of it) would be a decent haul for Edler although Pittsburgh may not want to make a deal like that. It would give them a pretty solid Dman signed at a good deal for the next 4 - 5 years so it would be a win now type of trade for Pittsburgh and again on the Vancouver end its an offensive Dman that has a pretty high ceiling although not sure when he would be able to step into the lineup and help out it never hurts to add players of that potential to the lineup.

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oh yes trading them seperately is the right move. Gillis could do both now or at the draft. If he does and he gets a solid return, I would definitely have to give him credit and take back firing him. But if he stays the course and doesnt move these assets while they have their best value, we could go down the road of having to do a full rebuild and take less back and hope draft picks turn out.

where i would prefer moving them now and getting back players that can play now.

kesler is our version now of Linden. No one wanted him gone, but look at the return we got and how it helped us down the road greatly. This is why i would be ok trading Kesler, if we netted a good package

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