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Till we steamroll over McNugget and the Edmonton Oilers on October 2nd!

Really, 56 days is not a super long time in the grand scheme of things, and while the summer is seeming to drag on, the Canucks will be back on the ice before we know it.


Bonus if you enjoy preseason as much as I do because that brings the wait down even shorter.

Will update the thread title daily (as long as it doesnt get locked :((  ) and this thread can serve as a time capsule of sorts, a sort of snapshot into our off-season descent into madness. And then our subsequent hype train party for the final days to tick off the timer.

I literally have counted down the days around this time every summer since I was young. Even in the last few terrible seasons there have been many bright spots, so I look forward to this one being much more saturated with WOW moments.

Get your playoff car flags ready my dudes because it's going to be a wild ride this year!


Hot topics of this week in the off-season include:


Almost everyone wants Eriksson out of town
Fans are anxiously awaiting Boeser to sign his new contract

Where will our newly added players slot into the lineup
How many games it will take us to beat New Jersey in the finals this season


If this thread could get pinned I'd be honored too but no big deal if it's not ;)





Edited by BrockBoester
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6 hours ago, BrockBoester said:


"Where will our newly added players slot into the lineup"


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Not sure if that really describes what I'm itching to watch for towards and at the start or the season.

Why just 'newly added players'? You not curious what happens between Gaudette and Sutter, for example? Who gets pushed back or off the board to accommodate the new guys?

Widen the scope. Who hits the waiver wire? Who performs well in their minor league slots? How do they slot in down there? Signs of training improve after the summer.  Any surprise prospects looking to be the dark horse? Trade tweaks with the flotsam and jetsam beyond Eriksson?


Edited by John_Guest
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I was patient in late April, May and June. But then Benning went and gave the team a massive upgrade in late June and July, and now I'm really excited for the season to start. It will be nice to have the Eriksson situation dealt with, it feels like a distraction. I think the Canucks and Comets are both in for a good year. 

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4 hours ago, drummerboy said:

My favourite posts in your recent string of posts has been the moderator at the end, shutting it down.  

I look forward to seeing it again soon. 

Wow. Tough crowd.


That's happened once.


Sorry you guys don't want me to post threads. I won't anymore.


Bye :(

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7 minutes ago, BrockBoester said:

Wow. Tough crowd.


That's happened once.


Sorry you guys don't want me to post threads. I won't anymore.


Bye :(

Just ignore him.....it was a d**** comment by him!!! He can ignore the (your) posts if he so chooses. It’s not hard!! Type or amount of posts aside, it’s still better then all the negative garbage I’ve seen on here! Thanks for trying to contribute & I too am very excited / can’t wait for the season to start! 

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15 minutes ago, BrockBoester said:

Wow. Tough crowd.


That's happened once.


Sorry you guys don't want me to post threads. I won't anymore.


Bye :(

Lol.  Don’t cry and run away.  

This thread isn’t actually all that bad.  

You have made a couple that were classic kid in the summertime, but this isn’t bad. My apologies. 

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lol, the news isn't coming in, and we're in the dog days of August.  We're all waiting for the next trade and Boesser to sign.  But with all that, I'm sure most of us are just as excited for the season to start, we're just old and quieter about it.  But I will say this, in the words of the Coach himself, all we need to do is get 2 more pts per month to make the playoff.  Do you honestly think, with all the improvements that has been made to the team, we can't manage an extra 2 points per month??  Go Canucks Go, just wish they had the tournament in Penticton again so I had something to look forward to in the meantime.

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11 hours ago, Solinar said:

lol, the news isn't coming in, and we're in the dog days of August.  We're all waiting for the next trade and Boesser to sign.  But with all that, I'm sure most of us are just as excited for the season to start, we're just old and quieter about it.  But I will say this, in the words of the Coach himself, all we need to do is get 2 more pts per month to make the playoff.  Do you honestly think, with all the improvements that has been made to the team, we can't manage an extra 2 points per month??  Go Canucks Go, just wish they had the tournament in Penticton again so I had something to look forward to in the meantime.

2-3 extra points a month definitely within reach.


In Benning we trust - 59 days to go till game 1 xD

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13 hours ago, BrockBoester said:

Wow. Tough crowd.


That's happened once.


Sorry you guys don't want me to post threads. I won't anymore.


Bye :(

Don’t listen to the negativity.  Instead enjoy the memes, some are actually pretty good.   The best of us make threads that get trashed, particularly on the proposal part of the forum...a couple years ago their was a Horvat fan who got lambasted for making a couple threads a day and quite a few of them made for interesting discussions but eventually gave it up.  The Guardian was merciless in his criticism of every move or non move JB made and was eventually banned for trolling (which he did do, BUT he was actually right sometimes and his threads were important).  So don’t give up.   Make a few more this is a boring time of year. 

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11 hours ago, IBatch said:

Don’t listen to the negativity.  Instead enjoy the memes, some are actually pretty good.   The best of us make threads that get trashed, particularly on the proposal part of the forum...a couple years ago their was a Horvat fan who got lambasted for making a couple threads a day and quite a few of them made for interesting discussions but eventually gave it up.  The Guardian was merciless in his criticism of every move or non move JB made and was eventually banned for trolling (which he did do, BUT he was actually right sometimes and his threads were important).  So don’t give up.   Make a few more this is a boring time of year. 

I'll start mulling ideas for a higher quality one. Quality over quantity as they say. Thanks for the re-inspiration!

(I wasn't really going to stop anyway because you people need to be blessed with my editorial savvy)

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5 minutes ago, BrockBoester said:

I'll start mulling ideas for a higher quality one. Quality over quantity as they say. Thanks for the re-inspiration!

(I wasn't really going to stop anyway because you people need to be blessed with my editorial savvy)

Go for it. Hope you have some inspiration.   This time of year is pretty thin...waiting for something of substance to occur.   

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