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Bill Nye Loses HIs Sh*t to get Global Warming Message Across


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2 minutes ago, Jack_T said:

I can’t speak for everyone on this forum, but I would never compare Gore/Nye or AOC to Trump. One is an outright pathological liar, the others are not. 


Intersting that you bring up AOC though - a junior congresswoman receives so much attention. Good for her!

How is Gore not a pathological liar?  He has deliberately misrepresented the climate situation for decades.  

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Just now, Rob_Zepp said:

Well, Bill sure would not have liked the Cretaceous and years shortly following.....


Not many human beings would enjoy the Cretaceous period...it wasn't a very good environment for the human race:bigblush:

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24 minutes ago, Kragar said:

I had an additional thought.


It appears that many of the AGW/ACC supporters here are anti-Trump... seems reasonable, since Trump denies (to some degree or another) AGW/ACC.  And, many of you consistently call out Trump for all his lies.


Is it solely the fact that you believe in the AGW/ACC cause that makes it acceptable for people like Gore, Nye, and AOC to lie about this?

Can you prove that Gore, Nye and, AOC are actually willfully lying?


Certainly they aren't under the same scrutiny as Dumbpf, which I believe is truly earned due to the vast amounts of lies and the arrogant nature in which he spews them, many of which are so far-fetched is embarrassing. Being the elected leader of the United States, you'd hope that such massively erroneous behavior wouldn't be his hallmark but it's become that.


No human is perfect, and everyone has lied at one point or another, including Ocasio-Cortez, Nye, and Gore. Have they twisted facts to serve themselves? I'm not sure how. Maybe Gore used it to sell copies of his book and movie. Maybe Nye has done so to enamor more people to his shows, and maybe Ocasio-Cortez has done so to get a greater foothold in the Democratic Party. I don't know, as I don't know who they are outside of the public persona that's available.


For me, it's not a political issue, it's one of the natural world. And not just regarding humans either. I'd like to think that humanity can wake up collectively and stand to be better stewards for the planet that we've essentially taken over (mind you, if the insects ever get their act together, we're so #$!*ed), and treat all problems affecting this entire planet and all it's inhabitants seriously. I agree with posters like canuckistani that human based issues with overfishing and habitat depletion for various key species is of paramount importance to be dealt with, as losing certain animals in an environment can reek havoc down the chain.


Another point that some have brought up here that seems to evade mention in much of the climate change/anthropogenic global warming discussion is the wanton destruction of many of the world's forests, which have historically acted as a counterpoint to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So, while I do believe that humanity should strive (worldwide) to move away from the use of fossil fuels, I also understand that it has to be gradual and well planned rather than an abrupt sea-change that would not be met well, nor is it realistic.

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5 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Can you prove that Gore, Nye and, AOC are actually willfully lying?


Certainly they aren't under the same scrutiny as Dumbpf, which I believe is truly earned due to the vast amounts of lies and the arrogant nature in which he spews them, many of which are so far-fetched is embarrassing. Being the elected leader of the United States, you'd hope that such massively erroneous behavior wouldn't be his hallmark but it's become that.


No human is perfect, and everyone has lied at one point or another, including Ocasio-Cortez, Nye, and Gore. Have they twisted facts to serve themselves? I'm not sure how. Maybe Gore used it to sell copies of his book and movie. Maybe Nye has done so to enamor more people to his shows, and maybe Ocasio-Cortez has done so to get a greater foothold in the Democratic Party. I don't know, as I don't know who they are outside of the public persona that's available.


For me, it's not a political issue, it's one of the natural world. And not just regarding humans either. I'd like to think that humanity can wake up collectively and stand to be better stewards for the planet that we've essentially taken over (mind you, if the insects ever get their act together, we're so #$!*ed), and treat all problems affecting this entire planet and all it's inhabitants seriously. I agree with posters like canuckistani that human based issues with overfishing and habitat depletion for various key species is of paramount importance to be dealt with, as losing certain animals in an environment can reek havoc down the chain.


Another point that some have brought up here that seems to evade mention in much of the climate change/anthropogenic global warming discussion is the wanton destruction of many of the world's forests, which have historically acted as a counterpoint to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So, while I do believe that humanity should strive (worldwide) to move away from the use of fossil fuels, I also understand that it has to be gradual and well planned rather than an abrupt sea-change that would not be met well, nor is it realistic.

The book I mentioned in my delayed reply to you yesterday (Factfulness, Hans Rosling) pointed that out for Gore.  A link I provided yesterday in another post(not sure I quoted that particular person, there were a lot of quotes in the link) referred to some scientist admitting (and defending) presenting the worst case scenario because it was the only way to get people to listen.  i am assuming that Nye and AOC are following suit, although they could just be building their position on someone else's "lies".  I would think that is more likely for AOC to be unaware than Nye, who is better educated and involved in the movement longer.


