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[Report] Owner involvement nixed possible Hamhuis trade


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I trust benning .. It is the ownership that gets the last say i bet .. Aquaman is the worst owner ever im done with all this shenanigans..it is not bennings fault .. Ownership just wants to make playoffs and get our money.. Aquillini your losing fans and money get your head a shake and face reality cause its rebuilding time not 2011!

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1 hour ago, desiboynux4lifee******* said:

I made this point when I heard Botch speak of it, but it wasn't just botch it was also Moj and Don Taylor asking the same questions. There is going be some uproar, Linden blatantly denies it and Craig Button also supports Linden and Benning. I feel the ownership has been medeling Gillis hinted to it, so now we are lead to believe they have stopped because Linden is in-charge. Well Lindens interview are fishy too, somtimes he says No and sometimes he gives a answer like,"look anytime a big market like Vancouver, ownership is involved in some way." then asked about medelling " I can assure ownership is not involved in anyway"


This leaves two options

A) Benning is a horrible manager and the whole team of management failed today, but I find that part hard to beleive, I don't think any management can be this lost and decide to keep Ufas, after admitting they will not be making the playoffs.


b. Ownership, Gillis alluded to it, some posters on here alluded to it, and some callers alluded to it. Yep we are now known as the conspiracy theorists of the Canucks, yippie! lol


well ask yourself is management just that bad at trading or is ownership medelling. Freidman reported it too, so all the media is wrong?"yeah they are because they are from Toronto, the insiders are doing this for ratings lol"  well okayyyyyyyyyyy thennnnn. All theories aside something fishy is going on with this team, and lets hope the truth comes out, I do also feel ownership had a hand in this. 

I'm sure you've probably seen it but this article sheds some light on why ownership would get involved in this trade:




Might be good to add it to the original post as well. I didn't believe that ownership would get involved until I read this because why would ownership deny a decent trade? Petty ego bull$&!# that's why

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1 hour ago, Nuck4Nuck said:

my question is if ownership is really evolved as the report they say it is, then why would any GM want to work for the Canucks? Basically beside a nice contract that earns you money, you will always be stuck in a tough situation.

Don't you remember what Gillis did towards the end of his regime? He basically called the owners out on meddling. iirc, there were reports of MG not even wanting to hire Tortorella. Seems like time and time again the finger somehow points to FA. I'm honestly kind of sick of it all. 

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11 minutes ago, messier's_elbow said:

Before he got fired he said he wanted to rebuild and go back to skilled players , then got canned after the fans chanted Fire Gillis.

Oh ok i knew he had a interview around when he got fired. Do u know what else was said

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18 minutes ago, desiboynux4lifee******* said:

okay dude lmao 

But hey you have a few valid points you just need to chill a bit, and learn to spell. You post like you just had 3 red bulls. We should have gotten whatever we could for Hammer from Dallas. With Benning seemingly good at drafting we could have had at least a 2nd rounder. If it's owners fault then they are ruining their own product. 

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3 minutes ago, Pyrene said:

Don't you remember what Gillis did towards the end of his regime? He basically called the owners out on meddling. iirc, there were reports of MG not even wanting to hire Tortorella. Seems like time and time again the finger somehow points to FA. I'm honestly kind of sick of it all. 

What did gillis say

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14 minutes ago, JamesB said:

No GM or other hockey executive (or anyone who hopes to be a hockey executive again) is going to rat out ownership. No owner will ever hire a guy who has a record of revealing the dirty laundry. I am surprised that Gillis has revealed as much he has (which still isn't much). The most we are likely to get is "off the record" hints filtered though a few trusted media types. And that is precisely what we have about the Aquillini meddling.

What did gillis say

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While I do believe the whole "where there's smoke there's fire" expression, I'm finding it hard to believe Aquilini nixed this deal. 


People don't get rich and stay rich in business by being stupid. Ownership must realize our team is in need of some serious work. It's clear they have in the past worked to help the team get better... Have bought out numerous bad contracts for poor players, for example... So why cancel a deal that can help the team improve this time? I'm not sure I buy it. 


Having said that, a personal feud with Dallas ownership IS a different animal, so who knows. Regardless of the reason, pretty disappointed as a Canucks fan today. 

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1 hour ago, RRypien37 said:

I have to admit, after originally being quite disappointed and angry at JB, my out look has changed. 


He has made a few stupid moves, but I don't think the TDL was one of them. 


1. Just based on what he talked about at the press conference, if in fact it was true. Plus he really looked tired, beat up and very nervous of the potential back lash. 


2, The fact that he actually had been trying since last week (did not leave it till the last minute like I originally speculated). 


3. NTC clause of Hamhuis, limiting to 3 teams, Vrbata's down fall in play/lack of interest. 


4. Now hearing the owners Meddling into affairs yet again and potentially rejecting a deal with Dallas. 


A large amount of factors went into the result today. Multiple parties are to blame for the ultimate result. Can't point the finger at just JB in this case.  


Seems like the team is going no where until Aqua is out of the equation. 



I too was angry, but you are right, after watching JB speak about it you can tell he has been through a difficult time. 


Ownership is expecting a rush job by benning, i thought they would give him more of a leash, old habits i guess

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15 minutes ago, Squamfan said:

What did gillis say

"The running of this team is my responsibility and I really feel over the last couple of seasons we've chased goalposts that have been moving and got away from our core principles of how I want this team to play and how we want to perform and the tempo we want to play with," said Gillis.

"People love to pick someone to blame, but the reality is that as an organization we've deviated from some of the things that made us successful and some of the things that I know will be successful. We're going to get back to those levels.

