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24 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:


If we spent time, money and efforts on building and upgrading hospitals and education in the last couple years and kept everyone working, we’d be in the exact same situation, but with better healthcare, and everyone’s livelihood would still be fine.  

I just want to address this part, because its at the heart of why we're seeing restrictions. Canada only has ~3,200 ICU beds. So less than 1/100,000 people. 


We just don't have the capacity to deal with a large wave of patients like we saw in northern Italy, e.g. 


Its not just about building hospitals. You have to fill that with trained staff. Intensivists, e.g. need 12 years of training to run an ICU. We have very few of these folks. Specialty nurses are also at a premium.


Its not perfect but many business and people did get government relief. Yes some businesses closed. But it would have been far worse without the restrictions.

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13 minutes ago, Shayster007 said:

This is one of the single stupidest things I have ever read. I'm genuinely impressed, in a strange way.

I wanted to post a reply to that post but it would be 5 minutes of my time wasted and could never get back


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47 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

I’m not saying have people standing at your door keeping you in.   
People should be able to make their own decisions when it comes to their own personal health.  
You know the risks, have taken what you feel are adequate steps to protect yourself, and make the decision to do your own thing. 
Perfect.  That’s rad.   Continue your life! 

Some people, like my mom who has lung issues, don’t feel comfortable leaving the house to go do anything other than required shopping and what not.  
They should be supported. 

We can’t keep ruining so many lives for this thing.   Covid will do it’s damage, but we shouldn’t be adding to it.  
No more closing businesses or restricting numbers or garbage like that. 
So many families, jobs, houses, businesses have been lost or ruined and it has been proven a couple times over now, it’s been for nothing.  
Covid has its ups and downs regardless of how many people went to a Canucks game or went to see Propagandhi at the Rickshaw.  

If we spent time, money and efforts on building and upgrading hospitals and education in the last couple years and kept everyone working, we’d be in the exact same situation, but with better healthcare, and everyone’s livelihood would still be fine.  

Great post, the voice of reason, thank you ! 

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20 minutes ago, JM_ said:

I just want to address this part, because its at the heart of why we're seeing restrictions. Canada only has ~3,200 ICU beds. So less than 1/100,000 people. 


We just don't have the capacity to deal with a large wave of patients like we saw in northern Italy, e.g. 


Its not just about building hospitals. You have to fill that with trained staff. Intensivists, e.g. need 12 years of training to run an ICU. We have very few of these folks. Specialty nurses are also at a premium.


Its not perfect but many business and people did get government relief. Yes some businesses closed. But it would have been far worse without the restrictions.

I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you on that one. Government had enough time to address the staffing issues. Nothing was done. 

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Since the beginning I have kept an eye on the impact of covid on very healthy people.

We have seen some heavy stuff with hockey players, a sad example is our very own Sutter.


I follow mma. Most Orgs did not shut down so as you can imagine they saw quite a few cases. Many fights were cancelled.


Here's the latest, Veteran Diego Sanchez finally is set to compete again after spending 27 days in the hospital with blood clots and pneumonia.



Covid. Doesn't. Just. Threaten. The. Vulnerable. 



My bro has been in bed for a week, it's 'only' omicron but it is hitting him harder than the rest of us by quite a bit....I believe this is because he is unvaxxed.


If it had been Delta, I am sure he would be fighting for his life.

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38 minutes ago, JM_ said:

I just want to address this part, because its at the heart of why we're seeing restrictions. Canada only has ~3,200 ICU beds. So less than 1/100,000 people. 


We just don't have the capacity to deal with a large wave of patients like we saw in northern Italy, e.g. 


Its not just about building hospitals. You have to fill that with trained staff. Intensivists, e.g. need 12 years of training to run an ICU. We have very few of these folks. Specialty nurses are also at a premium.


Its not perfect but many business and people did get government relief. Yes some businesses closed. But it would have been far worse without the restrictions.

Two years is more than enough time to upgrade a hospital or even begin construction of one.  
Staffing would be difficult, but two years is a lot of time to up their wages to attract more people to come here, as well as not fire all those unvaxed nurses.  Which looks pretty stupid now considering they are think about letting covid positive nurses go to work.  Lol.  

Why would people have had to close their businesses if there were no lockdowns or restrictions?    
Lockdowns haven’t gotten us anywhere obviously. It comes it waves regardless.  
No restrictions means people get to continue running their business, which means no closures. 

I think pushing the vaccine and masks are all we can actually do.   Covid is going to it’s thing and eventually it will become too weak to care about.   

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1 hour ago, AbbyNux said:

Excuses or have I, along with many others, be sold a bill of goods by our government told if we did X, Y and Z we would be able to do A, B and C while unvaccinated couldn't and also that they were the reason covid was spreading only to find out that was utter nonsense and the unvaccinated were not the problem and all those things were told were false, as here we are. 


It's fine. There is a small group of you on a hockey forum who are hanging on for dear life to the narrative that the vaccines are the one and only way and get all the boosters they tell you to and wear all the masks but as the hippy guy pointed out from his travels. Unless those were all unvaccinated not wearing masks, not social distancing etc in the mall and so on people are done listening and watching them say one thing and doing another. 


Most people are sick and tired of the lies. Coached to hate the unvaccinated.  You guys are the last of the old racists, you hate them because of something you thought was true. I was there. Now I don't care. Get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated, it makes no difference. Friends parents that were boosted, both now have covid. 


