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Quinn Hughes | #43 | D

-Vintage Canuck-

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3 hours ago, Pure961089 said:

How many is too many rookies?  Pettersson, Hughes, Dahlen, Gaudette, Juolevi, Demko,  with Boeser in his second year.  If they legit win spots how do we deny them?  

You deny them based on empirical evidence


Our man games lost for the past 3 seasons are 360, 439 and 302 this past season. Utica went through 60+ players this past season. 


Given those numbers and the fact that the Canucks have played their 11th and 12th defensemen during those years. It makes sense that they would want our bluechip guy in the system, just in case. 


Anyway you slice it, he's going to play for team USA for the WJC in Vancouver. It would be stupid to keep him out of that tournament.


Given our injury history, I really don't see how the Canucks can afford to keep this guy in the amateur ranks.




Edited Tuesday at 05:44 PM by canuckledraggin

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Who are the Canucks top 10 Prospects? Or Ready to step into the lineup from most ready to least IMO. 


My Top 10

1. Pettersson

2. Hughes

3. Dahlen

4. Gaudette

5. Demko


7. DePietro

8. Gadjovich 

9. Jasek



Other Noteworthy prospects are Palmu, Woo,  

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15 minutes ago, Pure961089 said:

Who are the Canucks top 10 Prospects? Or Ready to step into the lineup from most ready to least IMO. 


My Top 10

1. Pettersson

2. Hughes

3. Dahlen

4. Gaudette

5. Demko


7. DePietro

8. Gadjovich 

9. Jasek



Other Noteworthy prospects are Palmu, Woo,  

1) Pettersson

2) Hughes

3) Juolevi

4) Gaudette

5) Demko

6) Dahlen

7)  Lind

8)  Woo

9)  Jasek

10) Dipietro

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9 hours ago, cory40 said:

I noticed he never really had to push the forwards away. His speed and ability to read the play allowed him to have the puck many times when it looked like he had no Business getting it. My fav quote "if a defenseman has to clear the front of the net , He has already failed to do 90% of his job." All the plays Hughes ends up with the puck ,breaking up a zone entry etc are opportunities the other team failed at exposing his size. my bet is his talent out weigh the times a large forward is in his crease. Maybe that's where Guddy will come in. Let Hughes go get the puck while Guddy stays home.

Very well said. Which is why I think if he is paired with Taney,. We may see Taney in the lineup a lot more From my point of view. Taney always seemed to get hurt when he was covering up someone else's mistake. Like you said not being able to clear the net. Or the team not being able to clear the zone the first 3 or 4 times they would try. Leading to quality chances, where Taney would sacrifice his body. I think  they make a really good pair for those reasons.


Guddy would be good for size. But I am banking on Hughes being quick enough and smart enough to get himself out of trouble. Much like we saw EP do in the SHL playoffs. I think Guddy and Edler was our best pairing for their style of game. Cheers

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On 6/27/2018 at 9:55 PM, coastal.view said:

i saw bure very early on

and his superstar talent was obvious from the get go 

you did not need to be a scout

or have much hockey knowledge to see

that he was better then anyone else on the ice

Within a few seconds of seeing Bure's highlights in Russia, it was, "Whoa, really?  We finally got a star."  Like Hughes, it's clear that he's a level above the players around him.  Both take the puck and control the game.  Difference is that Bure would skate right at people and dangle at top speed, always looking to get to the net and score, whereas Hughes is more deliberate and weaves around, looking to make plays first.  But both can control the game, because they can out-skate nearly everyone and nobody can take the puck from them once they have it.  Hughes arguably has the higher hockey IQ but Bure the goal-scoring skill.

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20 minutes ago, ep402brock2hughes said:

Very well said. Which is why I think if he is paired with Taney,. We may see Taney in the lineup a lot more From my point of view. Taney always seemed to get hurt when he was covering up someone else's mistake. Like you said not being able to clear the net. Or the team not being able to clear the zone the first 3 or 4 times they would try. Leading to quality chances, where Taney would sacrifice his body. I think  they make a really good pair for those reasons.


Guddy would be good for size. But I am banking on Hughes being quick enough and smart enough to get himself out of trouble. Much like we saw EP do in the SHL playoffs. I think Guddy and Edler was our best pairing for their style of game. Cheers

Yeh I don't get the trade Tanev guys. A player like Tanev will be a great shut-down player until the day he retires. I would like to see TANEV CONTINUE TO DEVELOPE (ooops caps) along with are young players. there is something to be said about players who really think the game well. It rubs off on the entire team. We could see a whole defensive core become better collectively. My example is the 80's Oilers penalty killing. They would get the puck and just keep it. Gretz or Mess would circle back when they left the zone and kill more time, Next thing the whole team picked up on that little trick. Then it started opening short handed options......ie I can't wait to see what EP and Hughes rub off on the other guys.

