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[Report] John Moore suspended two games

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I dont have a problem with the suspension compared to what Prust was given. I have a problem with the suspension Rome was given and how the league has changed how they are handing out penalties. One could say that suspension could have been the difference of a cup win or not for the Canucks. The league really needs to get some kind of consitiency here so everyone knows exactly what the rules are, and what the punishment is.

you relly need to get over the whole rome thing. what's done is done. we just have to accept the league for what it is. don't like it, don't wach it-- or keep complaining. whatever makes you feel better

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you relly need to get over the whole rome thing. what's done is done. we just have to accept the league for what it is. don't like it, don't wach it-- or keep complaining. whatever makes you feel better

Oh I'm not complaining and I'm very much over it, I'm simply stating a fact that the league needs to get their act together and decide what their minimum and maximum suspensions are for whatever said infraction is and stick to it.

I said I have a problem with the suspension Rome was given and how the league has changed how they are handing out penalties. At the time, that was supposed to be the new standard, and we all know how that has changed. I probably should have worded it differently, but my point was that they keep changing how they handle suspensions and who gets what. Some consisstency would be nice.

On a side note, you sound pretty angry for someone with a name like Twilight Sparkle :)

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I dont have a problem with the suspension compared to what Prust was given. I have a problem with the suspension Rome was given and how the league has changed how they are handing out penalties. One could say that suspension could have been the difference of a cup win or not for the Canucks. The league really needs to get some kind of consitiency here so everyone knows exactly what the rules are, and what the punishment is.

I have a problem with the Rome suspension as well, but what are you going to do?

I've pointed out in a few threads how the NHL changed "the standard" after the Rome suspension. Shanny started off the next season by throwing the book at players, but was told by NHL BOG members to tone it down. Now we're left with the mess we're in now.

It's all well and good to say that the Moore suspension was "not enough", but unless you're also of the opinion that the Prust hit was also not enough, you're being hypocritical. The hits were pretty much the same and giving them the same punishment was correct, IMHO.

plus you could add that it was a targeted hit considering how these guys were after each other all game.

I still can't understand the Rome suspension got more fore a much cleaner hit. thought that was supposed to set the bar.

You could also argue that the hit by Prust was "targeted", since he went public with an accusation that the Kreider's collision with Price was deliberate.

The guy doing the accusing comes out in the next game and breaks an opponent's jaw with an illegal hit? I'd say that's every bit as much "evidence" as there is against Moore.

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you relly need to get over the whole rome thing. what's done is done. we just have to accept the league for what it is. don't like it, don't wach it-- or keep complaining. whatever makes you feel better

The problem I have with the Rome hit was Murphy decided to consult with Brian Burke about it, a guy who was outside the league office. It still stinks.
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More rules isn't the answer!

Hockey is a unique game, you can't control it the way you would Football or Basketball.

Less is more with Hockey, the players need to have to power to keep each other in check, LESS rules is the answer, FEWER suspensions and league interference. The over-legislation of Hockey is ruining the game.

There is a time tested method of player control that has been proven to work, and if you don't believe me ask Bobby Orr.

Let the players deal with dirty plays, you will actually see less fighting, less dirty hits, less injuries and more respect if the NHL does one thing....


orr played in a time with how many teams what were his pads made of.....the instigator rule isn't going to change once they take things away they rarely if ever give it back, fighting heavy weight enforcers are dinosaurs thats not going to change back. forward thinking is how this will have to be addressed . the rules have changed so much even in the last 5 years scott steven would have been suspended every time he threw a hit. i'm not saying its better or worse its the way the game has evolved saying go back to the way it was is like saying i want popsicles to cost 5 cents again its just not going to happen.the size the speed equipment all play huge roles in how the games changed and the rules need to reflect that. certain players don't and will not respect each other thats been proven over the last 20 years regardless of the instigator rule. stiffer suspensions with less room for favoritism to me is the answer set in stone suspensions for second (automatic 10) and third offenses (automatic 25). evolve or die its not any different than any other full contact sport protect the skills that make the game great and get rid of the garbage that brings it down.

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