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Tampa - Van (Proposal)

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Tanev and the rights to Tryamkin




2017 1st (15 OA) + B. Howden + Toronto's 2017 2nd + Tampa's 2018 2nd  + Garrison


OK, here is how it works..........


Tanev = 2017 1st in a weak draft + Howden (2016 - 27OA)

Tryamkin rights = 2018 2nd

Garrison (Cash dump) = Toronto's 2nd


This is a take it or leave it deal, in which I believe Tampa takes as the cash dump helps a lot in their Cap situation, Tryamkin might be enticed to come back to a team which has a few more Russians on it and is alittle bit higher in the standings........


Honestly, I am not overly concerned on whether Tryamkin comes back or not, this is about our team and our growth, and Tampa feels the same way...the chance at getting Tryamkin back over here is worth the 2nd they pay for his rights


Howden has had a get final season and the 1st can be used with a 2nd to move up and grab a Dman at around 10 OA......we need to rebuild.....let's rebuild!


Loosing Tanev may hurt, but down the road, we are better off for getting Howden and the pick........


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29 minutes ago, Adarsh Sant said:

I don't think Tryamkin is worth a 2nd round pick in a strong draft....

Something to think about, but we talked about Tryamkin like he had potential to be a much better player, even though he had shown us a lot already....he was well thought of around the league........I don't know? It is kind of like drafting a NCAA kid (you have to wait 3 years), except you know that he can already play in the NHL.......I think that his worth is a 2nd...he has the potential much greater than a mid 2nd....I would think?

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23 minutes ago, RetroCanuck said:

I don't think tryamkin has any current value. If he decides to come back one day he will but not just after he bolted. My proposal would be 




Tampa 1st+Taylor Raddysh



Like I said above.....I think Tryamkin does have some value because he had been tested and he passed....but I will accept what you say.....I just think because they have so many Russians it may be a little different, as well as the position Tampa is in......but ok! Not a biggy!


As for your proposal......I didn't know too much of Raddysh, but he looks very intriguing........It would over load us on RW though.........but if he is a better prospect than Howden I would be willing to listen.......do you have any comparisons?

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5 minutes ago, ChampStatus said:

What makes Tryamkin's Rights worth a second round pic?

Why would any team want to get rid of a 2nd round pick for a player who is under contract in the KHL


Because 2nd round picks have a 20 % chance of making it, and Tampa like the Canucks would be able to hold his rights for 5 years, so I think he would be a good investment to a team that had success with Russians before......just spit balling.......I could be mistaken

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2 minutes ago, janisahockeynut said:

Like I said above.....I think Tryamkin does have some value because he had been tested and he passed....but I will accept what you say.....I just think because they have so many Russians it may be a little different, as well as the position Tampa is in......but ok! Not a biggy!


As for your proposal......I didn't know too much of Raddysh, but he looks very intriguing........It would over load us on RW though.........but if he is a better prospect than Howden I would be willing to listen.......do you have any comparisons?

I see Raddysh as a future second liner and I don't actually think right wing is our strength anymore. Theres Boeser and then who else? Granlund appears good there but Id like to see him as a C. Eriksson is getting old but hopefully he has a really good year next year and has trade value with retained salary. Other then those three theres not much.

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I honestly doubt Tryamkin ever comes back...If true and he wants more ice time he's going about this all wrong. In two years he's not just going to be able to waltz back in here and start off on the first pair. But if he stuck it out he might have just earned his way right into it. If you ask me he just bumped himself down to the bottom of our depth chart on D. Alot guys will pass him in development now and wont get near the conditioning and competition in the KHL.

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9 hours ago, Vanisleryan said:

I honestly doubt Tryamkin ever comes back...If true and he wants more ice time he's going about this all wrong. In two years he's not just going to be able to waltz back in here and start off on the first pair. But if he stuck it out he might have just earned his way right into it. If you ask me he just bumped himself down to the bottom of our depth chart on D. Alot guys will pass him in development now and wont get near the conditioning and competition in the KHL.

It's the second best league in the world and he'll get to play top 4 minutes. He wasn't going to get that in Van even though he deserved it. This will likely only help his development

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13 hours ago, morrissex95 said:

Take Garrison out of the deal as well as Tryamkin and I think Tampa takes this and runs. This makes them a cup contender next season. 

So you think Tanev is worth a mid round 1st. A top prospect, and two 2nd's??? I don't think he'll be traded. But if he is. The return won't be nearly that much. 

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3 hours ago, HockeydownUnder said:

It's the second best league in the world and he'll get to play top 4 minutes. He wasn't going to get that in Van even though he deserved it. This will likely only help his development

Isn't it that they play 7Ds or even 8?  Only one D played more than 19min last season - everyone else is under.  

Before coming over Tryamkin was at 17:40 per game.

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