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Trudeau more unpopular than popular for the first time since election: survey


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12 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I think Trudeau will be happy to compare himself to Ford tbh. There are so many people upset over the city hall debacle and like you say in support of getting a carbon tax cheque I think Trudeau will welcome it. I could see Trudeau gaining seats tbh with how much of a disaster the NDP is right now. 

I haven't seen province by province numbers in a while but last year he was in 2nd in Ontario with only a one point lead over the ndp. In Quebec the conservatives were coming on strong but again that was a year ago. Most recent polls I found have the liberals and conservatives in a statistical tie, which should make 2019 and the campaign interesting.


I'm also interested to see if they will announce a fighter jet winner before the election. JT said he wouldn't buy the F35 and Boeing leaves a bad taste in many Canadians. So the Eurofighter or Rafale? Except the air force wants the most compatibility as possible with the US. I'm thinking they will buy the F18 and the F35 to gain jobs and contracts from Boeing and Lockheed Martin. I do think they will wait till after the election to announce it but then again I'm sure they would like a big announcement like that before the election but Boeing and Lockheed Martin are tough thing for JT given whats happened and what was promised.

Edited by Ryan Strome
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12 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I haven't seen province by province numbers in a while but last year he was in 2nd in Ontario with only a one point lead over the ndp. In Quebec the conservatives were coming on strong but again that was a year ago. Most recent polls I found have the liberals and conservatives in a statistical tie, which should make 2019 and the campaign interesting.


I'm also interested to see if they will announce a fighter jet winner before the election. JT said he wouldn't buy the F35 and Boeing leaves a bad taste in many Canadians. So the Eurofighter or Rafale? Except the air force wants the most compatibility as possible with the US. I'm thinking they will buy the F18 and the F35 to gain jobs and contracts from Boeing and Lockheed Martin. I do think they will wait till after the election to announce it but then again I'm sure they would like a big announcement like that before the election but Boeing and Lockheed Martin are tough thing for JT given whats happened and what was promised.

yeah me too. That ones a bit tricky, but sticking it to a major US company after all the tariff garbage and their court attacks on Bombardier it would be a vote getter, and I think the Eurojet is a better jet for us anyway. 

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

yeah me too. That ones a bit tricky, but sticking it to a major US company after all the tariff garbage and their court attacks on Bombardier it would be a vote getter, and I think the Eurojet is a better jet for us anyway. 

I like the Euro fighter also but the Euro fighter and rafale will be obsolete in the next 10 to 20 years as Germany and France are working on a 5th generation fighter.

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Let me preface this by saying that I think a lot of the criticism directed at JT ITT is silly. Personally, I don't care if he's too PC for some people.....I don't care if he arbitrarily decides that he cabinet will be gender balanced (there are plenty of qualified people of both genders to fill cabinet positions)....I don't care if he dressed in traditional Indian garb and I don't even care that he accepted a free holiday....but...


If we have the money to buy a pipeline, we should be able to find the money to properly look after our veterans:





Veterans Affairs is not in the business of taking care of veterans. That's the inescapable conclusion.

Whatever the motivation behind the inception of benefits for injured veterans was, the current purpose of VAC is to give the appearance of helping veterans, while saving and returning as much funds as possible to the government. The department exists primarily to support politicians in their claims that they deeply care about veterans. In reality, providing for veterans is way down the list.

One need only look at the actual delivery of service to veterans to see: long processing times (which are getting even longer); funds allocated to VAC programs being returned unspent — to both Liberal and Conservative governments; the current government's plan to restore lifelong pensions will actually save it money; even the way that government will fix an error that takes money out of veterans' pockets — but refuse to give the money back.

Until very recently, no government was ever open and honest enough to say that veterans are too expensive, even though governments continually find ways to game the system against veterans.

When asked about veterans suing over their lump-sum awards, Trudeau was honest enough to say that veterans suing over payments want more than Ottawa can afford. Honest — in that he no doubt believes that. However, the amount of funds regularly returned unspent from VAC would indicate that there's enough money already available. Money Canada actually can afford but chooses not to spend.


The bolded sentences are what used to be referred to as "damning with faint praise". The rest of the article is just damning....

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1 hour ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Let me preface this by saying that I think a lot of the criticism directed at JT ITT is silly. Personally, I don't care if he's too PC for some people.....I don't care if he arbitrarily decides that he cabinet will be gender balanced (there are plenty of qualified people of both genders to fill cabinet positions)....I don't care if he dressed in traditional Indian garb and I don't even care that he accepted a free holiday....but...


If we have the money to buy a pipeline, we should be able to find the money to properly look after our veterans:



The bolded sentences are what used to be referred to as "damning with faint praise". The rest of the article is just damning....

Did you just confirm that there are (should be) only 2 genders ?  I mean, nowadays the PC thing to do if the cabinet was to be gender balanced, there would only be room for 1 post per gender.. crazy times


Regardless... I agree.... gotta treat the veterans better and pay up.... mind boggling how ignoring those who fight for our freedom isn't political suicide. I guess it has been normalized. 