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5 minutes ago, Hutton Wink said:

Within a few seconds of seeing Bure's highlights in Russia, it was, "Whoa, really?  We finally got a star."  Like Hughes, it's clear that he's a level above the players around him.  Both take the puck and control the game.  Difference is that Bure would skate right at people and dangle at top speed, always looking to get to the net and score, whereas Hughes is more deliberate and weaves around, looking to make plays first.  But both can control the game, because they can out-skate nearly everyone and nobody can take the puck from them once they have it.  Hughes arguably has the higher hockey IQ but Bure the goal-scoring skill.

It was Bure's attack method that cut his career short. He went to traffic, Kinda like McDavid, I really like how Hughes avoids traffic and makes his lanes open up with direction changes..

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3 hours ago, ep402brock2hughes said:

I see it as this. Rasmus was going 1st no matter what. The Canes are stacked on D like no other team, but need elite forwards. After that if you scour the net Most people had Hughes as the 2nd best D Montreal had their list according to MB as Hughes the Finn or Zadina. They went for need over BPA Ottawa from almost everything I've been able to dig up had Hughes as their guy over Zadina. There are a ton of scouts now that the draft is over are saying his interview process was terrible. One scout who knows him well said when asked certain questions he would look to the translator, Even though he understood the question and according to the guy his English is good enough that it was obvious he was being coached. Apparently this happens a lot with Euro kids .Actually have heard quite a few negative things about him. Even after being drafted . Instead of being over the moon. It was all about payback against the Habs and the Sens. Again with the Sens I think they have a legit shot at resigning EK. Look how fast Hoff was gone. I doubt he gets traded that fast for such a pathetic return unless they maybe were told by EK whatever chance you have regarding me I better see that punk gone asap. Strictly my opinion.


Maybe they felt Brady was the most ready forward, or maybe they got sucked into the hype? Cuz I think pick 4,5 and 10 were the worst in the top 10. Chyka is the younger version of Chia. Why else would you pass on the 3 best D still available and the 2 best forwards?


With Detroit maybe they felt scoring was their most pressing need really hard to say because they said the same thing JB said to the Hughes Family. if by some fluke your still there at 6 your not making it to 7. Kenny boy I think made  the wrong choice. If both reach their expected potential in the end it is always easier find a winger over a true #1 PMD

You bring up scouts. I think you know enough about hockey that a gm. no matter how nice of a guy, will pick who he want's There never was a debate over who the number #2 d wass Unless your basing it off of mainly sportsnet. No other d besides Rasmus was compared to the best d of my era and a little bit beyond. Ras was compared to [potvin Ek Hedman. Hughes Orr Coffy Leach Housley.. Bouchard was compared to jay bowmeister. Dobson to sorry wrong spelling, Pieterangelo. Chicago nailed it at 8th if he can translate to the smaller ice.

Hughes not my words but Buttons during the world cup, said Hughes may end up being the best player in this draft. He then said but you have to go with Rasmus because right now he is the best d of the group. Button isn't the only one to say that. about Hughes.

In  the end JB took the guy he wanted since we found out we  were not going first.. Best thing is this kid want's to play now. he oozes confidence not immaturity that you hear a lot of 18 year-olds who just got drafted and say the same thing. This kid when asked about his D said he had the best plus minus on his team, and was on the ice for one goal against  in the world cup. I think was a plus5 or something at the world cup.. I loved his tweet about . Basically he said Only people I care about when asked if it bothered him that it his D  gets mentioned, so much  tho not sure why? He said I only care about what my Family my coach the Canucks and our fans think..

One more point sorry to blab I had to open a knew account and spent 5 days in the Hospital stuck reading HF and my roommate for 3 days was an Oiler fan who wouldn't shut up about Bouchard. I felt like ripping my feeding tube out of my stomach and chocking him with it lol. Anyways my point was you could just copy and paste you post to 2017 when 4 teams passed on EP40 One of them as a19 year-old had less points the highest scoring freshman d. Mr Hughes. So for just this once, because I have read a lot of your posts. You seem to enjoy going negative.. The last 2 years we lost the draft. Yet somehow we potentially got the best player in both of them. Especially last year. So enjoy what is happening. Next year is going to be one exciting time for us fans. Cheers



Wow!  Great post.  I totally agree that Hughes, like Pettersson, will prove to be the best player in his draft.  

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In a nutshell..........

Dad dropped Quinn off at the airport this morning at 5am ET 

No discussions with Benning yet, as he expected due to everything going on at the moment with free agency etc. 

Asked if he thought Quinn is NHL ready.  Yes he is close. Jim and his staff will decide if he should make the team, if its the right thing for the team.  I think he is close and we’ll see how it goes.  He has two great options and worst case scenario is he goes back to Michigan. 

Went on to talk about Quinns game and skillset and said his defensive game is as good as his offensive.  

Very familiar and excited about a Canadian market. Is he ready for it....of course.   


Quite a long interview....

You can probably listen to the entire interview online on Sportsnet’s website. 


Edited by redhdlois
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