They are persisting in misrepresenting the facts because it suits their political purpose.  Maybe there is some altruism involved, and they really think they can save the planet as a result, but Gore is getting rich from it, I presume Nye isn't hurting, and AOC has dreams of higher office, and it's on the backs of what they say about the environment.


If you have people like them twisting things to suit their cause, how can we blame others for doing the same thing?  We'd be much better off if we can get both sides of the issue to have honest discussion rather than constant political posturing and data manipulation.


I'm on board with pretty much everything in your last two paragraphs.  Humans are not innocent of all impact to nature, and there are things we need to remedy.  We have such higher intelligence that we can learn and invent solutions to so many problems, and this has led to our massive expansion as a species.  We live so much longer, and take up so much space, that it has an impact on the world.  Digging deeply into that topic could get pretty nasty, IMO.

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1 minute ago, Shift-4 said:

Speak for yourself

I would have loved T-Rex rides!

Yup.  You can always doing anything once.  Jump off a sky scraper with no chute.  Set your self on fire, with no protective suit.  Jump in front of a speeding train.  Or, ride on the back of a T-Rex.  

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2 hours ago, falcon45ca said:

Not many human beings would enjoy the Cretaceous period...it wasn't a very good environment for the human race:bigblush:

Humans as a brief portion of the Earth's history and I rather doubt the Earth will really care if we were all gone.   The point is Bill Nye and many others are talking about the end of the Earth - fact is, that is simply crap given the Earth has seen worse and if we screw things up and make life tough on ourselves, the Earth may actually grin and say "you didn't even last remotely close to the length the dinosaurs did....and they didn't even have 4G".     

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1 hour ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Humans as a brief portion of the Earth's history and I rather doubt the Earth will really care if we were all gone.   The point is Bill Nye and many others are talking about the end of the Earth - fact is, that is simply crap given the Earth has seen worse and if we screw things up and make life tough on ourselves, the Earth may actually grin and say "you didn't even last remotely close to the length the dinosaurs did....and they didn't even have 4G".     

Of course the Earth doesn't care about humanity, it doesn't have sentience.


Maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, Bill Nye & Co are referring to the human ability to survive on the planet given current conditions. Let's not straw-man them to death, shall we? You're point seems rather semantical.

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33 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Of course the Earth doesn't care about humanity, it doesn't have sentience.


Maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, Bill Nye & Co are referring to the human ability to survive on the planet given current conditions. Let's not straw-man them to death, shall we? You're point seems rather semantical.

Humans have an sense of over importance inclusive of Mr. Nye.   We are overdue for a pole flip which has impact on climate and as one approaches make temperature variations quite severe....at least that is what theory shows as this is likely first time we have been able to measure.   Further, solar activity has interesting effects inclusive of variations that can be quite abrupt.   Humans need to be better at stewarding the planet for sure but some of the recent rhetoric about human influence on some aspects of the Earth is incredibly politically agenda motivated and beyond disingenuous in regions that have no actual influence beyond low decimal point under any reasonable scientific perception.   


Oh, and go plant a tree.   Trees can do more than most even begin to consider


Planting 1.2 Trillion Trees Could Cancel Out a Decade of CO2 Emissions, Scientists Find

Fox Maple Woods in Wisconsin.

Fox Maple Woods in Wisconsin. JOSHUA MAYER / FLICKR

There is enough room in the world’s existing parks, forests, and abandoned land to plant 1.2 trillion additional trees, which would have the CO2 storage capacity to cancel out a decade of carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new analysis by ecologist Thomas Crowther and colleagues at ETH Zurich, a Swiss university.

The research, presented at this year’s American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Washington, D.C., argues that planting additional trees is one of the most effective ways to reduce greenhouse gases.

Trees are “our most powerful weapon in the fight against climate change,” Crowther told The Independent. Combining forest inventory data from 1.2 million locations around the world and satellite images, the scientists estimate there are 3 trillion trees on Earth — seven times more than previous estimates. But they also found that there is abundant space to restore millions of acres of additional forests, not counting urban and agricultural land.

“There’s 400 gigatons [of CO2 stored] now in the 3 trillion trees,” Crowther said. “If you were to scale that up by another trillion trees, that’s in the order of hundreds of gigatons captured from the atmosphere – at least 10 years of anthropogenic emissions completely wiped out.”

Tree planting is becoming an increasingly popular tool to combat climate change. The United Nations’ Trillion Tree Campaign has planted nearly 15 billion trees across the globe in recent years. And Australia has announced a plan to plant a billion more by 2050 as part of its effort to meet the country’s Paris Agreement climate targets.

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