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[Report] Canucks wont ask Alex Edler to waive NTC


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So coddling/allowing them to coach themselves from AV didn't motivate them and being hard on them from Tortorella didn't motivate them. What exactly is left?

Has anyone considered that maybe the group needs more than cosmetic changes?

Bieksa and/or Edler need to go. One huge defensive liability on the blueline is more than enough.

Who ever said the players coached themselves?

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Edler has a skill set that any other team in the NHL would want. If the Canucks want to have a quick turn around for next season they would be best keeping him. However, if they want to do a full overhaul then ya trade him away because your going to get plenty of return for him.

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I've been saying that our forwards need to play lower, better defence and that our 5 man unit need to work better together for a while now - that's what made us so suscessful in 2011. Forwards and defencemen defended and attacked as a unit. Last season, under Tortorella's scheme, the forwards were far too aggressive and often left the defencemen vulnerable.

However, guys like Bieksa, Edler and Garrison were particularly victimized. You can't say it's entirely a forward-fault when you compare Tanev and Hamhuis' play (on the same team, with the same forwards), to that of Edler. There's almost a +50 differential on the ice between those guys. Fact of the matter is that Tanev and Hamhuis play simple games and don't complicate it with trying to score whereas Edler does, and when he thinks too much and tries to do too much, he gets himself into defensive problems that compound.

I think you are band on. Early in the season the forward puck support in the d-zone was very good. As

the team got more desperate it started to break down.

I won't go into big detail about how poorly I think Edler's development has been handled. I am curious

about his emotional approach to the game as well. Physically he has all the attributes for great success. Because of previous success did he view himself as one who had to led the team from the backend? I appreciate that most players feel that but in Edler's case how did it break his game down?

Can the right coach reground his game?

If the conclusion is that one of the top 4 dmen have to be traded then it comes down to Edler, Bieksa and Garrison. CAP wise they all cost basically the same. I consider Edler the biggest gamble as his game is in tatters but his age is an advantage. Bieksa is a big play leader and would be in huge demand. His age suggests that he would be the prime trade candidate. Garrison would be in demand but his value does not equal the other two. Again, the caveat is always about what comes back and what Benning is trying

to achieve.

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Humiliate is a strong word. All Torts did was chew him out, and he damn well deserved it. Eddie has been slipping for a lot longer than that. Every athlete in the world gets ripped now and then, no matter how good they might be. Mostly in plain sight. If that's all it takes to rattle him, then he's gotta go.

Well I have never seen a coach, leastwise that I can recall hitting a player like that in front of the whole Arena. It was crass, it was classless and it was frankly typical of the man. Edler (nor Hansen) are young rookies. If they make a mistake they know it.

I saw a good few mistakes recently in the SC, one in particular from Subban and the coach didn't even go near him because the guy was well aware it was his fault.

As I say, if you are determined to rip into an experienced player, do it at the break, in the dressing room.

Tortorella is a coward, if he had hit Edler at the break Edler would have flattened him and he knew that.

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Well I dont see Edler having a worse season so there is hope ;)

Edler says he plays better when he doesn't think too much and yet Torts had him constantly thinking about what he was doing, hopefully we get a coach that turns him into the player he is expected to be.

I don't see our D looking any different if they keep Edler. Doubt they buy out Garrison and I have read they'd like to get Conrado into the lineup this season . They keep going with the group model of D but if you look at the teams having the most success they all have one stud D man . I would love to see the Canucks do that as well but I don't see them being able to do that any time soon.

As far as those saying trade Bieksa, he fits the style of play management wants with his physical play plus Bieksa said he was a lifetime Canuck and was going down with the ship I doubt he'd agree to waive his NTC.

Hopefully we get the right coach to work with this group.

Says it all right there.

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If the Canucks make no changes to the core - like as in the REAL actual core Sedins, Kesler, Bieksa - how can they expect fans to buy into this as anything other than an extension of the Gillis regime?

The Sedins are going nowhere. But both Kesler and Bieksa would bring back great assets to change the team in a meaningful and significant way. I know I am tired of seeing them shuffle the bottom 6 and depth D hoping it will fool us into believing this team has what it takes in its current form. It clearly doesn't.

This has Calgary Flames written all over it if they keep sticking with the same core and hope they suddenly want to play for the new coach.

I agree with the top players needing some new names but the Calgary Flames analogy is only valid if we cant draft anything of value for years on end.

A pipeline of Kassian, Horvat, Shinkaruk, Jensen, Markstrom, Cassels, #6 2014, #36 2014, Gaunce and the 2015 1st is miles better than anything the Flames cultivated for almost 10 seasons......im not worried about being like Calgary.

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Are they still payin' Torts the tarantula? They should give him a mop & bucket & insist he 'swab the decks' of the dressin rooms, daily. Practice day have Edler scream in his ear about places that are still dirty. Make a nice promotional vid. This would help AE regain his mojo, whilst encouraging Torts to ponder cause/effect.

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I'm not saying either are being traded I just think Bieksa is safer than Hamhuis.

In no way is it even implied in my post that Hamhuis is/was the problem and should/would be traded.

Just that Bieksa is as safe or safer than Hammer. IMO Neither of them are going anywhere.

I agree fully. Hammer is the better defenseman, but because of that should bring the highest return.

And Bieksa's contributions are harder to replace within, him being the only veteran R-handed guy, along with his grit and leadership.

But I think they're going to try to trade Garrison. But buying him out is just bats*** crazy. How does losing an asset for nothing help the team???

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To Buffalo: Markstrom, Mathias, 2nd and Booth

To Van: Ehrhoff (10 % retain) and 2nd

Pair Edler w/ Ehroff and you've got Edler back in top form. It's clear that Linden and Benning don't want to rebuild but realize a change needs to be made. I don't think Benning trades Edler OR Kesler. Him and Linden like the core players we have and want to compliment them w/ faster, more skilled players.

Edler had the worst +/- in the league.

Among D-men, Ehrhoff had the 3rd worst. He's not the same player he was in 2011 (his prime). Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

Let's stop living in the past.

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One of the newspaper guys were on team 1040 with don and barry, he said linden is a big edler supporter, he was impressed with edler when they were teammates so expect him to go no where.

I don't understand why some people on CDC have such a big problem giving this a guy a chance to rebound .

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I find it funny that the folks calling for Edlers head aren't insisting on buying out/trading Burrows too. He had the same problem as Edler: one disastrous season under a ill fit coach

Except Burrows was injured much of the time, and was good the year before. Not to mention our best playoff forward vs San Jose, and not the worst on the ice vs LA. Things Edler cannot claim.

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One of the newspaper guys were on team 1040 with don and barry, he said linden is a big edler supporter, he was impressed with edler when they were teammates so expect him to go no where.

I don't understand why some people on CDC have such a big problem giving this a guy a chance to rebound .

For me its all about what we can get in return for Eds. If we can get a good young center who can step in right away I say do it. If not then I am more than happy to keep Edler

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Umm both are actually pretty good defensively. Fans just point out the obvious breakdowns on TV, but don't see all the other, more difficult plays they make regularly. Last year was a crap show and that's probably because players had a difficult time transitioning to a zone style D system.

Think I might even invest in an Edler jersey for next year. Has been my favorite Canuck for a long time.

Sorry but it is not all on Torts. Both were pretty terrible on a consistent basis the year before under AV. Both Edler and Bieksa have their strengths but solid defense of any kind without the right partner is not it for either of them.

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