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(Rumour) torts almost removed updated botch


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He should be gone for all the reasons you just listed. But knowing ownership they will bring him back and Torts will be the one that gets fired.

His new age ideas, the signings of collegiate players, adding Tortorella to coach the team, signing Sundin, getting Hammer and letting Ohlund go.... letting Mitchell go

Those moves have been magic and I don't think MG should be fired. Also, the fact that he managed to get something for Luongo is a big redeemer for me.

Call me crazy, I don't think Torts is the problem and I think Gillis deserves to stay here and set the course for this team. Keeping him as Team President has the added benefit of providing a shield from our intrusive ownership group.

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How does winning against the Flames change anything? Is beating one of the worst teams in the leage now a barometer of future success?

If I'm Aquilini, I'd do a full-on house-cleaning and get rid of Gillis, Torts (even though I don't think he's the problem), and much of the scouting staff. Hire a new GM, on the agreement that there needs to be wholesale changes moving forward. When teams like Chicago, Boston, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Anaheim continue to stock up their prospect pools with good, young talent, even though they're not drafting in the top ten, that says something about our scouting and development. You can't say that they are continuously "lucky". Put yourself in a favorable position to go after one of McDavid/Eichel/Hanifin/Barzal and start selling the Vancouver ticket-buyers hope and potential, by trading away many of your aging pieces for youth. Canucks fans would be more content cheering for a group of hungry young guns, over a collection of overly-content vets (resting on their high paycheques and NTCs).

Is a shoot-from-the-hip move like that the right one? Who knows for sure. But, as a businessman, Aquilini cannot afford to keep peddling the same product. How can you possibly sell this core, this management team, and this scouting staff to the public? You can't, if you want us to continue buying tickets.

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NOTHING but the term core I said applies to the Sedins. I said the core refuses to work with anyone, which is the opposite of the Sedins. I assumed that would have been clear enough reading my post, but clearly not.

I'm talking Kesler, Elder, Booth, Burrows, etc.

lol. So you are talking about our core, but you didn't include the Sedins when you mention the term "core"? FFS how did you put Booth in our core?

And for your information, Burrows is canerous? arguably the most hardworking player on our team who can play in any situation is a cancer because he has a bad season in like forever??

Kesler is cancer? the dude who Tort is hanging on to save his job by playing him 25 mins a game is a cancer? I guess Raymond and Samuelsson's career season had nothing to do with him because he's such a cancer and refuse to work with anyone

The only ppl on your so call core list that can arguably to put the blame on is Edler and ffs he's quite a decent defensman.

Quite smoking joints, it's bad for your brain

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Relying on shot blocking means you're spending more time in your own zone and risking injury.

Puck possession and winning board battles is the only system that should be taught.

The Canucks seem way too comfortable giving up the puck, and retreating into their own zone.

Not to mention the horrible ratio of pucks deflected into their OWN net...vs the ones they are able to jam-in past the oppositions' goalies.

Failed "shot-blocking" has some ugly consequences....like broken sticks causing fire-drills, pin-balling of pucks, broken bones & other incapacitating injuries to players... & massive screens put-up infront of our goal-tenders. There's also the inevitable goalie interference by our OWN players. What ever happened to clear-out the front of the net so the 'tender can see the puck? So much risk... & where's the "big" reward?

It used to be:.... go get the puck
. ....hold onto the puck
,... trap a couple of the opponents on the ice with the cycle ,
.....savier & rested players (Sedins) wear 'em down further so they can't change for fresh legs.
.....this creates a break-down & an opening to score.
That's how it used to be.

Now this all-in defense...collapses far back & away from the opposition as they tire.
.... dogmatic & opportunistic fore-checkers skate hungry extra miles.
.... this spreads 'em out & the often intercepted-pass results in kaos.
.....like poor-line changes, odd-man rushes against & deflating turned over scoring ops.
......Torts never rotates his lines - evenly. He trusts only a handful of players
.......the legs & minds of the over-deployed players wear-out... & they need to cheat
.......other teams takes advantage of opportunistic lapses & score.
......some players sit on the bench cold & get into NO rhythm out there.
.......why this excessive line-juggling, start to finish, especially with young rookie players?
........what are those practices even for? IsTortorella even there or is it just his assts?