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3 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Let me preface this by saying that I think a lot of the criticism directed at JT ITT is silly. Personally, I don't care if he's too PC for some people.....I don't care if he arbitrarily decides that he cabinet will be gender balanced (there are plenty of qualified people of both genders to fill cabinet positions)....I don't care if he dressed in traditional Indian garb and I don't even care that he accepted a free holiday....but...


If we have the money to buy a pipeline, we should be able to find the money to properly look after our veterans:



The bolded sentences are what used to be referred to as "damning with faint praise". The rest of the article is just damning....

Both parties are guilty of neglecting our Veterans and our military and for a Country as rich as Canada this is simply unacceptable.

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1 hour ago, Chicken. said:

Did you just confirm that there are (should be) only 2 genders ?  I mean, nowadays the PC thing to do if the cabinet was to be gender balanced, there would only be room for 1 post per gender.. crazy times


Regardless... I agree.... gotta treat the veterans better and pay up.... mind boggling how ignoring those who fight for our freedom isn't political suicide. I guess it has been normalized. 

At one time it was political suicide. But in the 70s PET started deep cuts to our forces and pretty well every pm since has done the same.

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

At one time it was political suicide. But in the 70s PET started deep cuts to our forces and pretty well every pm since has done the same.

There was ALOT of grumbling when they made all the branches of our forces wear the same type of uniform (eg., navy, army, etc.,).

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20 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

@Jimmy McGill not sure what the latest is on Japan if they're going ahead with their new fifth generation stealth twin engine fighter but if they are that would be a great fit. Japan was looking for partners in the program which we could invest in and build the jets in Canada.

that might go a long way in repairing the damaged relationship - thats the one main trading partner that Trudeau managed to annoy last year. Not bad all things considered. 

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20 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

@Jimmy McGill not sure what the latest is on Japan if they're going ahead with their new fifth generation stealth twin engine fighter but if they are that would be a great fit. Japan was looking for partners in the program which we could invest in and build the jets in Canada.

I would love it if Canada were able to revitalize the air industry.   And not be so dependent on the US. 

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Speaking of trading partners, if Trump accomplished nothing else, the trip to France put him within earshot of JT:






Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he aims to see American tariffs on steel and aluminum lifted before December after bending Donald Trump's ear about the issue over the weekend.

But at a news conference in Paris Monday, Trudeau would not say if scrapping the levies would be a condition for his government's signature on the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

Though the USMCA deal was announced in late September, the U.S. has not lifted tariffs of 25 per cent on steel produced outside the country and 10 per cent on aluminum. Canada's countermeasures on almost $13-billion worth of U.S. goods also remain in place.

A CBC News reporter noted Trudeau had a "good interaction" with Trump during a dinner hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron Saturday. The event was organized for world leaders who travelled to France to commemorate 100 years since the end of the First World War.

The prime minister said he "absolutely" brought up the tariffs with Trump at the dinner.

"The issue of steel and aluminum tariffs continues to be of concern to Canadians, like it is of concern to many American citizens and companies," the prime minister said.

"This is something that, as I've said before and as I related to President Trump, I hope we're able to solve by the time we meet each other in the G20 in Argentina.''


G20 summit expected to be site of USMCA signing ceremony


Asked by another reporter how Trump responded to the issue, Trudeau said his U.S. counterpart "echoed" his desire to "keep moving forward on what has been a positive trade relationship."

The G20 summit in Buenos Aires — set to begin on Nov. 30 — is widely expected the be the site of a USMCA signing ceremony. A new Mexican government will be sworn in on Dec. 1.

However, Mexico's deputy commerce minister said last month that his country won't sign the so-called new NAFTA unless the U.S. removes steel and aluminum tariffs on its neighbours.

The prime minister would not say Monday if Canada has its own stipulations.

"As I've said, discussions and work is ongoing and as always, I won't be negotiating in public," he said.


Of course, this could mean nothing at all, but keeping the pressure on president Pinocchio is a good thing. (especially since he apparently had nothing pressing to attend to :rolleyes:) ....Nice to see some solidarity on the part of the Mexicans, as well.

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1 hour ago, BPA said:

I would love it if Canada were able to revitalize the air industry.   And not be so dependent on the US. 

next time Bombardier comes with its hand out the Fed's should carve off a piece of that company to develop a crown corporation of  aerospace engineers to do just that. Not to build them per se but to design and spec a new Canadian or joint aircraft like @Ryan Strome suggested with Japan 

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40 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:


The resistance?




If Conservatives in the west needed a poster for a boy band this would be it.


Also, as a photographer.  I am highly amused at the boundary warping they did during the compositing to make Scheer look that tall.

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26 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

The resistance?




If Conservatives in the west needed a poster for a boy band this would be it.


Also, as a photographer.  I am highly amused at the boundary warping they did during the compositing to make Scheer look that tall.

You'd think they could have also done a little warping to make it look like Ford doesn't regularly fly around sporting venues with "GOODYEAR" printed on his side.....

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30 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

The resistance?




If Conservatives in the west needed a poster for a boy band this would be it.


Also, as a photographer.  I am highly amused at the boundary warping they did during the compositing to make Scheer look that tall.

"No Direction" comes to mind right away.....

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