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Jason Garrison potential buyout candidate


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when Garrison posts 40+ assists in a year....then start the comparison.

I wasn't comparing their careers, just the last couple of years and Campbell hasn[t come close to 40+ assists.

Garrison is ok for the price, especially considering what will be handed out to UFA defencemen this year. That can't be said for Campbell's cap hit. He's also got 5yrs on Garrison.

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I wasn't comparing their careers, just the last couple of years and Campbell hasn[t come close to 40+ assists.

Garrison is ok for the price, especially considering what will be handed out to UFA defencemen this year. That can't be said for Campbell's cap hit. He's also got 5yrs on Garrison.

in the interest of fairness being a wack job year for everyone...im willing to give Garrison another year before I scream buyout. Provided we dont already buyout Booth.
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Nooo, don't buy out!

I think Garrison is an underrated hockey player. Would love to keep him, maybe try an pair him with an elite defender (if the Nucks went through death valley and took lottery picks, I would draft Day and pair him with Garrison). They could complement each other quite well and Garrison would be lethal next to this youngster (like Keith and Seabrook).

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That's it in a nutshell.

I'll admit that my plan is largely influenced by how highly I value Niskanen and where I see his potential ceiling. I honestly believe he might eventually become a #1D.

And given that the Canucks appear to be going with an inexperienced tandem in net (Lack/Markstrom), I think that the D needs to be as deep and complete as possible.

The risk comes if Niskanen doesn't meet projections and never become more than a #5D for this team. Personally, I see the chances of this as very low. He's worked hard to build a very complete game. This season, he's played every defenseman role for the Pens (from shutdown D to PPQB), and excelled at it all.

He's also emerged as a leader on and off the ice and the first player that Pittsburgh's rookies turn to for advice and support.

And he's still only 27 years old.

I see Niskanen as a guy who could come in and be a real fix to many of the weaknesses and issues in the current overall D group (very similar to what adding Hamhuis initially accomplished--but with far more offensive impact).

By upgrading the overall mobility and puck-handling ability of the D (which are among Niskanen's core strengths), there should be an overall improvement to the team transition game and puck possession, which should make the forwards perform much better offensively.

This needs, of course, to be coupled with some adjustments to the system and player usage.

But I think that upgrading the D (both in the personnel and their performance/execution) would create the best environment for successfully working rookie forwards into meaningful roles in the lineup (including regular spots in the top-six).

And like you said: if it doesn't work, there should still be enough defensive depth to trade one of the top-4 Ds for a more experienced impact top-6 forward.


And I think adding Niskanen could help to improve Edler's performance and value, simply by taking the puck off his stick (especially in the neutral zone) and allowing Edler to move into a more secondary puck-handling role (as opposed to the primary D puck carrier--where he's never looked comfortable).

Similarly, Niskanen might prove to be a natural partner for Garrison and one with the mobility to create offensive zone setups that utilize Garrison's shot to full value.

But the Canucks would need to keep both Edler and Garrison around, at least for long enough to figure out what pairing (alongside Niskanen) has the most value and impact for the team.

The only reason I've brought this silly thread up again is because I want Nuck fans to pay attention to what Sid is saying here.

I've been doing some research on Niskanen and he really looks like a puck moving dman on the rise. He is also a very good PPQB and his numbers (both off and def) are excellent. He's just coming into his prime (27).

He will probably require an overpayment, as Pits will want to hold onto him. Another reason that Booth has to be bought out.

I really like the idea of improving the back end, while making the top line and PP better at the same time.

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ya...you better believe the gospel that is NHL.com

you gonna tell me what the magazines say next?

listen...dont even try to compare the 2 ok...your NHL stats alone will show a lop sided comparison

Garrison should take Campbell out on many drunks for settin him up with all them juicy goals

So what you're saying is that since the actual stats shot your statement down, we shouldn't believe the stats. What are they compared to statements that you pull out of your posterior...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think that a buyout is necessary; rather, just reshuffle the deck and I think that these pairings should all do decently well. Jason did score the most points out of all our blue-liners anyways.