Hey -Torts! These guys DON'T play for an 0-6 team. We are all Canucks, here & that means outsiders looking-in & always feeling the full weight of a power-structure exercised by the league king-pins & their voting-block brothers. Since Auger-gate, this has meant... more penalties against,... more suspensions & fewer penalties in favor....plus non-calls galore, while other teams feel they can take more aggressive liberties on the 'Nucks without consequences....because the 'Nucks aren't tight with the king-pins in-power & are clearly among the dis-favored.

Welcome to the Pacific Division, Torts! And ...to Canada.....to the excessive travel....& to the land of the DPS's favorite whipping boys! Torts apparently didn't read the pre-hire memos & understood NONE of all this coming in. He's a fossil in coaching-style...all bravado & disrespect. He's been on a terrible-learning curve & is still quite alien to the ways of the West....and NOT showing an eagerness to change his stripes or to adapt any of his pre-conceived mantras.

The penduluum over-swung in compensating for AV's lack of passion. It needs to stop swinging NOW. Hire a more intelligent coach with sounder abilities to teach both defensive responsibilties & to brain-storm solutions that will train-up & facilitate more offensive creativity & scoring ops - too.I don't want to hear him say..."I don't coach offense...I just leave that up to the players to figure out for themselves." This market expects to SEE more entertaining games with plenty of exciting goal-scoring, done by the home-team. We used to have that.

Torts will never fullfill this bill - tho' ...& wishful thinking can't make it so!
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do you have anything to back up your opinion on Tort other than he had a stanley cup ring? no? Too bad

Well, in the last ten years, a John Tortorella-coached team has only missed the playoffs twice. During that time, he's won a Stanley Cup, been to the Conference Finals, and led an offensively-inept 11-12 Rangers team to a 109 point season, in the toughest division in hockey.

Ignoring his success is ludicrous and exactly the same as brushing off the fact that the Canucks' current core went to the Stanley Cup Finals. However, unlike hockey players (who can age and lose their scoring touch), coaches don't simply forget how to coach. It's just that this core of players were very sheltered and, to be honest, a bit spoiled and Torts' system clearly isn't the solution. Vigneult understood that and played a system that got the most out of the guys. However, to me, that says more about this core than it does Torts.

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If anyone on this board thinks the twins are "taking the money and run" type guys, explain to me how they always test the best overall, at training camp each and every year? Come on people you can do better than that.

take the money and run kinda guys dont donate millions to a childrens hospital in your province .. shame on you folks ..
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If CDC hasn't figured out that the media are liars, trying to create their own attention getters, than there is no help for you. Call them the TMZ of the NHL.

Its BS, these guys are just reading twitter and going with the most edgy story they can.

Why would a game against Calgary change anything? Seriously, if we lose then we are bad and if we win who cares because they are terrible.

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His style may have helped them win in the playoffs. Too bad it takes a hockey season to get there.

If you take away the one year he won the cup his playoff numbers are terrible. Even with the cup run he is under .500.

Torts isn't the problem. The locker room full of selfish man children who refuse to work with anyone else is. This core is cancerous and I feel sorry for whoever trades for these prima donnas.

Change it up and rebuild. Start around Horvat, Shinkaruk, Jensen, Corrado, Tanev, Lack and Markström and go from there.

If you can judge the current roster what makes you think they are any better? If anything Torts seemed to have more feuds with some of his younger players

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My two bits, Torts has relied on the go to guys since he got here. The twins, whom I think are worn down, Kesler, huge minutes, and for the first time in three seasons, healthy. Santorelli, when he was in the lineup, Burrows hurt most of the season with Torts demands, and to some degree, Higgins. The travel, the injuries, and the coaching strategy has played havoc with that group. The defense, other than Tanev have all struggled with Torts' new system, and at times look so damn lost out on the ice. Is it any wonder that the Canucks this season are struggling. A healthy team would do wonders, no doubt about it. You can only go to the well a few times, and not expect what's happened to this point.

