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Pollsters Got It Wrong As Conservatives in Australia Win Election


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Here we go again.   How many times polls were wrong?  The Labour Party in Australia was expected to win todays election but the Liberal Party (Conservatives) won a narrow victory instead.




Australia's Liberal-led conservative government was headed for a remarkable win at the national election early on Sunday after uncovering a narrow path to victory that twisted through urban fringes and rural townships.

The results upended pre-election polls which predicted a Labor victory, though it is unclear whether the Scott Morrison-led coalition can govern with an outright majority or will need to negotiate support from independents.


The final result may not be known for some time.

“I have always believed in miracles,” Morrison told cheering supporters at Sydney’s Wentworth Hotel, where the government holds its official election night function.


“Tonight is not about me or it’s not about even the Liberal party. Tonight is about every single Australian who depends on their government to put them first.”

The conservative government has won or is leading in 72 seats in its quest for a 76-seat majority, according to the Australian Electoral Commission, with just over two-thirds of votes counted.

Several seats are still too close to call and the final result is complicated by a large number of early votes that have delayed counting.

Edited by DonLever
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1 minute ago, xereau said:

The media are liars. Plain and simple. They didn't get it wrong. They are propaganda pushing presstitutes.

Liars, no.  The pollsters got it wrong and the first sentence of the OP says why.  Urban fringes and rural townships.   Two places that are difficult to get accurate poll data close to the election day.  

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The media tries to push this agenda because it typically gets people to vote more for the leading party.  You’ll never see the media say anything conservative is leading or expecting to win.

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2 minutes ago, mpt said:

The media tries to push this agenda because it typically gets people to vote more for the leading party.  You’ll never see the media say anything conservative is leading or expecting to win.

Have you been watching Canadian media lately?  The Cons have been leading in the polls for some time.

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10 minutes ago, mpt said:

The media tries to push this agenda because it typically gets people to vote more for the leading party.  You’ll never see the media say anything conservative is leading or expecting to win.

Its called Push Polling.


Out dated 20th century propaganda technology.



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57 minutes ago, Where's Wellwood said:

Who even answers phone polls anyway? Caller ID, do not call lists, and phone scams mean I don't answer the phone unless I know who it is

Clearly those who vote left wing thus skewing all the polls.    Those who are too busy working don't have time or inclination to answer.

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36 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Clearly those who vote left wing thus skewing all the polls.    Those who are too busy working don't have time or inclination to answer.

More likely those who vote for the right wing nut jobs are too embarrassed to say it publicly. 


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Just now, Jack_T said:

More likely those who vote for the right wing nut jobs are too embarrassed to say it publicly. 


You mean the majority of people?   Interesting how people who work and pay taxes are "nut jobs" to some.   Does make sense when you see some of the entitlement types but still interesting nonetheless.

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Just now, Rob_Zepp said:

You mean the majority of people?   Interesting how people who work and pay taxes are "nut jobs" to some.   Does make sense when you see some of the entitlement types but still interesting nonetheless.

Majority of people? It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t understand how elections work. 

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1 hour ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Have you been watching Canadian media lately?  The Cons have been leading in the polls for some time.

Right because there’s no way the media will deny this outcome.  Check out BC’s history when the NDP was going to win a majority and the liberals smoked them

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48 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Clearly those who vote left wing thus skewing all the polls.    Those who are too busy working don't have time or inclination to answer.


10 minutes ago, Jack_T said:

More likely those who vote for the right wing nut jobs are too embarrassed to say it publicly. 

I get it. One of you is hard core right and the other is hard core left, but can we get any more senseless of an argument than this? Literally an argument of name calling with little content otherwise. lol

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In my opinion, there probably is a little bit of propaganda with the polls. I mean we are talking about humans beings in the end and anyone who doesn't think the media's at least a little biased need to get out from underneath a rock, but there's also the matter of choosing who you are polling.


Basically, if you don't get a good enough sample, you don't get a poll that meaningful. That's likely what happened outside of conspiracies.

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1 hour ago, Rob_Zepp said:

No question the majority of the media has a left wing agenda in most of the world but it is also true that fewer and fewer people are paying attention to them.   Same with social media platforms, similarly dominated with left leaning philosophies when it comes to censorship and similar.   I think what is failing these pollsters and the media that is reporting on them is that they keep forgetting about the silent majorities out there that don't eat the peddled BS, don't respond to polls as they are too busy actually working and don't like it when they are told how evil their are for wanting the very things the hypocritical left elite have (e.g. someone like David Suzuki being touted by media as an environmentalist who should be listened to and yet the guy has a footprint impact on the earth equivalent to a dozen of those he rants at).


Finally, some media (like the CBC in Canada and CNN in the US) are really just extensions of the left wing governments and have become so transparently so it is painful to watch them when they have to address a scandal/issue that points a finger in the direction of their puppetmasters.  

No kidding when you get John Oliver types fear mongering the left about the "white racist conservatives who hate everyone". B---es about Russian interference in elections but constantly pulls his "you're an idiot if you vote right" card. He did it against Bolsanaro in Brazil, Italy, Philippines, Australia, Brexit, Trump, he's 0-6, maybe him and his type should learn to shut their mouths, but really when it boils right down to it, you could almost think, hey, lets mobilize the right by pissing them off instead of pandering to them, but that's the conspiracy theorist in me thinking.


As a centrist, in the end I will always lean towards the team that isn't vocal and rabid which I think a large portion of the population thinks as well, and right now that's voting more conservatively.

Edited by canuckster19
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2 hours ago, xereau said:

The media are accomplices to crooked liars. Plain and simple. They didn't get it wrong. They are propaganda pushing presstitutes.

True story. If you push a narrative and further a political agenda, take a bit of cash in the process, who gets hurt right?


This is becoming the normal, in western society. People, forward thinking people, conscientious, are seeing this new liberal stance and realizing its not sustainable let alone humane. 


“Dear White People”. 


What the fu...? If i said “Dear Black People” and put it on Netflix, doesnt matter what my show was about i would be in a ditch. 


Racism exists. Some people are trying to get rid of it. Some people want “reparations”. 

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4 minutes ago, canuckster19 said:

No kidding when you get John Oliver types fear mongering the left about the "white racist conservatives who hate everyone". B---es about Russian interference in elections but constantly pulls his "you're an idiot if you vote right" card. He did it against Bolsanaro in Brazil, Italy, Philippines, Australia, Brexit, Trump, he's 0-6, maybe him and his type should learn to shut their mouths, but really when it boils right down to it, you could almost think, hey, lets mobilize the right by pissing them off instead of pandering to them, but that's the conspiracy theorist in me thinking.


As a centrist, in the end I will always lean towards the team that isn't vocal and rabid which I think a large portion of the population thinks as well, and right now that's voting more conservatively.

Sounds like you and I have a lot in common.



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40 minutes ago, The Lock said:


I get it. One of you is hard core right and the other is hard core left, but can we get any more senseless of an argument than this? Literally an argument of name calling with little content otherwise. lol

Wrong.   I am pretty much smack dab in the middle.   I just find the left far more whiny and hypocritical.   I think Trump is an absolute moron but those opposing him are giving him a great run for his money.   Soooo little in the middle for people to choose from.

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