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Letter from Mike Gillis to Canucks STH


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Agree with what you said except the part I pointed out. Matthias is already a bonified 3rd line player so in no way can he be a 3rd line player at tops lol. He's a 2nd line player tops and currently an excellent 3rd liner.
Already? He's 26. We're going to know what his upside is by now. He's a 2nd line player all right. On a bad team.
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I'm sorry. Are you the fact police? Well, you'll have to wait until what I predicted actually transpires, officer.

You'll find CDC to be full of personal opinions, btw.

You seemed so confident when you said it though. Backtracking already?

I know. Doesn't mean I can't have a little bit of fun with it once in a while

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You seemed so confident when you said it though. Backtracking already?

I know. Doesn't mean I can't have a little bit of fun with it once in a while though

Doesn't mean I can't make

Um, no i'm not backtracking already. I offered an easy and really, redundant obvservation based on what's been happening with the team lately and you for some reason have been going on and on about it.

In all seriousness, do you see our vets being in a winning-capable service window by the time our prospect group is ready to perform in a winning-capable service level? Considering how spent the vets look now, and how far away our prospects look now, to me it's a simple deduction. Barring a miracle trade where we get great young players for essentially our spare parts, this era is a write-off, and we should be looking at the new era. ie. We'll need some new winning-capable franchise players, who we are lacking in the group of prospects we currently have. If that is not the plan, then many, many questions should arise.

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The one thing I noticed was Dane Fox as apart of our future. Really hope he's right about that, he is tearing up the OHL, as an overager tho

it was filler material for the list of prospects to make the future look brighter than it is.

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The one thing I noticed was Dane Fox as apart of our future. Really hope he's right about that, he is tearing up the OHL, as an overager tho

Hopefully that signifies that Gillis realizes not every player needs to be a grinder and that this team needs some pure scoring talent.
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Yep, just got this. It's the usual garbage. What I wanted to see was something along the lines of:

"We recognize we have been gouging you in terms of ticket prices for the last few years, steadily increasing prices. We will reduce prices starting next year, in light of the fact that this team will be in re-build mode for the next while"

Yep, I live in dreamland most of the time, but one can always hope....?

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Um, no i'm not backtracking already. I offered an easy and really, redundant obvservation based on what's been happening with the team lately and you for some reason have been going on and on about it.

Could you provide me with the details that make this such an easy and redundant observation? Since it comes so naturally to you, it should be pretty easy to open my eyes.

In all seriousness, do you see our vets being in a winning-capable service window by the time our prospect group is ready to perform in a winning-capable service level? Considering how spent the vets look now, and how far away our prospects look now, to me it's a simple deduction. Barring a miracle trade where we get great young players for essentially our spare parts, this era is a write-off, and we should be looking at the new era. ie. We'll need some new winning-capable franchise players, who we are lacking in the group of prospects we currently have. If that is not the plan, then many, many questions should arise.

Ahhh so it's all down to that one simple deduction. You concluded with your observations that since our core is aging and our prospects are not good enough that it's just a simple deduction that we're never going to amount to a competitive team in the future if we continue with our plan. All on that one simple deduction....

It's good to know you figured it all out with your equation man

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Agree with what you said except the part I pointed out. Matthias is already a bonified 3rd line player so in no way can he be a 3rd line player at tops lol. He's a 2nd line player tops and currently an excellent 3rd liner.

You're assuming he's going to improve. What the person you responded to is implying is that he won't be able to improve his game much from what it currently is, and I think most sensible people would have to agree with that. If you think Shawn Matthias is a potential second line centre on a cup-contending team, you're dreaming.

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He's incorrect about creating 5 million in cap space. After the 2 players we got back and the 800,000 we are still paying Lu, we only cleared 1.5m in cap.

I think he's referring to the cap dollars committed for 2014-15.

We're at roughly $59 million committed on 18 players. That's $5 million under the the current $64.3 million salary cap. With the cap projected to go north of $71 million, that's another $7 million.

If they also use their last compliance buyout, the Canucks could have over $16 million to spend.

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There's no 74 mile long line up. I've spoken to dozens of STH's who are all dropping their tickets, many of whom have held them for 15 or 20 years. We aren't Toronto, Montreal, or New York. Those markets will sell tickets whether the team is winning or losing. Vancouver has a proven track record of dumping the team the second they start losing.

If they had them for 20 or more years, then they'd remember how easy it was to get them in the '80s. If they drop them now and decide in the near future they want them, it won't be as easy to get them even if the list is shorter from all those currently waiting getting their chance.

You know there are fans that aren't season ticket holders, why is he only answering to them?

Maybe you should send him your address. I doubt he has it on file if you aren't a STH.

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