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You are a goof

Poile is 10x the GM Gillis is

Gillis overview;

- good free agent signings (brought in Hamhuis, Garrison etc.//)

- good cap on signings but...

- TO MANY NTC -similar number or less NTCs than most other top teams

- trades: this should be fun

- got Booth (great 4.2 cap hit for 10 points) -cost was Samuelsson and Sturm, and Booth had 29 points in 52 games his first season with us, injuries couldn't have been predicted to have the effect they did

- Kassian for Hodgson (I don't want to hear their developing... we got wrecked on this deal and I don't care about his attitude.Trade him for more if he is a major issue) -just because you don't want to hear it doesn't mean it wasn't a reasonable trade involving a player that wanted out

- Schneider for Horvat.... no explaining needed -I would have liked an extra piece, but did you get a better offer we should have taken (for Schneider or Luongo)

- only good trade was Higgins -Ehrhoff? Lappiere? I feel you haven't researched that properly

- Luongo deal was decent AT BEST - again, you know of a better deal for a goalie that wanted out?

- BALLARD DEAL -a good defender in Phoenix and Florida brought in to fill a hole that wasn't yet filled by Hamhuis, didn't work here but we sent them a cap dump and a player that only turned his game around after being waived by the Panthers, the 1st (Howden) hasn't turned into anything special at this point

- let Erhoff walk... -he didn't let him walk, he offered him a deal similar to Bieksa and Ehrhoff turned it down, so he traded him for a 4th rather than let him walk

- the way he treated Luongo - deserves termination by itself -Gillis didn't choose Lack over Luongo at the Heritage Classic, nor Schneider over Lu in the Kings playoff series, the coaches did based on those goalies improved stats compared to Luongo

- the fact he did NOTHING -I think it's pretty clearly established he did lots of things

- we have had major issues 3 straight seasons (lack of top 6 forward, and 3rd line center, which he just addressed) -easier said than done to get a true top 6 forward, Booth was an attempt at that, good 3rd line centers don't grow on trees as well, but Pahlsson, Roy, Richardson - what else do you want?

- offense has been an issue all season and he didn't add anyone -yes, because again top 6 guys are easy to find, he should have traded Kesler and a 1st for Vanek I guess?

- is totally oblivious to the fact we need a rebuild. see Kesler still here for evidence -Sutter plus a late 1st and 2nd for Kesler is a deal you'd take? now we know you're crazy

- rejected rumored excellent deals for Luongo - got greedy -I heard of no rumours I'd accept, feel free to share your sources that prove me wrong

- I simply can never get over how he treated Luongo... and for those assuming oo its one guy. No. Gillis likely made everyone else realize that Vancouver is a horrible destination. -pretty sure we've covered that already

- we had the best tandem arguably in the NHL for years and got them for a prospect, AHL goalie (granite with potential) and a 3rd line center. -that return sucks but you wanted to trade Kesler for the crap the Pens offered?

- screwed us in cap as well -I assume you're talking about the $800K in retained cap for Luongo, or maybe the as yet undetermined cap recapture penalty that the NHL put into effect after the fact, clearly Gillis' fault

- and DRAFTING. 1 guy has played 50+ games for Canucks since 2005! Raymond... and he went away for nothing. I know scouts are mainly responsible for this... but he is the dam GM... -you can't not give him credit for Hodgson just because he traded him, Schroeder has 46 NHL games, Jensen, Archibald, Corrado, Grenier and Hutton developing well, Tanev and Lack grabbed for free as undrafted players, Horvat, Shinkaruk, Cassels and Gaunce looking to make impacts from recent drafts soon - it's nowhere near as bad as you're suggesting

Boggles the mind is right.