"We have the personnel to it and we just have to be committed and have the guts to carry it out." - MG

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34 minutes ago, JamesB said:

No GM or other hockey executive (or anyone who hopes to be a hockey executive again) is going to rat out ownership. No owner will ever hire a guy who has a record of revealing the dirty laundry. I am surprised that Gillis has revealed as much he has (which still isn't much). The most we are likely to get is "off the record" hints filtered though a few trusted media types. And that is precisely what we have about the Aquillini meddling.

It's not a vacuum that consists solely of Nonis and Gillis. You can't seriously believe that not a single member of their management teams would not be willing to discuss the situation with a reporter. If they're concerned about employment opportunities you can hide their identities. 


I don't think I'm being outlandish here. There are too many hands involved in running a franchise to conceal all potentially incriminating information. Especially something that has supposedly been going on for eight years. I can't buy into the idea that the information is somehow permanently unavailable to us. This isn't a repressive dictatorship that will have you killed if you're caught speaking out against it. Governments can't keep their secrets safe but Canucks Sport and Entertainment can?

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31 minutes ago, nux4lyfe said:

"The running of this team is my responsibility and I really feel over the last couple of seasons we've chased goalposts that have been moving and got away from our core principles of how I want this team to play and how we want to perform and the tempo we want to play with," said Gillis.

"People love to pick someone to blame, but the reality is that as an organization we've deviated from some of the things that made us successful and some of the things that I know will be successful. We're going to get back to those levels.

"We have the personnel to it and we just have to be committed and have the guts to carry it out." - MG

Sorry, I look at that and see nothing that can be tied to ownership, potential cancelled trades, etc. This was the time when he was being universally panned for the CoHo trade, giving the impression that the 2011 final spooked him into trading skill for brawn and starting to lose the team identity in the process.


44 minutes ago, ThaShady1 said:

People don't get rich and stay rich in business by being stupid. Ownership must realize our team is in need of some serious work. It's clear they have in the past worked to help the team get better... Have bought out numerous bad contracts for poor players, for example... So why cancel a deal that can help the team improve this time? I'm not sure I buy it. 

That's another detail that doesn't add up. Aquaman demands playoffs but flipflops on how to get there? Nonis was slagged for his constant trading of picks for rentals, but Benning is under no pressure to move prospects for vets? I'm sure Horvat, Boeser and Demko among others could help us land solid vets and I believe JB when he says he is receiving interest in them. If we're operating on 'playoffs or you're fired', why is Benning allowed to put his foot down and hold on to our prospects? Nonis was supposedly fired for not trading for Richards, but you could equally equate that to the fact that he threw away assets for rentals but we kept missing the playoffs anyways. Not a solid leg to help build the case on. There would be more weight here if, despite the low odds of making the show, a report that GMJB was kicking the tires on a guy like Ladd.


If you think about it, Nonis was awful at asset management long before asset management was a thing.


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1 hour ago, ThaShady1 said:

While I do believe the whole "where there's smoke there's fire" expression, I'm finding it hard to believe Aquilini nixed this deal. 


People don't get rich and stay rich in business by being stupid. Ownership must realize our team is in need of some serious work. It's clear they have in the past worked to help the team get better... Have bought out numerous bad contracts for poor players, for example... So why cancel a deal that can help the team improve this time? I'm not sure I buy it. 


Having said that, a personal feud with Dallas ownership IS a different animal, so who knows. Regardless of the reason, pretty disappointed as a Canucks fan today. 

But some of those buy-outs, retentions were also head scratchers.  Luongo, basically you threw away Schneider (albeit got Horvat in return) because you refused to retain on any Luongo deal, then you ultimately decided to retain on Luongo when there was only really 1 team to trade with.  You buyout David Booth who only had a year left on his deal, which really didnt save you much in the long run.  You bought out Keith Ballard who was bad so really this one was the only one that made any sense.

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3 hours ago, TheRussianRocket. said:



Well I don't know what to say. And before anyone tries to discredit Botch, I myself dislike him but acknowledge he's one of the most in-tune people when it comes to the Canucks. He's not like Ian MacIntyre/those folks and actually is dialed in on the inner rumblings of the team.



Are we talking about the same Botch who just wrote an article saying Hammer took to long when asked to waive and killed the deal?


Honestly man, what are you smoking?

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Blaming the owners seems to be the easy thing to do these days.  Anytime something hasn't gone well it's the owners fault.  Everything MG wanted to do post 2011, the owners nixed.  Every mistake Benning makes - it's the owners fault.  There are only 3(?) people that truly know what Aquilini says - Linden, Benning, and Aquilini himself.  Something tells me neither of these 3 are spilling the inside info to these hacks in media.

Maybe, just maybe Benning dropped the ball on this one.

Maybe, just maybe after building a cup calibre team in 2010-11, Gillis just couldn't evolve a great core into a contender the following seasons.

It's border lining on conspiracy theory these days.  Didn't trade Vrbata?  Aquilini's fault.  Didn't trade Hamhuis?  Aquilini's fault.  Nevermind the fact that Hamhuis limited his trade destination to West coast teams only.  I'm not blaming Hammer but maybe we could have got a deal done with Washington?  Maybe Vrbata didn't get traded because he's trash (sorry bit harsh).


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well.. people don't randomly make up stuff about the owner interfering out of no where.. you don't see other sports team when something go south reports that ownership got involved.. there's so many reason as to why this and that happened.. so why report on ownership if it's far from the truth?

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