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22 minutes ago, DonLever said:

I think the market went up not because Biden/Trump Won/Lost but that the Republicans retained control of the Senate.  By retaining control of the Senate the Republicans will block Biden's Agenda of increased taxes.

I think your partly right.


Wall street prefers Biden because healthy relations with China far outweigh healthy relations with Putin when it comes to stocks. 


You're right that Kamala won't be able to pass her proposed stock transactional tax.


Biden presidency with republican senate is win win for wall street.

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1 hour ago, NucksPatsFan said:

I think your partly right.


Wall street prefers Biden because healthy relations with China far outweigh healthy relations with Putin when it comes to stocks. 


You're right that Kamala won't be able to pass her proposed stock transactional tax.


Biden presidency with republican senate is win win for wall street.

This idea always gets tossed around and never goes anywhere. Representative DeFazio tables it every year and it never gets any support. Largely because it's stupid.


When this was tossed around after the Great Recession I calculated what I'd owe. My tax bill would have come to something like $17,000 a day. I assure you I was not making $17,000 a day. It's a dumb idea. It's a punitive tax that would destroy liquidity and never bring in what they think it would.


A similar tax was tried many years ago in Sweden. It was a disaster and was repealed and never tried again.

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47 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

This idea always gets tossed around and never goes anywhere. Representative DeFazio tables it every year and it never gets any support. Largely because it's stupid.


When this was tossed around after the Great Recession I calculated what I'd owe. My tax bill would have come to something like $17,000 a day. I assure you I was not making $17,000 a day. It's a dumb idea. It's a punitive tax that would destroy liquidity and never bring in what they think it would.


A similar tax was tried many years ago in Sweden. It was a disaster and was repealed and never tried again.

Agreed. Part of me thinks Kamala only brought it up to troll.

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

This idea always gets tossed around and never goes anywhere. Representative DeFazio tables it every year and it never gets any support. Largely because it's stupid.


When this was tossed around after the Great Recession I calculated what I'd owe. My tax bill would have come to something like $17,000 a day. I assure you I was not making $17,000 a day. It's a dumb idea. It's a punitive tax that would destroy liquidity and never bring in what they think it would.


A similar tax was tried many years ago in Sweden. It was a disaster and was repealed and never tried again.

I may be wrong on this but I am under the impression that it would be a tax on the transaction and not each share. There is no way you could make 17000 transactions per day.


The only way it is feasible is for it to be a transaction tax (ie. makes a $6 transaction $6.50). I have no idea how much money that would generate for them though. It is fairly unlikely to happen imo for the reasons you mentioned re liquidity.

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3 hours ago, AriGold2.0 said:

I’m out at $43.44... Got some other stuff I want to buy, may make another entry if it goes down tomorrow.

Ok wow, I actually basically hit the daily top. That never ever happens.. That's like the stock market hole in 1, haha.

Edited by AriGold2.0
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11 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Anyone been watching Bitcoin lately? It's over $15K. Hasn't been this high since Jan 2018.

Damn, I sold mine at $11K since it wasn't doing anything for me for like over a year. I grossly read the market wrong. Lost a lot of potential earning after selling pretty much everything the week before the election.

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