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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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Just now, 4thLineGrinder said:


so management gets a pass because the roster was total crap but the coach ....

The coach that played Megna, Chaput, and Larsen over promising young players? Yep that guy deserves a pass...


What was Willie going to do in year four that he didn't do in two out of his three years here? Sometimes change is necessary, even if it isn't all Willie's fault. Accept it and move on.



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10 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

This place would be dead without me and you know it. Anyway what are you doing on here I thought you would be out getting drunk with the rest of the lynch mob lightweights.

Late to the party I'm on night shift in camp but come Wednesday I might celebrate this great day in Canucks history ::D

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First time President First time GM First time NHL coach ... A roster of rookie/young players....An unrealistic goal of making the playoffs vs the pressure on an inexperienced coach go win games as well as develop youth players. Something had to give and it Was not going to be Linden. So kind of predictable, I am not sure how going to TG will change anything.   


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2 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

What is he supposed to say though, really? That they didn't put enough talent on the ice?


There's only so much they can do with a lack of young talent and contracts that are not performing to their value.

I expect Linden to be Linden, not be a prostitute or politician.

He could have admitted that they delayed so long that they were unprepared to have a competitive team.

I just don't like excuses. He said it as if it were a big deal. Did the Canucks miss the 5 combined goals of Dorsett and Guddy? As if Rodin was an NHL'er anyways. Just my opinion.

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Just now, CanuckleHorse said:

Late to the party I'm on night shift in camp but come Wednesday I might celebrate this great day in Canucks history ::D

Enjoy it when it comes around. And I mean that, I bare no grudges with the posters I joust with on here. I sometimes get carried away at times but it's nothing personal, we are all Canucks fans.

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17 minutes ago, CanuckleHorse said:

Damn it could we fire you also? Well guess not but would be nice if you left with lil Willy :P

Oh we'll "need" him to crap on whoever the next coach is and tell us all how Willie woulda dun it better. In all his self congratulatory posting he's never actually made a real point regarding Willie's value vs any NHL ready coach. 

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21 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

"Tire fire" also known as a rebuild.


Funny how fans whine about how good Toronto and Edmonton are now, but don't want to go through the painful years that they had to go through to get there.



Who are these fans?

I've read that a few times in here. I've never heard a fan say this.

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

The coach that played Megna, Chaput, and Larsen over promising young players? Yep that guy deserves a pass...


What was Willie going to do in year four that he didn't do in two out of his three years here? Sometimes change is necessary, even if it isn't all Willie's fault. Accept it and move on.




because he was playing the long game


just would have been nice to see what he could do with a legit roster is all, you said your self the our roster was total crap so i don't think we have the full picture of what his true potential is.  Could be he never coaches again, or maybe he goes to dallas to kick the crap out of us for years to come and has a stanley cup ring before we even make it back to the payoffs?

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53 minutes ago, nucksnavsfan said:

Before the trade deadline when they said that they would not ask any players with a NTC to move  and then they ended up trading 2 guys with ntc's , it was explained that they did that to protect the players from media scrutiny and allow them to focus on playing. So the ' lying' was done as was way to protect their players. I am ok with that as long as they come clean with an explanation like they did in that case.

Actually they said they wouldn't ask players to waive their ntc, not that they would ask them to move. Splitting hairs perhaps but in both cases the players weren't actually asked to waive their ntc's. Hansen didn't need to be asked to waive, he had a limited ntc. Meaning they could ask for his list at any time as stipulated in his contract. Now if none on that list were interested, they'd have had to ask him to waive to go to a team not on the list. But that never happened. Burrows said they asked him what he wanted to do. He said he'd move if it helped the team and worked for him and his family. Burrows said was never actually asked for a list. Ottawa was a team showing real interest and Burrows talked to his wife and agreed Ottawa would work for them. Again splitting hairs but is asking him what he wants to do the same as asking him to waive?

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1 minute ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

I expect Linden to be Linden, not be a prostitute or politician.

He could have admitted that they delayed so long that they were unprepared to have a competitive team.

I just don't like excuses. He said it as if it were a big deal. Did the Canucks miss the 5 combined goals of Dorsett and Guddy? As if Rodin was an NHL'er anyways. Just my opinion.

Like it or not Linden is Aquilini by proxy 



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1 minute ago, 4thLineGrinder said:


because he was playing the long game


just would have been nice to see what he could do with a legit roster is all, you said your self the our roster was total crap so i don't think we have the full picture of what his true potential is.  Could be he never coaches again, or maybe he goes to dallas to kick the crap out of us for years to come and has a stanley cup ring before we even make it back to the payoffs?

Okay so let Willie coach here for another 5 years, only to then find out that oh yea he is in over his head?


No thanks. 

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2 minutes ago, 4thLineGrinder said:


because he was playing the long game


just would have been nice to see what he could do with a legit roster is all, you said your self the our roster was total crap so i don't think we have the full picture of what his true potential is.  Could be he never coaches again, or maybe he goes to dallas to kick the crap out of us for years to come and has a stanley cup ring before we even make it back to the payoffs?

How is using Megna etc the long game? It's the exact opposite actually.

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4 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

I expect Linden to be Linden, not be a prostitute or politician.

He could have admitted that they delayed so long that they were unprepared to have a competitive team.

I just don't like excuses. He said it as if it were a big deal. Did the Canucks miss the 5 combined goals of Dorsett and Guddy? As if Rodin was an NHL'er anyways. Just my opinion.

I don't get what you're upset about - he said 1/2 of the 460 days lost were 3 guys.. that just a fact. 


As much as I wanted Wilbrod gone, I think Linden showed a lot of class not taking a rip at him on the way out. 


And they did miss a healthy Guddy and Dorsett. Compare that to Larsen and Chaput. 

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Just now, alfstonker said:

Enjoy it when it comes around. And I mean that, I bare no grudges with the posters I joust with on here. I sometimes get carried away at times but it's nothing personal, we are all Canucks fans.

That's cool Stonk hey I was only Kidding about you leaving and also the world would be pretty boring if we all shared the opinion so good to have you here.

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4 hours ago, Great Granny said:

Somewhere in a dark corner, Alfstonker is in the fetal position sobbing. Best news I've heard in a long time.

Au contraire ... Lindenning right now talking to Alf about the head coaching position!!

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4 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

Who are these fans?

I've read that a few times in here. I've never heard a fan say this.

Anyone who is complaining that the roster is crap and that they're not rebuilding fast enough.


There's plenty of fans saying that if you're paying attention.

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