- check no trade clauses buddy. we have way more than other teams. we have 9 compared to LA at 1, Rangers 4

- you got me on Erhoff. My mistake.

- yes low cost for Booth, but bad pick up anyway. I will forgive Gillis on this since Kesler apparently was behind bringing in Booth. I also feel he is never utilized properly by coaches

- i am complaining he took over 3 years to get a top 6. Its hard, sure. Should not take this long. Other teams add them, why can't he?

- Luongo situation is way more than the heritage classic. You try being a professional and being told for almost 2 years and neing told you will be traded.Then to ride backup. Heritage classic was a huge insult but more on Torts.

- Prospects - better now but we got Horvat for overpayment. You seem to know this and blame the situation (understandable). Shinkaruk was a fluke since Calgary is stupid. Gaunce is pretty good. Cassels and Jensen are fine. Our prospects look better but you can't deny this 50 games drafting. Raymond went in 05 I believe so that means nobody played 50 games in a Canucks uniform since Gillis era in 2007. Hodgson is a stretch considering he got dealt. I can count Kassian? How are teams like Hawks, Pens and Bruins (Red Wings to!) able to use draft picks well?

- Kesler deal - I have heard that rumor but also heard a Sutter, 1st, Desperes or Pouliot and Bennett. - This deal should have been done if true. The one you posted should have been rejected, as he did.

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Well, in the last ten years, a John Tortorella-coached team has only missed the playoffs twice. During that time, he's won a Stanley Cup, been to the Conference Finals, and led an offensively-inept 11-12 Rangers team to a 109 point season, in the toughest division in hockey.

Ignoring his success is ludicrous and exactly the same as brushing off the fact that the Canucks' current core went to the Stanley Cup Finals. However, unlike hockey players (who can age and lose their scoring touch), coaches don't simply forget how to coach. It's just that this core of players were very sheltered and, to be honest, a bit spoiled and Torts' system clearly isn't the solution. Vigneult understood that and played a system that got the most out of the guys. However, to me, that says more about this core than it does Torts.

I am not saying Tort's system doesn't work in the NHL anymore. I am saying that the rosters on this team doesn't fit with Tort's style.

let me repeat what I said before, what do you want to do? sell the team when our players have arguable the worst trade value in the last decade? or change to a coach that can actually fit the style our players play?

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You are a goof

Poile is 10x the GM Gillis is

Gillis overview;

- good free agent signings (brought in Hamhuis, Garrison etc.//)

- good cap on signings but...

- TO MANY NTC -similar number or less NTCs than most other top teams

- trades: this should be fun

- got Booth (great 4.2 cap hit for 10 points) -cost was Samuelsson and Sturm, and Booth had 29 points in 52 games his first season with us, injuries couldn't have been predicted to have the effect they did

- Kassian for Hodgson (I don't want to hear their developing... we got wrecked on this deal and I don't care about his attitude.Trade him for more if he is a major issue) -just because you don't want to hear it doesn't mean it wasn't a reasonable trade involving a player that wanted out

- Schneider for Horvat.... no explaining needed -I would have liked an extra piece, but did you get a better offer we should have taken (for Schneider or Luongo)

- only good trade was Higgins -Ehrhoff? Lappiere? I feel you haven't researched that properly

- Luongo deal was decent AT BEST - again, you know of a better deal for a goalie that wanted out?

- BALLARD DEAL -a good defender in Phoenix and Florida brought in to fill a hole that wasn't yet filled by Hamhuis, didn't work here but we sent them a cap dump and a player that only turned his game around after being waived by the Panthers, the 1st (Howden) hasn't turned into anything special at this point

- let Erhoff walk... -he didn't let him walk, he offered him a deal similar to Bieksa and Ehrhoff turned it down, so he traded him for a 4th rather than let him walk

- the way he treated Luongo - deserves termination by itself -Gillis didn't choose Lack over Luongo at the Heritage Classic, nor Schneider over Lu in the Kings playoff series, the coaches did based on those goalies improved stats compared to Luongo

- the fact he did NOTHING -I think it's pretty clearly established he did lots of things

- we have had major issues 3 straight seasons (lack of top 6 forward, and 3rd line center, which he just addressed) -easier said than done to get a true top 6 forward, Booth was an attempt at that, good 3rd line centers don't grow on trees as well, but Pahlsson, Roy, Richardson - what else do you want?

