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How good can Jordan Subban be?

Del Rio

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As good as Jared Staal?

If Subban was likely to pan out as even a bottom pairing guy, he would have been picked MUCH higher.

Not saying it cannot still happen, or that there isn't a minute change of him becoming an impact player...just temper your expectations.

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i like how just mentioning that somebody is black, with no negative connotation whatsoever, is enough to get every white person around to turn all self-righteous and call racism.

an entire society of white guilters walking on eggshells.

Really!! How do you know all those people are white? The point is once you bring race into it, EVEN with a positive connotation, you have to allow for negative connotations or there's inequity. Black & athletic is a stereotype, do we need to go into other ignorant stereotypes?? So the right thing to do is just not go there at all because it doesn't belong. By the way there's nothing wrong with being proud to be white my friend, it's being against another race which is problematic!

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I remember when Canucks fans all over were super excited that we got Steve Kariya (Paul Kariya's brother, for the uninitiated)

Let's hope it doesn't turn out like that. I already feel though that people are overhyping this prospect..but its not like that is anything new.

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Yes there are examples every where of unique players excelling while undersized. I'm not saying he absolutely needs to grow, just saying it'd be nice. Just sick of teams like LA and SJ pushing our team around.

I think we kinda already put an end to that after Lu got steamrolled. Unless the new coach comes in with a turn the other cheek av mentality, we'll be fine.

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i don't understand why people are complaining or worrying about his size. is letang or boyle or most offensive d men big and strong? if u put a 6'5" guy in front of the net he will cause problems for most d men except for chara. use jordan for what he is, an offensive d man and he will be good.

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I remember when Canucks fans all over were super excited that we got Steve Kariya (Paul Kariya's brother, for the uninitiated)

Let's hope it doesn't turn out like that. I already feel though that people are overhyping this prospect..but its not like that is anything new.

Do you remember that Steve was 5' 6" and155 lbs. and not at all gritty?

Not even close to the same situation.

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Interesting how similar his #s are to brother PK. Upcoming season could be very big for Jordan. PK dominated in his final (overage) year in Jrs (56-14-62-76), so it would be awesome to see the similar trend continue for Jordan.

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