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Bro Jake: Dion Phaneuf Got Tuned Up By Cape Breton Golfers.

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Summertime fun, I guess. But wondering if there's a shred of truth to this:

Bro Jake this morning 'dropped a bomb' and told Pratt and whatshisface on the Team a story that Dion Phaneuf, avid tobacco chewer, started spewing his brown juices all over this pristine golf course in Cape Breton where he vacations. The locals of course don't appreciate this and tell him to stop and Dion and his entourage of TO players tell the locals to go f theirselves. What ensues is a hubbub, a brouhaha, and perhaps a melee, whereby the mighty Dion gets his ass thoroughly kicked.

Now while I can see the douchebaggery level of Dion being quite high, this story seems quite out there to me. I wonder if it will take.


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Summertime fun, I guess. But wondering if there's a shred of truth to this:

Bro Jake this morning 'dropped a bomb' and told Pratt and whatshisface on the Team a story that Dion Phaneuf, avid tobacco chewer, started spewing his brown juices all over this pristine golf course in Cape Breton where he vacations. The locals of course don't appreciate this and tell him to stop and Dion and his entourage of TO players tell the locals to go f theirselves. What ensues is a hubbub, a brouhaha, and perhaps a melee, whereby the mighty Dion gets his ass thoroughly kicked.

Now while I can see the douchebaggery level of Dion being quite high, this story seems quite out there to me. I wonder if it will take.

I call BS, Phaneuf doesn't get in fights, he runs away or slashes guys like a feline


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Well, if it's true, it doesn't surprise me. Not because I know anything about Dion Phaneuf, but because I know jocks. Hockey players are jocks. Yes, there are some classy guys, but they are still young, young men that hit things for a living.

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In 9 days the story's already changed from "Phaneuf and buddies get drunk in a golf course bar and damage a bathroom", to, "Phaneuf gets beat up by other golfers who were unhappy he was spitting chew all over the green"


Gotta love the interent

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In 9 days the story's already changed from "Phaneuf and buddies get drunk in a golf course bar and damage a bathroom", to, "Phaneuf gets beat up by other golfers who were unhappy he was spitting chew all over the green"


Gotta love the interent

From that same source:

I'm getting a bit more to the story, the incident involved Dion, his brother and a few of their friends (agents/scouts) were at the bar drinking and also doing dip (chewing tobacco). They started to spit it into the glass napkin holder, after a little while of this, the bartender asked them to stop, saving something along the lines of "I know you boys are here for a good time, but you can't be doing that, it's disrespectful". They took exception to that and started arguing with the bartender, another patron took exception and defended the bartender, which led to Dion's brother punching the other patron in the head. Which then led to everyone getting into it. From the way it sounded, it managed to be defused not too much after it started and became more of a drunken shouting match.

I'm still picking up the details as I'm going along, but that's the story I've learned so far.

I like stories.

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As much fun as it is to believe that Dion Phaneuf would do something this stupid, I'm going to hold off on gloating until I see a more reliable source... ...besides, we get to watch him do stupid things all hockey season. No reason to get greedy...

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