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German Jewish leaders: We are no longer safe here | Putin says Jews are welcome in Russia


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“No, we are no longer safe here,” Killy told the news outlet tagesschau.de on Tuesday. He said the disintegration of state power, excesses of the extreme right-wing, the loss of political credibility, and “the terrible fear of naming Islamism as such” have contributed to an insecure environment for Jews. Hamburg’s Jewish community has nearly 2,500 members.

Germany has absorbed over one million refugees from mainly Muslim-majority countries.

German Jewish leaders have warned about rising anti-Semitism because the refugees are socialized in countries that are steeped in hatred of Jews and Israel.

And Putin's response:


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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

If only the world had gotten together at some point and appropriated a country just for those of Jewish heritage that they could go too.


If only

I hope you're not saying what I think you are. If so, wow.

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10 minutes ago, jdatb said:

I hope you're not saying what I think you are. If so, wow.



That there is a country that is predominantly jewish in faith and make up?


How is that an issue for you?  Did that hurt your feelings?  Am I now some horrible bigot or anti semite for stating the obvious?

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48 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

If only the world had gotten together at some point and appropriated a country just for those of Jewish heritage that they could go too.


If only

Don't be mad.

T'weren't for team 6 star alloy rimz inventing your whole political outlook, then where would you be?

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49 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

If only the world had gotten together at some point and appropriated a country just for those of Jewish heritage that they could go too.


If only

I sure hope you are being sarcastic here.

Putting aside the fact that Israel was invaded by some of its fine upstanding neighbors the day after it was (re-)created, are Jews not allowed to emigrate?  Or can we use this same logic to send others back to where they belong?

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26 minutes ago, Kragar said:

I sure hope you are being sarcastic here.

Putting aside the fact that Israel was invaded by some of its fine upstanding neighbors the day after it was (re-)created, are Jews not allowed to emigrate?  Or can we use this same logic to send others back to where they belong?

The very fact that people genuinely NEED to question that makes me kind of sad really.

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Just now, Warhippy said:

The very fact that people genuinely NEED to question that makes me kind of sad really.

Yeah, I know.  But, inflections don't always carry over in text.  And with numerous people 'talking' at times, it's easy to have the ol sarcasm meter malfunction.


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8 minutes ago, Kragar said:

Yeah, I know.  But, inflections don't always carry over in text.  And with numerous people 'talking' at times, it's easy to have the ol sarcasm meter malfunction.


I will question this statement though in the story

We no longer feel safe here?  Seriously?


What about the tens of millions of others in Germany who might have an issue but not outlet...kind of a pity me and self involved outlook  imo


As well, I don't really recall much in the way of the average starving true refugee being an Israel hating person let alone one being truly anti semetic.  Smacks of attention seeking.  Because truly, they are in no more danger now than they were 6 months ago, and in no more danger than the average German citizen.


But yes my initial comment was VERY sarcastic, it just makes me laugh that people need to be offended so frequently that it gets missed how obvious it really is

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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

I will question this statement though in the story

We no longer feel safe here?  Seriously?


What about the tens of millions of others in Germany who might have an issue but not outlet...kind of a pity me and self involved outlook  imo


As well, I don't really recall much in the way of the average starving true refugee being an Israel hating person let alone one being truly anti semetic.  Smacks of attention seeking.  Because truly, they are in no more danger now than they were 6 months ago, and in no more danger than the average German citizen.


But yes my initial comment was VERY sarcastic, it just makes me laugh that people need to be offended so frequently that it gets missed how obvious it really is

In 2014 there were 473 attacks on foreigners in Germany carried out by far right.

Same year 1275 attacks on Jews, there are 8.2 million foreigners in Germany vs. 250 000 Jews.

Not sure what stats you are using to back up your claim, that the Jews are in no more danger vs. average citizen of Germany. 





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3 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

In 2014 there were 473 attacks on foreigners in Germany carried out by far right.

Same year 1275 attacks on Jews, there are 8.2 million foreigners in Germany vs. 250 000 Jews.

Not sure what stats you are using to back up your claim, that the Jews are in no more danger vs. average citizen of Germany. 





Not sure where you're getting my claims of jews/travellers getting singled out.


Maybe try reading from the beginning.


Here's a fun graph including crime stats in germany period 2011/2012




Funny that, over 136k violent crimes...not sure what point you're trying to make but if there's 136k violent bodily crimes committed in Germany.  ALL people in germany, not travelers, religious individuals refugees or any one specific denomination of gender/religion/orientation


THAT is the point I am trying to make.  To claim they are less safe or feel less safe than the average person in germany is a joke.  They are at no more risk than anyone else.

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