Hamhuis - Garrison (two of our most solid D-men to handle the big minutes; think McDonagh - Girardi)
Stanton - Bieksa (they were solid together last season)

Edler - Tanev (Chris can move the puck for Alex and also clean up after his gaffes)

Thing is, all three have worked well in the past, so as long as Edler and Bieksa aren't mashed together again and if the group can stay healthy the team should have a solid back end.

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That's it in a nutshell.

I'll admit that my plan is largely influenced by how highly I value Niskanen and where I see his potential ceiling. I honestly believe he might eventually become a #1D.

And given that the Canucks appear to be going with an inexperienced tandem in net (Lack/Markstrom), I think that the D needs to be as deep and complete as possible.

The risk comes if Niskanen doesn't meet projections and never become more than a #5D for this team. Personally, I see the chances of this as very low. He's worked hard to build a very complete game. This season, he's played every defenseman role for the Pens (from shutdown D to PPQB), and excelled at it all.

He's also emerged as a leader on and off the ice and the first player that Pittsburgh's rookies turn to for advice and support.

And he's still only 27 years old.

I see Niskanen as a guy who could come in and be a real fix to many of the weaknesses and issues in the current overall D group (very similar to what adding Hamhuis initially accomplished--but with far more offensive impact).

By upgrading the overall mobility and puck-handling ability of the D (which are among Niskanen's core strengths), there should be an overall improvement to the team transition game and puck possession, which should make the forwards perform much better offensively.

This needs, of course, to be coupled with some adjustments to the system and player usage.

But I think that upgrading the D (both in the personnel and their performance/execution) would create the best environment for successfully working rookie forwards into meaningful roles in the lineup (including regular spots in the top-six).

And like you said: if it doesn't work, there should still be enough defensive depth to trade one of the top-4 Ds for a more experienced impact top-6 forward.


And I think adding Niskanen could help to improve Edler's performance and value, simply by taking the puck off his stick (especially in the neutral zone) and allowing Edler to move into a more secondary puck-handling role (as opposed to the primary D puck carrier--where he's never looked comfortable).

Similarly, Niskanen might prove to be a natural partner for Garrison and one with the mobility to create offensive zone setups that utilize Garrison's shot to full value.

But the Canucks would need to keep both Edler and Garrison around, at least for long enough to figure out what pairing (alongside Niskanen) has the most value and impact for the team.

How much will a RH shot 27 yr old FA dman with 46 points get offered with a bigger cap this summer?

I have a feeling it will be a much larger amount than Garrison's 4.6 Million.... maybe starting at 5.5 mill per....

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How much will a RH shot 27 yr old FA dman with 46 points get offered with a bigger cap this summer?

I have a feeling it will be a much larger amount than Garrison's 4.6 Million.... maybe starting at 5.5 mill per....

Buy out Booth and let Weber & Alberts walk.

Hamhuis Bieksa

Edler Niskanen

Garrison Tanev

Stanton Corrado


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Buy out Booth and let Weber & Alberts walk.

Hamhuis Bieksa

Edler Niskanen

Garrison Tanev

Stanton Corrado


Personally I'd re-sign Weber and trade Tanev as part of a package for a top 6 forward.

Hamhuis, Bieksa

Edler, Niskanen

Garrison, Weber


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I think this is a good point. People talk about how JG is overpaid and should be bought out, but in today's NHL (especially with the Cap rising) his salary is pretty reasonable.

I like Niskanen, but I agree that he's likely going to command a big contract.

Personally, I'd wouldn't mind seeing a bit more toughness/meanness on the Canucks' blue line. Matt Greene is an intriguing prospect. He's had injury problems for the past couple of years, so it might be that we can get him signed for a reasonable term and salary.

Kind of like what the Kings did when they signed Willie...

Edit: This was in response to the post by prix57. No idea why the quote disappeared...

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Agreed. There was a stat posted that he got 58 hits. That is brutal for a guy of his size.

Duncan Keith is an inch shorter and 18 pounds lighter and had 36 hits this year. Does it really matter if a player that's contributing offensively isn't crashing and banging like a 6/7th defenceman?

He has trade value if we don't want him. Buyout is stupid

Again and again this.

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