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Andrew Scheer stepping down as Conservative Party leader/Which has morphed into the Gun Control thread


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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:


Greta has shown she can handle the heat. I don't think of her a s a kid like some of the concerns in the last couple pages.I do find it kinda funny because I can't help but think if kid's weren't technically 'dumb' they wouldn't need schooling the first place. But I understand the sensitivity of some of you papa-bears and that targeting children is low.


I don't buy this puppet stuff with Greta. Sure she probably has a team but what international figure doesn't? I think 16 is old enough to have an opinion and receive criticism. I would even listen to reasons on lowering the voter age to 16.


Maybe I am just a bit old school. Lots of my family over the last few generations have moved out of home quite early to embrace adulthood. 

Some 16 year olds are very savvy and think critically etc.  Most people need some training to get there which is one of the important benefits of a University education.  Although it's not automatic.  A degree does not mean that a person is skilled at critical thinking.


Incidentally, Greta Thunberg has tweeted that she is on the Aspergers spectrum

Edited by Crabcakes
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12 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

When politics reach a point of calling children dumb it shows how sad you are. Anyone on cdc that says that on here can feel free to block me me, ignore me, or not engage me because if you called my kids dumb based on my views you would never say it again.

oh come on, i'm clearly making a joke. 

Edited by Jimmy McGill
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9 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Seems like BC used to way more public colleges back in the day... compared to now....



Pretty sure Kwantlen is a university.....


For more than 30 years, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) has provided students with the skills they need for the careers they want. We offer a range of 

Ya, you're right

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6 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

This coming from the guy who supports a gun buy back on legal guns that haven't hurt anyone. Some do have to be dumb for sure.

everything is legal until its not. Its how it works. 


Give me a good reason why you deserve to have an AR 15. Cuz I want one isn't a good reason btw. 


I get that you don't like gun rules, but the law isn't on your side. You have no rights on this point. And weak 'property rights' arguments are pretty laughable, but thats all the lobby has to work with. 


Edited by Jimmy McGill
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23 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

oh come on, i'm clearly making a joke. 

My apologies. 

21 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

everything is legal until its not. Its how it works. 


Give me a good reason why you deserve to have an AR 15. Cuz I want one isn't a good reason btw. 


I get that you don't like gun rules, but the law isn't on your side. You have no rights on this point. And weak 'property rights' arguments are pretty laughable, but thats all the lobby has to work with. 


The better question is why is it being outlawed?

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3 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


Greta has shown she can handle the heat. I don't think of her a s a kid like some of the concerns in the last couple pages.I do find it kinda funny because I can't help but think if kid's weren't technically 'dumb' they wouldn't need schooling the first place. But I understand the sensitivity of some of you papa-bears and that targeting children is low.


I don't buy this puppet stuff with Greta. Sure she probably has a team but what international figure doesn't? I think 16 is old enough to have an opinion and receive criticism. I would even listen to reasons on lowering the voter age to 16.


Maybe I am just a bit old school. Lots of my family over the last few generations have moved out of home quite early to embrace adulthood. 

Greta should face the same criticism that any other public figure should. Her words and her actions deserve just as much scrutiny because she is in an influential position. Too bad the criticism often comes from CC-deniers, which often means personal attacks rather than actual substance.


Also most kids are dumb, maybe some of you are so old that you have forgotten what it was like to be a kid but I member. Its no wonder kids these days are turning out to be more and more sensitive, its because their parents want to treat them like precious little snowflakes. Can't call the kid dumb even when he is doing dumb things like sticking a fork into a wall socket. Soon we won't be able to call kids lazy, you will have to call it "motivationally challenged", or you might just set off some oversensitive parent. 

Edited by Toews
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Just now, NewbieCanuckFan said:

You did that too?  (I did, I'm ashamed to say).

I was the dumb kid playing with fire. Life is a journey of dispelling ignorance. We all start out dumb. Kids are curious and often need to get their hand burnt in order to learn. 

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2 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

worthy of debate for sure. Maybe because its popular with mass killings in the US and they don't want that up here? 

I can't remember if I posted this for you a couple weeks back.


GUNTER: UCP firearms motion first step in firewall against feds’ meddling



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1 hour ago, Toews said:

Greta should face the same criticism that any other public figure should. Her words and her actions deserve just as much scrutiny because she is in an influential position. Too bad the criticism often comes from CC-deniers, which often means personal attacks rather than actual substance.


Also most kids are dumb, maybe some of you are so old that you have forgotten what it was like to be a kid but I member. Its no wonder kids these days are turning out to be more and more sensitive, its because their parents want to treat them like precious little snowflakes. Can't call the kid dumb even when he is doing dumb things like sticking a fork into a wall socket. Soon we won't be able to call kids lazy, you will have to call it "motivationally challenged", or you might just set off some oversensitive parent. 

Sure we are dumb as kids but to call kids dumb because you don't like their dad's political views is pathetic and immature. 

But you aren't wrong your generation is the biggest sissies to date. Hell most in your generation try to dress like women.

Edited by Ryan Strome
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29 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

And that's the bottom line because stone cold said so.

Each party has had terrible leaders. Dion, Ignatieff, Scheer, Campbell, etc.

I think him and Bob Rae were college roommates....





Stephen Dion was a big failure in terms of leader for the Liberals but he did a fair bit of good work for the federalist cause in Quebec.  Sheer?  I'm not sure what his accomplishments would be except to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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6 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Must be brutal working with all those  whiney Coiler and Lames fans though.....  

It is irritating when oilers fans talk about the city of champions nonsense. City of losers.

4 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

I think him and Bob Rae were college roommates....





Stephen Dion was a big failure in terms of leader for the Liberals but he did a fair bit of good work for the federalist cause in Quebec.  Sheer?  I'm not sure what his accomplishments would be except to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

I do recall hearing that.

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