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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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GreenDemon, Malkin, mau5 and CA would be a good group to pick from. All inactives and most of their posts don't add very much substance.

CA really jumps out at me the most out of that list. Super inactive last game until the final round, where he was mafia. Malkin seems to play similar to Kumar, who is very quiet and constantly makes strange votes. mau5 probably isn't a bad target either.

Vote Captain Aerosex

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Eh. What 112 is doing is no different than last game and she was a TP. I'd rather not vote her out.

I'd vote for GD but Kryten is right in saying that he does this all the time regardless of faction. Although to be fair, I think he has been Mafia a majority of the time.

The bolded is true.

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CA really jumps out at me the most out of that list. Super inactive last game until the final round, where he was mafia. Malkin seems to play similar to Kumar, who is very quiet and constantly makes strange votes. mau5 probably isn't a bad target either.

Vote Captain Aerosex

CA's inactivity this game has been really odd, he's next in line on my suspicion list.

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Might as well throw Bo and Luci in there with my previous list.

As far as active players go, I don't like KH's posts. Kind of getting the feeling he's using my list as leverage to lynch a TP, but I guess I could be paranoid.

Aladeen was right about BDM, she needs to contribute more.

Are you saying now is one of those times? :P

I wouldn't have said that if it was. :)

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Ya I'm not sure about 112 either but I felt that Beluga had changed gears a little too drastically for my liking. Mau5trap would probably be a decent choice as well however.

Yes.. I'll make a disclaimer that I'm terrible at these lists but Mau5, Beluga, CA, Heffy and Aladeen in no particular order would be up there. Maybe BDM as well.

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