- offense has been an issue all season and he didn't add anyone -yes, because again top 6 guys are easy to find, he should have traded Kesler and a 1st for Vanek I guess?

- is totally oblivious to the fact we need a rebuild. see Kesler still here for evidence -Sutter plus a late 1st and 2nd for Kesler is a deal you'd take? now we know you're crazy

- rejected rumored excellent deals for Luongo - got greedy -I heard of no rumours I'd accept, feel free to share your sources that prove me wrong

- I simply can never get over how he treated Luongo... and for those assuming oo its one guy. No. Gillis likely made everyone else realize that Vancouver is a horrible destination. -pretty sure we've covered that already

- we had the best tandem arguably in the NHL for years and got them for a prospect, AHL goalie (granite with potential) and a 3rd line center. -that return sucks but you wanted to trade Kesler for the crap the Pens offered?

- screwed us in cap as well -I assume you're talking about the $800K in retained cap for Luongo, or maybe the as yet undetermined cap recapture penalty that the NHL put into effect after the fact, clearly Gillis' fault

- and DRAFTING. 1 guy has played 50+ games for Canucks since 2005! Raymond... and he went away for nothing. I know scouts are mainly responsible for this... but he is the dam GM... -you can't not give him credit for Hodgson just because he traded him, Schroeder has 46 NHL games, Jensen, Archibald, Corrado, Grenier and Hutton developing well, Tanev and Lack grabbed for free as undrafted players, Horvat, Shinkaruk, Cassels and Gaunce looking to make impacts from recent drafts soon - it's nowhere near as bad as you're suggesting

- check no trade clauses buddy. we have way more than other teams. we have 9 compared to LA at 1, Rangers 4

- you got me on Erhoff. My mistake.

- yes low cost for Booth, but bad pick up anyway. I will forgive Gillis on this since Kesler apparently was behind bringing in Booth. I also feel he is never utilized properly by coaches

- i am complaining he took over 3 years to get a top 6. Its hard, sure. Should not take this long. Other teams add them, why can't he?

- Luongo situation is way more than the heritage classic. You try being a professional and being told for almost 2 years and neing told you will be traded.Then to ride backup. Heritage classic was a huge insult but more on Torts.

- Prospects - better now but we got Horvat for overpayment. You seem to know this and blame the situation (understandable). Shinkaruk was a fluke since Calgary is stupid. Gaunce is pretty good. Cassels and Jensen are fine. Our prospects look better but you can't deny this 50 games drafting. Raymond went in 05 I believe so that means nobody played 50 games in a Canucks uniform since Gillis era in 2007. Hodgson is a stretch considering he got dealt. I can count Kassian? How are teams like Hawks, Pens and Bruins (Red Wings to!) able to use draft picks well?

- Kesler deal - I have heard that rumor but also heard a Sutter, 1st, Desperes or Pouliot and Bennett. - This deal should have been done if true. The one you posted should have been rejected, as he did.

you may want to check out the amount of ntc other teams have before saying this nonsense.

but then again most of the stuffs from that big block of text are painful to read...so i don't blame you

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I am not saying Tort's system doesn't work in the NHL anymore. I am saying that the rosters on this team doesn't fit with Tort's style.

let me repeat what I said before, what do you want to do? sell the team when our players have arguable the worst trade value in the last decade? or change to a coach that can actually fit the style our players play?

We could hold on to them and cross our fingers that a coaching change will magically reverse the fortunes of this aging core. Calgary did the same thing and it worked wonders for them...

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His new age ideas, the signings of collegiate players, adding Tortorella to coach the team, signing Sundin, getting Hammer and letting Ohlund go.... letting Mitchell go

Those moves have been magic and I don't think MG should be fired. Also, the fact that he managed to get something for Luongo is a big redeemer for me.

