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Define "cavewoman". :lol:.

I don't know, I guess I am just confused about the seemingly large number of women with rotten meat festering between their legs that you and others have been with. I keep myself fairly well maintained and I have never heard these comments despite asking frankly after the deed.

I guess it's like dental cavities, some people have them no matter how clean they keep their mouths and eat good.

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I don't know, I guess I am just confused about the seemingly large number of women with rotten meat festering between their legs that you and others have been with. I keep myself fairly well maintained and I have never heard these comments despite asking frankly after the deed.

I guess it's like dental cavities, some people have them no matter how clean they keep their mouths and eat good.

and they say romance is dead.

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I don't know, I guess I am just confused about the seemingly large number of women with rotten meat festering between their legs that you and others have been with. I keep myself fairly well maintained and I have never heard these comments despite asking frankly after the deed.

I guess it's like dental cavities, some people have them no matter how clean they keep their mouths and eat good.

I think you let the Hope Solo discussion we had influence your thought process of how guys, or at least, I think. :lol:

I've never seen a vag like her's in person.

May some deity help me if I ever did. I'd defy science and turn gay.

and they say romance is dead.

"how was it?"

"11/10 would make fish sticks"

Hey, an important part of good coitus is frequent and honest communication.

Did you ever call it "coitus" to them? If so, were they honest about it? ;)

Edited by Mr. Ambien
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Bob.Loblaw, on 12 Oct 2014 - 10:47 AM, said:snapback.png

I have a hygiene problem that has been bothering me for about a year now. But I'm a clean guy, I shower 2 times a day and I make sure to get every spot of my body and enough shampoo and scrubbing for my hair. But my groin area below my ballsacks absolutely stink!! I have no idea why! I literally scrub that area like a madman every time I shower. But the moment i come out of the shower and swipe my hand through that area to take a whiff it still stinks! Any ideas? What should I do to make my balls smell better? What do u girls do to make ur vjj's smell good too. help
If this is breaking the rules, please delete. Saw this and it had me in stitches

Just ask doc swartz (your GP) for some topical antifungal corticosteroid cream, if that doesn't do the trick then you could have something serious going down there...

Also don't ask why I would know this info B)

Edited by drummer4now
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I don't know, I guess I am just confused about the seemingly large number of women with rotten meat festering between their legs that you and others have been with. I keep myself fairly well maintained and I have never heard these comments despite asking frankly after the deed.

I guess it's like dental cavities, some people have them no matter how clean they keep their mouths and eat good.


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Just ask doc swartz (your GP) for some topical antifungal corticosteroid cream, if that doesn't do the trick then you could have something serious going down there...

Also don't ask why I would know this info B)

May not be serious too. For example, years ago after taking some heavy penicillin meds to deal with a severe inner ear infection (and general upper respiratory infection that was quite resilient) that caused bad vertigo, the meds ran roughshod over my digestive tract (thanks hypersensitivity), caused what I thought was a fungal infection down there. After two stints of antifungals, and it doing nothing, along with yelling at the GP, they had a biopsy of the skin done there, only to find out it was just the T-virus, and I've got only a few hours until I turn into a zombie. Wait, no, it was just psoriasis, and I had a psoriasis outbreak due to the work and relationship stress the prior illness caused.

Of course, I'd still recommend they see their GP, unless that poster is a hypochrondriac and wishes to rely on self-diagnosis via the internet, or simply ask internet posters for medical advice, which is perfectly logical.

Edited by Mr. Ambien
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May not be serious too. For example, years ago after taking some heavy penicillin meds to deal with a severe inner ear infection (and general upper respiratory infection that was quite resilient) that caused bad vertigo, the meds ran roughshod over my digestive tract (thanks hypersensitivity), caused what I thought was a fungal infection down there. After two stints of antifungals, and it doing nothing, along with yelling at the GP, they had a biopsy of the skin done there, only to find out it was just the T-virus, and I've got only a few hours until I turn into a zombie. Wait, no, it was just psoriasis, and I had a psoriasis outbreak due to the work and relationship stress the prior illness caused.

Of course, I'd still recommend they see their GP, unless that poster is a hypochrondriac and wishes to rely on self-diagnosis via the internet, or simply ask internet posters for medical advice, which is perfectly logical.


Also psoriasis is the worse..

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Also psoriasis is the worse..


Psoriasis isn't bad, it's actually quite manageable, depending on the version you have. Mine is easy.. avoid stress, that's when it flares up, and it's coupled with eczema. Dat genetic lottery.

Edited by Mr. Ambien
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I'd go see a doctor if I were you.

I'm curious what their diet is like. Bad food/crap diet makes you smell bad. Especially in areas that tend to be moist and warm.


Most guys don't trim their lawn or wash it as vigorously as most women do because of the time of the month. They think just because they don't bleed they don't need to clean as often. That and the stereotypical male carelessness when it comes to maintenance adds to one terrible smell.

Obviously you haven't been with very many moderate OCD guys :lol:

BTW guys, coconut oil is naturally antibacterial/antifungal and keeps your skin nice and soft as well ;)

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