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Investing in the stock market - Discussion

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3 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

I've been wanting to learn more about these and implement them into my investment strategy but I haven't because I don't fully understand them. From my understanding a call option allows you to lock in a given stock price that you can trigger even if the price of the stock rises within the time window, whereas a put allows you to buy a stock at a lower price if you think it is overvalued. However I get a little confused on what happens at the expiration date. Some options you are obligated to buy/sell and some you have the option to buy/sell at the strike price.

Put allows you to sell at a higher price when the stock price is low.


Ie. Stock is trading at $50. You think it's being pumped and will fall.


You buy a put option with a strike of $45 at a $2.50 premium


Stock falls to $40, you can exercise the contract and sell 100 shares of the stock at $45/share. Given your 2.50/share premium you paid, you really sell the stock at $42.50/share when it's trading at $40/share so you make 2.50/share profit x 100 shares.

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27 minutes ago, trek said:

My small stake in TSLA is up over $1000 in 2 days lol it's ridiculous and scary.

Both Tesla and Apple have had some good runs this week.  Hopefully the splits will make them both run even higher.  But who knows, this market has been so weird since Covid. 

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For anyone paying attention


This morning Telus completed a silent takeover after an outright purchase of Prices Alarms.  Telus is now currently the 3rd largest security monitor and provider in North America and now largest in Canada acquiring Prices 37,000 total clients on the island.  This is on the heels of their purchase of Acme, Ambush, Graydon and ADT Canada.    They are looking at expanding in to more medical imaging/apps over the next 5 months.


A public release for the prices takeover should be released in the next week.  


Just....on the sly....shhhh

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4 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

It honestly makes zero sense

Almost nothing by the numbers in the market is making sense right now for me.


Thankfully there's a couple of people trying to make sense of what and why in here for me to lean on

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Honestly with Tesla I think a lot of it is trendy and novel. They also get positive PR from SpaceX even though they are completely separate. THey have like 20% of the cars of Toyota but twice the market cap. I think people are excited about the gigafactory thing as well. Which I can see being appealing but as for value it really isn't there. Musk is a wild card as well, both good and bad.


People are buying stocks with stimulus checks. I did with CERB.

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2 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

Honestly with Tesla I think a lot of it is trendy and novel. They also get positive PR from SpaceX even though they are completely separate. THey have like 20% of the cars of Toyota but twice the market cap. I think people are excited about the gigafactory thing as well. Which I can see being appealing but as for value it really isn't there. Musk is a wild card as well, both good and bad.


People are buying stocks with stimulus checks. I did with CERB.

I only ever got 1 CERB cheque as I was lucky to be sought after (not tooting my own horn) in my industry. 


That 1 cerb cheque has increased 9x .. I actually just went back to the "pay it back" page and gave it back so I don't have to worry about tax implications lol

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5 hours ago, inane said:

Below 13.99 and dropping... Advice here @AriGold2.0

I'm only buying more, it's no surprise that it consolidated more. It's very difficult to catch a true bottom.. Chart looks ready to roll but here are some September features coming.. I promise if you hang on till end of Sept you wont be down money. I will stop giving advice if that does happen. Only thing that can ruin it is if a covid vaccine happens before then, we know that won't happen though.


They're waiting on operation warp speed funding.




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On 8/20/2020 at 1:42 PM, NucksPatsFan said:

Still mad I didn't jump in TSLA that day Ari did, but glad I caught  AAPL on the dip the other day at 456, not gonna miss the run to hopefully 500 pre split. Averaged up today so now sitting at a 460 average. Plan on holding long post split anyways. 

Yea I should have listened to Ari.... I did buy some Tesla stock just after the split announcement and it has done well so far.  I figure I will let it sit for a handful of years and see how it does, it was money I didn't really need anyways and RBC wasn't making squat on it anyways. See in 5 years from now if it was a worthwhile investment. 

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On 8/20/2020 at 1:42 PM, NucksPatsFan said:

Still mad I didn't jump in TSLA that day Ari did, but glad I caught  AAPL on the dip the other day at 456, not gonna miss the run to hopefully 500 pre split. Averaged up today so now sitting at a 460 average. Plan on holding long post split anyways. 

AAPL is in an absolute tear. You think the split is a good thing?

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9 hours ago, AriGold2.0 said:

I have closed out almost all of my positions, took some losses but had to pull money out to buy a property. Here is everything I have left, being totally transparent.



Is Inovio still a good buy? I lost money on INO when it went from 27 -> 20 so Im kind of hesitant

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On 8/20/2020 at 11:51 AM, Warhippy said:

For anyone paying attention


This morning Telus completed a silent takeover after an outright purchase of Prices Alarms.  Telus is now currently the 3rd largest security monitor and provider in North America and now largest in Canada acquiring Prices 37,000 total clients on the island.  This is on the heels of their purchase of Acme, Ambush, Graydon and ADT Canada.    They are looking at expanding in to more medical imaging/apps over the next 5 months.


A public release for the prices takeover should be released in the next week.  


Just....on the sly....shhhh

Already a shareholder :)


21 hours ago, AriGold2.0 said:

I have closed out almost all of my positions, took some losses but had to pull money out to buy a property. Here is everything I have left, being totally transparent.





I used to I train a few financial advisors and would pick their brain. One of my clients worked for RBCs investment branch and one thing he would always say is "making money is great off of investments but use it for something or else it is meaningless". Congrats on the property

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14 hours ago, filthycanuck said:

Is Inovio still a good buy? I lost money on INO when it went from 27 -> 20 so Im kind of hesitant

I get the hesitation, I tend to stay far far away from a company once I lose money. I like this one for some very specific reasons and plan to hold for around 6-8 weeks. I personally see a double up from $14-$28 in that time range. That being said I have an additional $3000 set aside to average down if the price does drop lower and it may but...


Here are some reasons why I like INO, original reasons are in a previous post..


1. They're 1 of 9 companies currently being funded by CEPI which is a foundation that's funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. 



2. They already work with the big dogs of the world including the US DOD (Which is why I think they will receive operation warp speed funding (Or something similar)). Also they're not just in on COVID, they're in final trials for HIV and HPV drugs.



3. Just this past week they posted about 20 new jobs.. You don't hire unless you're growing.. https://www.inovio.com/careers/


4. https://oracledispatch.com/2020/08/20/inovio-pharmaceuticals-inc-nasdaqino-recent-earnings-shows-major-promise-2/

Edited by AriGold2.0
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