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[Report] Mike Gillis Fired


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We'll revisit this in a few years if we become a trapping basement dweller with our new direction.

That is my biggest fear,

Not being a basement dweller, but that this team will start trapping to try and fake their way to a few wins.

Any system that isn't about using the players skill and creativity to win should be banned.


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Here we go with knee jerk again..... Not making the playoffs, 2 goalie controversies, the wrong coach, the use of the media...eesh, hard to consider firing him a knee-jerk in my opinion.

Coach was a hire from the ownership, and I really don't think this fire was to do with missing the play-offs, as much as it had to with season tickets renewals being tomorrow, and there being a significant drop off in fans renewing tickets apparently. And I can't imagine the "Fire Gillis" chants helped either, this was completely a move to win over fans for tomorrow, otherwise it would've been done in the off-season.

If anyone should've been fired, it should've been Torts.

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A new GM will undoubtedly affect the style of hockey the Canucks play for years to come. I wonder if the Canucks are going to go with the puck possession style of the Sedins or more in the direction of Torts.

God I hope Torts isn't given full rein.

Shot blocking, zone clogging, over controlled B.S hockey is NOT something I'm willing to pay to see.

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From a business perspective, they need to get faces of guys we love out there in the media ASAP to start deflecting crap and give a reason for season ticket holders to renew.

I agree.

The answer is certainly not going from emulating the Detroit model, to a Calgary/Tampa model overnight.

Gawdamn that would be a stupid move.

On the bright side, if they were to go Feaster, after epic failures, the team might right itself in half a decade and go back to the Detroit model hiring a Steve Yzerman type after another round of painful lessons we should have learned through the Keenan era.

Let's just skip the dumbass futility stage and cut to the chase.

As you say, putting a Canuck face on this might actually rescue this decision, which at present appears like a knee jerk reaction to differences of opinion - I trust Gillis' hockey sense wadr moreso than Tortorella's and/or ownership's.

Putting Pat Quinn, Trevor Linden, Stan Smyl, Markus Naslund faces back on it may actually get the optics right - whether those guys decisions will be an upgrade on Gillis' is another matter.

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Good. This time around, the right guy finally got the boot. The next step should be to trade away, or otherwise dispose of, some of the underperforming dead-weight. It really doesn't matter if big names and NTC's are involved. This team needs a leader who is strong enough and resourceful enough to remove several well paid guys who can barely put in a part-time effort.

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How else are we going to get rid of them?

Who says we have to get rid of them? But seriously, we don't move them if it is necessary by "sending them to Utica" since waivers are kinda a thing.

I hope they'll correct the mistake of not having a president. I always thought it was strange to have a complete rookie as GM, and not have a president. (More very bad thinking by ownership.)

I have you on ignore based on your past posts, so when I saw 'mrhopeless' come up in a 'Gillis fired' thread, I though, "this oughta be great!" Sadly, perhaps happily actually, it was a reasonable post.

John Shannon just now on Hockey Central after speaking to Feaster:

"Feaster is NOT in an airport. He's sitting at home watching all the fun on TV".

Thank goodness for small favours. Please be true, please be true, please be true.

Kesler would never go to Peg

But according to the almighty CDC-as-GM brain, we could tell Kesler he better waive or we'll send him to Utica!

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The gong show that is the Canucks is probably only going to get worse

My optimism is quickly turning to cynicism


It's hard not to be skeptical right now. While I like Lack, our goaltending is very much in question. We lack scoring and heart. The Sedins will be another year older. Torts, at least for now, appears to be staying, and the GM is a question mark.

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A little too much focus on Feaster here imho, but again we're being trolled by various media outlets.

Regardless of who the GM is, if our plan does not utilize the 2015/16 drafts, then we're extending a losing period needlessly.

I don't think Faq is looking at Feaster if the plan is to build excitement for next season. However, the GM is irrelevant during an obvious rebuilding stage. And those complaining about NTC's won't have anything to fear anymore, as the new GM will likely dump a lot of those (in bad deals.)

Ugh, if only we had franchise players in place before we pulled the GM switch. The timing of this one isn't great and it says 'we must make the playoffs at all costs', which is asinine during a rebuild phase.

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I was tired of Gillis, just like alot of Vancouver. His trades and NTC's and so called "bold moves" never really helped move this team forward. The jury still out on some of his moves though. I would have thought this would wait until the offseason to get him out of here. He practically went into this season with the same team that got AV fired and now the Canucks are playing in a much tougher division.

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Trevor Lindens interview earlier was very interesting. His last comment was that there was no imminent news that he was going to have a job with the Canucks.

Key word imminent

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