Call me crazy, I don't think Torts is the problem and I think Gillis deserves to stay here and set the course for this team. Keeping him as Team President has the added benefit of providing a shield from our intrusive ownership group.

Ownership wanted Torts, Gillis didn't and wanted John Stevens. Sundin signing was awful, played half season and thankfully he only took 1 year deal and not 2 year deal that was originally offered. Hamhuis signing was one of the few good moves Gillis has made. Gillis is totally incompetent and solely has caused this entire situation. All the moves he's made in his time here easily have been more bad then good. Not even close. You actually trust Gillis to do rebuild? Most GM's won't deal with him and those who do certainly won't do him any favors and lowball him as much as possible. What exactly has Gillis done to deserve not being dismissed?! In addition to how Gillis and this entire organization has treated players (Luongo, Manny to name a few) and fans.

Lets look at his some of other "magical" moves in his tenure:

Acquiring Booth - Injury prone and totally overrated. Waste of money.

Acquiring Kassian for Hodgson - Dumb trade. Kassian will never amount to anything. Hodgson surely would help the lack of scoring.

Trading Ehrhoff's rights - PP hasn't been the same since he left.

Torres Walked - One of the very few guys who brought much needed toughness which this team lacked.

Trading Schneider and Luongo - Dealing Top 2 goalie tandem in the entire league, both are #1 goalies and Gillis doesn't have much to show for return. Gillis got fleeced on Schenider return. Horvat could turn out to be good or decent player but clearly not enough of return. Luo return not much was expected with his contract. It was more of case of ownership instructing Gillis to move him because of all the negative press Canucks were getting about Luo not playing in Heritage Classic. Luo should have been moved year ago but Gillis was being greedy and asking for too much, and ownership at that time didn't want to take back any of contract.

Acquiring Ballard - Awful. Nothing more needs to be said. It didn't help that AV had it out for him.

Acquring Bernier

Signing Sturm

Salo Walked - You can make the argument of his age and being injured alot but i'd much rather have him and his booming shot over Garrison, who can't even get his big shot on net alot of the time.

Trading Grabner - What more really needs to be said here.

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We could hold on to them and cross our fingers that a coaching change will magically reverse the fortunes of this aging core. Calgary did the same thing and it worked wonders for them...

STOP using calgary as THE example of how every team should trade away their players when they reach the age of 30 ffs. I am sick and tired of seeing people using Calgary as an example WHENEVER they want to convince ppl we should sell the whole ???? team.

Lets take a look at what we have on the canucks:

- TWO, i repeat TWO, TWO, TWO, 100 points players who had won the hart AND art ross just a little more than 2 years ago.

- A selke winner who is probably one of the best two way forward in the league who is in his late 20s

- a defense core consist of Edler, Bieksa, Ham, and Garrison. Then we have the up and coming defenseman such as Tanev and Stanton. Other than Bieksa who is in the older age category, the rest of the freaking defense core are eitehr in their freaking 20s or just reach 30s.

almost ALL of those defensmans are capable of reaching the 30-40 points mark regularly

- our goalies are all under 30 now

- our role players such as Hansen, and Kassian are all in their 20s

Let see what Calgary had before:

- Iginla

- Kipper

Did i miss anyone else?

STOP comparing vancouver to Calgary. Our team's roster is ALOT deeper than calgary. The only thing that calgary hang onto for too long is Iginla. Other than that they failed because of their bad prospect development and team direction.

like i said again and again, youc an sell your whole team when all your players have the lowest trade value, or you can find a new coach to spark the team. You seem to leaning towards the "buy high sell VERY low" model, which just amaze me.

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Acquiring Kassian for Hodgson - Dumb trade. Kassian will never amount to anything. Hodgson surely would help the lack of scoring.

Way too premature to be saying that.

The mistake was trading away center depth for winger depth, and having no real plan to replace it.

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