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[OFFICIAL] Mike Babcock chooses the Toronto Maple Leafs

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Source says Babcock told Blues 2 days ago he was out. Things change? If not, the Leafs may have won the sweepstakes


Sources say Mike Babcock has been hired by the Maple Leafs. Mammoth 8 yr contract believed to be around $50 million.

Holy frack! Out of all the places Mike, you go to TO! Why!!!! You'll only tarnish your legacy there. Best part is TO fans will assume Babcock will all of a sudden turn bronze into gold with their players.

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It's not San Jose, Sharks for sure are OUT on Babcock. Sharks focused on long list of other candidates right now

So if the Wings and Sabres were out earlier today, Blues were out and talks with Hitchcock got on about the future, and now Sharks are out....TO it is.

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He's chasing the money attempting to challenge himself.

$8 million per makes him the highest paid coach in NHL history.....after Tortorella of course (if we factor in actual days worked :bigblush: )

He's going to fail fail and fail some more with the Leafs before things turn around as he

A: Doesn't have the quality vets he did in Detroit

B: Doesn't have those vets that were coached under Bowman

C: Doesn't have the support staff

D: Doesn't have ANY developed youth and we've not seen him do anything yet in regards to developing youth, the Detroit system did it for him

Good luck babcock. You're going to need it. But 2 or 3 straight seasons of top 5-10 picks will help I bet

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