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[Value of] Kevin Bieksa

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Garrison was unloaded in a cap dump and the trade was announced minutes before the NHL draft.

Benning called Yzerman the night before the draft with the proposal so there was no waiting for the best deal.


Bieksa is under rated because he is aging and his feet are not always the swiftest any more but he has been a very,very good d man for Vancouver over the years and is still playing a #3/4 role.

Doubtful he ever waives or can be convinced of it but he could bring the Canucks good value in return.

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Took long enough for this post to come up...

Bieksa isn't going anywhere, regardless of how he plays. He is funny, and a leader in the locker room. In Vancouver, you can survive on those intangibles alone, regardless of a lack of performance.

he, along with Burrows is a part of the stale core that needs to go. Loved what he brought....doesnt do it anymore. He is exposed after Hamhuis went down. Barter what you can to teams looking for a vet RHS....im betting we can get atleast a 2nd/prospect/roster player to offset salary at the deadline
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As of right now, a 2nd and a middling prospect.

As of March Trade deadline, a late first maybe.

But you'd have to give your head a shake to really think Linden and Benning would ship out Casual Kev

frack ya.....late first would be great. Tampa has 2 this year I believe? Theirs and the pick they got from Rangers? Surely Stevie would part with one. Detroit would love to get Bieksa, and surely teams like Pitts, Anaheim would welcome Kev with open arms and part with their first.
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frack ya.....late first would be great. Tampa has 2 this year I believe? Theirs and the pick they got from Rangers? Surely Stevie would part with one. Detroit would love to get Bieksa, and surely teams like Pitts, Anaheim would welcome Kev with open arms and part with their first.

I doubt KB lands us a 1st especially in this draft. I'm just curious, what makes you think Detroit, Pittsburgh and Anaheim would love Kb? Just your opinion?

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I dont know if all you said is true (about just wanting to live in Vancouver because hes a millionaire and its beautiful) but i do feel that even when he does his little leadership speeches on t.v. that it is just him going through he motions.

Id much rather see some on ice leadership than the crap they all say to us in tv. Even the last play of the game again Dallas. I dont know kev, maybe try to keep your feet moving instead of diving at buddy's legs? In my experiences there was about a 5% chance he got thw puck cleanly there, 60% chance of taking a penalty and about a 35% chance buddy continues on unchallenged to the open net.

Now if he keeps his legs moving and loses a Foote race then at leastyou can say he did all he could do.

Bieksa wasn't the reason we lost last game. But he sure didn't help us try to win either.

Yeah I agree. He's obviously a great room guy but the leadership is way over-stated. If you don't lead by example on the ice you're not much of a leader at all.

He's probably worth a second rounder to the right team at the right time, with maybe a 3rd or fourth thrown in or a b prospect.

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I doubt KB lands us a 1st especially in this draft. I'm just curious, what makes you think Detroit, Pittsburgh and Anaheim would love Kb? Just your opinion?

well Detroit is horny for a right hand shot and its no secret they want Myers or Green but dont want to mortgage their future. Bieksa is a rhs and fits what they are looking for. Pitts needs depth on the blue line due to injuries and would like to finally make noise in the playoffs. Am sure Anaheim would love him for the same reasons. Not sure if there was a rift between KB and RK but if not then one phone call and im sure Kes can sell Kev on waiving for Anahaim
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If he were traded in Jan/Feb he would probably fetch a 3rd/4th rounder and a B grade prospect

If he were traded on deadline day I would say a 2nd rounder and a roster prospect from a contending team

to Boston for Morrow and the Philly 2nd they got would work and would also be reasonable BUT Boston would need to clear cap space.

Im betting a late 1st from a contender such as Pitts, Ana, Det...TB has 2 (theirs and NYR) at the deadline wouldnt be too far fetched. KB is a good depth defender on a good team and still has another year left signed to reasonable cap hit.





All great pairings

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to Boston for Morrow and the Philly 2nd they got would work and would also be reasonable BUT Boston would need to clear cap space.

