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[Report] Torts Fired


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Yeah, as much as I've enjoyed the Sedins and what they've brought for most of their careers they have weaknesses like everybody else. Unfortunately, as skillful as they are and with the pricetag attached they still need to have some serious talent on the other lines, which we are seriously lacking, in order to be succesful.

That's right.

The Canucks were a goaltender team and now that both Schneider and Luongo were traded, they have nothing but two fragile, battered Swedes who have to be selectively managed during every game.

Kesler-types, you just throw them out there and they're on the go. Unfortunately, this train has passed and no one noticed.

A bunch of broken hearts who need a change of address and quick.

Again; it's not that the individuals are bad players. In fact they're pretty damn good. But as a group, they're stale and done.

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How long before Tortorella's hatchet job on the whole organization.

He strikes me as a guy who will go out swinging.

I am sure It will be everyones fault but his own

I think he already gave that in his presser - a toned down version of it was everyone else's fault - his own mistake was not enough Tortorella. I guess that didn't sell very well.

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Who said anything about firing players?

You can try to trade players before the start of next season.

who is he going to trade with right now? While you an technically trade, it's highly unlikely anything gets done until after the playoffs are over.

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Yeah grab a clue. Goalie controversy, what because he didn't play the crybaby in the classic? That's an idiotic statement. Newsflash for you, teams have two goalies and both of them play during the year. He overplayed his veterns because the rest of the team sucks balls. Again, obvious to those with a brain. Okay so he stormed the other teams dressing room and showed that he cares. Big deal.


For the classic, he used the logic, "I am going to play the goalie that gives me the best chance to win." Lack was really that much better than Luongo? I don't think so. Also, this idea of thinking only one game at a time, no matter how much it may affect the psyche of the team is not acceptable in my opinion. Is he building a team here, or a group of individuals?

What I also didn't understand is that he took over from a coach who started another goalie controversy, and it's like nobody learned a thing from that!??

As overplaying the vets, again I would ask, do you think short term or do you think longer term? For example, Torts seemed to take the perspective that it was better to have the Sedins following his system for 20 games, as opposed to trying to make sure two of my best players are are around for the entire season.

And there is still the dressing room incident.....

I don't give Gillis a free pass on this at all, however sometimes stats are an indicator of what works and what doesn't.

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Correct me if I'm wrong - the news say Torts and Sullivan, but said nothing of Gulutzan. Wikipedia has not been updated with his dismissal. So looks like he is still in.

Yeah, he's safe for now it seems

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I'd be surprised if he gets another NHL job.

The TSN panel however, is creaming themselves with the prospect of having Torts back. Could you imagine that guy slamming us on a nightly basis? (Don't tell me he's a professional, because if anything this season has proved he's not).

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I'd be surprised if he gets another NHL job.

The TSN panel however, is creaming themselves with the prospect of having Torts back. Could you imagine that guy slamming us on a nightly basis? (Don't tell me he's a professional, because if anything this season has proved he's not).

1-Tsn is done as far as nhl is concerned next year.

2-they disrespected him on multiple occassions recently.

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I'd be surprised if he gets another NHL job.

The TSN panel however, is creaming themselves with the prospect of having Torts back. Could you imagine that guy slamming us on a nightly basis? (Don't tell me he's a professional, because if anything this season has proved he's not).

He's not a "professional" in the terms where he won't sit back and let other people go after his team or slander him without responding. Of course, having a backbone in today's sensitive NHL gets you fined, suspended, and eventually fired.

I trust Linden's decision, but there's no reason Torts shouldn't have been given at least half a season more with the Canucks.

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So after one poor season, coach is fired. 2 coaching changes in 2 season. I would've personally given Torts another season to adjust and crack the PO again, players needs to take a fair share of the blame for the poor season as well..

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For the classic, he used the logic, "I am going to play the goalie that gives me the best chance to win." Lack was really that much better than Luongo? I don't think so. Also, this idea of thinking only one game at a time, no matter how much it may affect the psyche of the team is not acceptable in my opinion. Is he building a team here, or a group of individuals?

I see no shortage of irony here. That was my favorite Tortorella decision of the season - and in general, I disagreed with a whole lot of Tortorella decisions and did not want to see him return. The Luongo decision however - spot on - Luongo chirps publicly about Kesler being stuck here and 'knowing how the script ends' - Tortorella staples his ass to the pine. Entirely appropriate move, particularly considering there was finally a window opening to move Luongo to Florida - that looked like a decision where Torts and MG were actually in concert, and I'm thankful they managed to iron that one out. I took that as a decision with two perfectly reasonable bases - first, Lack was actually playing better hockey than Luongo at the time, and second, Luongo's comments were inappropriate and the end result imo, highly appropriate.

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For the classic, he used the logic, "I am going to play the goalie that gives me the best chance to win." Lack was really that much better than Luongo? I don't think so. Also, this idea of thinking only one game at a time, no matter how much it may affect the psyche of the team is not acceptable in my opinion. Is he building a team here, or a group of individuals?

What I also didn't understand is that he took over from a coach who started another goalie controversy, and it's like nobody learned a thing from that!??

As overplaying the vets, again I would ask, do you think short term or do you think longer term? For example, Torts seemed to take the perspective that it was better to have the Sedins following his system for 20 games, as opposed to trying to make sure two of my best players are are around for the entire season.

And there is still the dressing room incident.....

I don't give Gillis a free pass on this at all, however sometimes stats are an indicator of what works and what doesn't.

So your argument is that the best goalie should play every game so your starter should play 82 games. You come off as a butthurt Luongo fan. It doesn't seem like you understand the sport. Backup goalies play games dude. How do you think they get starts? They just start a certain number of games in order to give the starter a break. You place far too much importance on a gimmick hockey game that your mancrush didn't get to play in. It's just one game out of 82. By your logic any time a backup starts there is a goalie controversy.

As far as overplaying your stars it's a statement to the GM that says "look I've got F all to work with here so I'm forced to overplay my stars all game long". It's just the reality of the situation. It's pointless to pretend that this forward group is adequate.

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