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[Article] The impact of Derek Dorsett on the Canucks


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Love Dorsett and he's solid, but I say let him walk. Need to create roster space for young guys. Gaunce, Jensen, Baertschi, Zaleswki, and Grenier will be pushing for spots. There's just no room for Dorsett.

And not a single one of the guys you just listed plays a similar game to Dorsett. You create roster space for people who make the team. I'd rather sign Dorsett and if someone else provides what he does and does it better you move him, but why create a "space" until someone can actually fill it.
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I would definitely favor Dorsett sticking around. A contract of 1.4 to 1.75 M per, for 2 years.

I had no idea who he was before he was here. I don't get all that many chances to watch full games, so the first time I saw him, my first impression was "who is the guy with all the speed going down the LW"? Keep watching, he had 2-3 decent scoring chances, keep going throughout his shifts, and didn't look at all out of place, unlike a lot of "typical" 4th liners I have seen. So, for what he brings, I was impressed.

Is he a 3rd line player? No. But he does bring a great attitude, more talent (though less toughness) than Rypien (RIP), and has some good years left. Keep him.

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For whatever reason, players have always done well in their contract years, especially with the Canucks. Look at Burrows - played like a horse in his contract year, gets a phat 4M+ signing and then he goes on the biggest slump of his career last season, follows it up pretty well this season but certainly isn't the same player he was before signing the big deal.

Dorsett and Richardson have both played really well this year, well out of their shoes. Richardson is on pace for 15 goals, 35 points-ish which is well over his career bests but he clearly really wants to stay here. It's a shame these guys don't always play this way, maybe we should be dolling out more 1 year contracts...

I guess you forgot the time he signed a massively discounted contract @ 4 years for $8 million (2 mil per).

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Before I make my point, let me just say that this isn't a criticism of your post. You make a valid point. However, this could fall under the category of be careful what you wish for.

I remember when the decision was made to let Raffi Torres walk after the 'Yotes made him an offer we couldn't (or wouldn't) match. There was a lot of angst on display here on CDC, especially when Torres had a solid season in 2012, while the Canucks were subsequently manhandled by the Kings in the playoffs.

Guys who can play and fight are not all that common and it's debatable whether a team like the Canucks can afford to just let one go.

Always glad you posted before i did.

He is absolutely Torres...with a fighters edge.

Folks on CDC whined about losing Raffi...but we got a sound replacement.

I reckon he will stay with the team for a bit.

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I guess you forgot the time he signed a massively discounted contract @ 4 years for $8 million (2 mil per).

Yeah, and forgets the broken foot in game 1 of the season and then the broken jaw as well shortly after returning....imagine 'slumping' after that...

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Torres was a much better player, and put the fear of god into the opposition. Aint nobody wants to step on the ice vs that maniac. Damn i miss him.

The only difference between Cooke and Torres was Torres would actually drop them after one of his cheap shots. I wasn't sorry to see him go. His suspension history speaks for itself.

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Everyone lamented (myself too) about Torres walking...and now we have the perfect replacement.

Not at all displeased with the signing.

Dorsett isn't Torres status, although Torres does play a little closer to the edge then Dorsett. Still feel the term is a tad too long given the cap hit. But we'll see how he does next year, when he isn't playing for a contract.
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As much as I like Dorsett he was not worth the money or the term. I think the term is really problematic - 4 years is a very long time. This is a player that could be expected to have injury issues if he plays the style that he is expected to play.

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