Im betting a late 1st from a contender such as Pitts, Ana, Det...TB has 2 (theirs and NYR) at the deadline wouldnt be too far fetched. KB is a good depth defender on a good team and still has another year left signed to reasonable cap hit.





All great pairings

I'm not sure his cap hit is reasonable, especially for a "depth defender"

In my opinion the fact that he is signed past this off season hurts his value.

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He's got Burrows syndrome from last year: not playing up to his contract value and suffering with Sbisa, but Juice normally plays better in contract years.

I wouldn't trade him unless someone wanted to kick down the door and get ripped off by Trader Jim to get him, and if we do keep him hopefully management would look into giving him Lidstrom-style, one-year contracts just to keep him on his game. It'll also hint that, even for "character" guys like him, they don't get free passes just because they "are funny", wear a letter or "have contributed much to the team". Also don't forget that other teams ship out their over-the-mountain vets and they still get good value for them.

Brenden Morrow, as a 3rd line player with "playoff intangibles" but honestly was dealt as a cap dump here having given up the 3rd round pick, got Joe Morrow, who's a decent prospect, and a pick back. Pending UFA David Legwand, who was putting up top-6 numbers with the Preds, got a roster player (Eaves), solid prospect (Jarnkrok) and 3rd for him. If Juice can put up top-4 numbers he can at least get good pieces back. Heck, Garrison as a dump got a 2nd in return, so that shouldn't be out of the question.

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He's got Burrows syndrome from last year: not playing up to his contract value and suffering with Sbisa, but Juice normally plays better in contract years.

I wouldn't trade him unless someone wanted to kick down the door and get ripped off by Trader Jim to get him, and if we do keep him hopefully management would look into giving him Lidstrom-style, one-year contracts just to keep him on his game. It'll also hint that, even for "character" guys like him, they don't get free passes just because they "are funny", wear a letter or "have contributed much to the team". Also don't forget that other teams ship out their over-the-mountain vets and they still get good value for them.

Brenden Morrow, as a 3rd line player with "playoff intangibles" but honestly was dealt as a cap dump here having given up the 3rd round pick, got Joe Morrow, who's a decent prospect, and a pick back. Pending UFA David Legwand, who was putting up top-6 numbers with the Preds, got a roster player (Eaves), solid prospect (Jarnkrok) and 3rd for him. If Juice can put up top-4 numbers he can at least get good pieces back. Heck, Garrison as a dump got a 2nd in return, so that shouldn't be out of the question.

TB has about 4.5 mil in trade deadline space....TB can easily outbid everyone by coughing up a 1st as they have 2. Pittsburgh doesnt have much cap space but if they cough up a pick we can be enticed to take salary back.

St.Louis has cap room, but doesnt have a 1st but they do have prospects such as Rattie, Barbaschev, Fabbri and a few decent D prospects. Their team being this stacked, Im sure management and ownership want to make some noise and might finally pay to get success to be able to wade into the 3rd round of the playoffs

Anaheim has picks, prospects and plenty plenty plenty of cap space for Juice. Will THEY over spend to get past their cross town rivals LA Kings?

Toronto has picks, prospects and a bit of room and maybe Juice waives to go to Toronto. I kbow Morgan Reilly was Bieksas roommate and Dpartner at last year's WC. Will THEY overspend to have another RHS on the blue line

Phanuef- Franson


Is a nice top 4 pairing with Gardner rounding out the unit.

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The thing is Mission I don't think there would be a bidding war. On top of that KB has a ntc just makes things more difficult.

you are right in some aspects.

The biggest is that if we are in the race....Kev aint goin anywhere.

I bet dollars for donuts that if we are out of the race, and Kev is asked...he will waive. So will Burrows and so will Higgins. No player wants to play for a team when they know the writing is on the wall. Word was that Burrows was asked last year and refused. He had his chance for redemption. Now if a 2nd GM in as many years asks him...surely he WILL waive. By now most of the vets were told at the start of the year in Bennings first interviews that these situations might arise.

IF and when KB's name is shopped...he is a vet RHS that provides leadership, experience, snarl and offensive capability. Also on a decent contract/cap hit.....ya, I think teams will perk their heads up and inquire and bid

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