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7 hours ago, J-23 said:

I want to move, I hate it here.

Pick a place you want to move to and start looking for a job there.


"Every journey begins with a single step"


I've been in your shoes before and although I've only moved to and from 4 different towns, I can tell you it's not easy, but it's never impossible.


Travel can also help you appreciate your home. If you don't have anything holding you back, save some cash and go somewhere you've always wanted to go, travel around, visit some poor countries. 

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On 1/4/2019 at 10:07 PM, Sean Monahan said:

Alberta. The land of cheap housing. 

My wife is Air Force reserves right now and wants to go Reg Force (I keep encouraging it, too!)...I would love an east coast posting.

We bought our townhouse in Courtenay in 2014 at 241K the assessment this year has it at $418K now, property taxes nearly doubling....it's actually brutal living here, so expensive.


I would actually gladly move back to Alberta after making bank on this place and live very comfortably on a little bit of land, too.

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11 minutes ago, diesel_3 said:

My wife is Air Force reserves right now and wants to go Reg Force (I keep encouraging it, too!)...I would love an east coast posting.

We bought our townhouse in Courtenay in 2014 at 241K the assessment this year has it at $418K now, property taxes nearly doubling....it's actually brutal living here, so expensive.


I would actually gladly move back to Alberta after making bank on this place and live very comfortably on a little bit of land, too.

If you appreciate crown land and river valleys that aren’t slimy muck, then stay close to expensive Albortion areas like Canmore or KKK headquarters Caroline/ Rocky Mountain house so you can still enjoy some outdoors stuff.


If you are an inside cat, you will be happy in any box, anywhere. 


BC is way too politically Binary, but I love living here. 


Too Many downtown Starbuck milenials who think the rest of us rural-worker bees don’t count, yet need our mills, mines and natural gas to keep their apartments warm. I swear these guys don’t know where electricity comes from. Ban all the things! 


Having been all over the north and west of Canada, you can’t really beat BC for quality of life, though the price is at a tipping-point of not being affordable anymore.


Personally, how some of you guys are willing to either live in and afford the housing around Vancouver perplexes me, but those on subsidies... I despise. If you can’t afford to live there move. Don’t have me picking up your tab because it’s too comfortable to move from Richmond or whever, because you’re being subsidized... all the while voting against industry which supports us rural hicks who pay for your lazy asses! Lol hate that. 



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On 1/4/2019 at 9:46 PM, riffraff said:

Where you wanna go?


been anywhere else?

I am thinking somewhere in Cali, really good industry for the field I want to work in.  Been there a few times and like it, really need a change in environment for a couple of years at least. Want to move in couple of years, before I am 20-21. However, cost of living is really high there.

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When I was younger, I used to eat all my food with a fork and knife, and I remember someone telling me - "You're such a weirdo, do you eat your fries like that?!"  Then I went to Paris, and one day I was eating in a food court, and everyone around me was eating their fries with a fork and knife, and I could wait to get back, and tell everyone! That I am not a weirdo! 


I've relaxed over the years.  I eat my Thai and Japanese food with chop sticks, and I eat my nachos with my fingers and scoop the rest up using a spoon, and my salad with a fork only, except if the salad is on a plate, then I eat it with a fork and knife, and I eat my cheesecake with a fork and knife.   

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I confess ~


I am such a dork when I watch this other hockey team play.  Like tonight, I clapped continuously with excitement while laughing at the opposing team when my second favorite team scored and scored, and then took a sip of my champagne, and continued to sip my champagne.  Yep, champagne, and watching my second favorite team, oh gosh, you should see how I actually am at the arena the play in. But I am am going to a Canucks game next week, but I may not drink.  It's good to not drink and then cross the border on the bus after the game. Once I mis calculated my shopping, and the border agent looked at me like I was a liar. He didn't say anything to me when I had all those shopping bags, but the look on his face when I declared $300.00.  I honestly thought I spent $300.00. Then the next day I found out what I really spent... It was $300.00 at the Canucks store and then some.  Yeah, it was not $300.00 total for that day. 

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I confess ~


I'm going to see NKOTB June 1st at the Tacoma Dome!  I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to get a VIP package or a standard ticket, and I decided to go on the VIP package.  It took me 30 minutes to decide.  It is a 4 Star package, and includes a gift bag and other stuff, and is 7 rows back from the stage!  So I get to see Jordan and the group dance and sing!  I'm a reserved fan, so I will probably smile, clap, and take pictures.  I am not nuts like others.  

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On 1/6/2019 at 8:24 PM, J-23 said:

I am thinking somewhere in Cali, really good industry for the field I want to work in.  Been there a few times and like it, really need a change in environment for a couple of years at least. Want to move in couple of years, before I am 20-21. However, cost of living is really high there.

I never realized how young you are, J! Dude, you've got so much ahead of you, a million lessons are waiting for you, but you gotta bail on your home town for a while to appreciate what it is and what it isn't.


Save some cash and go travelling before you commit to an industry or field of study. You'll learn more about yourself and the world in 3 months of travel than you will by simply thinking moving away will be the change you're looking for.


Looking back, at 19, I didn't even know who I was yet. I was simply a product of my upbringing and carried all the baggage of what I was expected to be without understanding what I really wanted, only what I'd been trained to want by my friends, family and society.


I hadn't separated status from happiness yet. I meet a lot of people who were never able to make the distinction because they followed the linear path, the trap, and they're miserable. 


They've never once walked a mile in another persons shoes, never exposed themselves to the cruel realities of poverty and the living conditions a lot of the world lives in. They can't appreciate what they have because they always want more, when really what they need are experiences. Experiences that make them feel vulnerable, unsure, alone, afraid.. and now they're too fragile to actual experience real life ; they just float around in a bubble wrapped version of it, pretending they don't live in their own shadow.



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I was in a hurry during my lunch break today, had to pick up a few things and decided to stop at Burger King on my way back to work.


And ever since 2:30 today, I've been bloated AF and can't stop farting.


Whopper farts every two minutes or so.

It's awful

They're loud

and pungent


My son is watching the game with a pillow over his face... And I can't help but to laugh.


But man oh man am I uncomfortable. My guts are killing me.


&^@# you Burger King. Never again

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