One is sicker than the other, but even they are convinced it isn't working. The mantra of "how sick you could have been if you weren't boosted" given that nearly every person under 65 survived previously. 


Hospitals have been over booked for years, part of the joy of socialized medicine. Diet, exercise, supplements and getting healthy. 


They are finally getting close to admitting it. Just a matter of time now. 



Not that anything you post has any credibility at this point ( you continue to declare.items as facts without any supporting links)

And again we see more of Trump style alternate universe postings

Saying that the majority feel as you do is nonsense and doesn't make it true


Your posts should be viewed as those of Tucker Carlsons - so outrageous that no reasonable person would view them as correct.... their for entertainment purposes only 

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30 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Since the beginning I have kept an eye on the impact of covid on very healthy people.

We have seen some heavy stuff with hockey players, a sad example is our very own Sutter.


I follow mma. Most Orgs did not shut down so as you can imagine they saw quite a few cases. Many fights were cancelled.


Here's the latest, Veteran Diego Sanchez finally is set to compete again after spending 27 days in the hospital with blood clots and pneumonia.



Covid. Doesn't. Just. Threaten. The. Vulnerable. 



My bro has been in bed for a week, it's 'only' omicron but it is hitting him harder than the rest of us by quite a bit....I believe this is because he is unvaxxed.


If it had been Delta, I am sure he would be fighting for his life.

Just read a story on Seattle Seahawks Receiver Tyler Lockett, healthier than most and Covid hit him very hard recently..

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Just now, iwtl said:

Not that anything you post has any credibility at this point ( you continue to declare.items as facts without any supporting links)

And again we see more of Trump style alternate universe postings

Saying that the majority feel as you do is nonsense and doesn't make it true


Your posts should be viewed as those of Tucker Carlsons - so outrageous that no reasonable person would view them as correct.... their for entertainment purposes only 

It's statements like these that prove you know nothing about me.  


You want to put me in a category because you can't believe people have been pro-vaccines, pro-masks etc and then have their eyes opened and now feel different. 


You want us all to stay on the same side. As the hippy stated with his explaining of all those people not wearing their masks etc. they were likely like me (unless of course he was at the unvaccinated mall).


Those people are like me. They were likely compliant from day 1, but when what we were told was proven to not be working, we asked ourselves why. 


We stop wear masks in public (as we learned now the cloth masks aren't working) and the vaccines aren't stopping anything. Are they making people less sick? Maybe. But I am locked down the same as I was years ago and it's NOT because the unvaccinated.


You want me to be alt-right because that makes it easy for you to explain my position now. As more people lose their businesses, their livelihood, their minds there will be less like the few in this thread and more like me. 


Not alt right, just not buying the doom and gloom and pushing backs towards mental health happiness and no longer hating people because they don't want to take the vaccine. 





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10 minutes ago, AbbyNux said:

It's statements like these that prove you know nothing about me.  


You want to put me in a category because you can't believe people have been pro-vaccines, pro-masks etc and then have their eyes opened and now feel different. 


You want us all to stay on the same side. As the hippy stated with his explaining of all those people not wearing their masks etc. they were likely like me (unless of course he was at the unvaccinated mall).


Those people are like me. They were likely compliant from day 1, but when what we were told was proven to not be working, we asked ourselves why. 


We stop wear masks in public (as we learned now the cloth masks aren't working) and the vaccines aren't stopping anything. Are they making people less sick? Maybe. But I am locked down the same as I was years ago and it's NOT because the unvaccinated.


You want me to be alt-right because that makes it easy for you to explain my position now. As more people lose their businesses, their livelihood, their minds there will be less like the few in this thread and more like me. 


Not alt right, just not buying the doom and gloom and pushing backs towards mental health happiness and no longer hating people because they don't want to take the vaccine. 





Just give your opinions instead of trying to pretend that there is a giant group of 'we' that you are conveying a message for.


Also, don't call people racists. I cant see how you are saying that without trying to rile people up. 

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12 minutes ago, AbbyNux said:

It's statements like these that prove you know nothing about me.  


You want to put me in a category because you can't believe people have been pro-vaccines, pro-masks etc and then have their eyes opened and now feel different. 


You want us all to stay on the same side. As the hippy stated with his explaining of all those people not wearing their masks etc. they were likely like me (unless of course he was at the unvaccinated mall).


Those people are like me. They were likely compliant from day 1, but when what we were told was proven to not be working, we asked ourselves why. 


We stop wear masks in public (as we learned now the cloth masks aren't working) and the vaccines aren't stopping anything. Are they making people less sick? Maybe. But I am locked down the same as I was years ago and it's NOT because the unvaccinated.


You want me to be alt-right because that makes it easy for you to explain my position now. As more people lose their businesses, their livelihood, their minds there will be less like the few in this thread and more like me. 


Not alt right, just not buying the doom and gloom and pushing backs towards mental health happiness and no longer hating people because they don't want to take the vaccine. 





And you hit alot of the alt right talking points as always in your im.not alt right post lol.


Your creativity and comedy is fading fast 


If it quacks like.a.duck ........


The conspiracy talking points are getting old and boring...... the entertainment value of them is has diminished them to."jumping the shark status "



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7 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Wow, this is getting scary ... these numbers obviously being low due to closure of some testing sites.


Also they have asked healthy people.fully vaxxed to deem.themsleves positive of they have any symptoms and isolate.5 days. They.indicate that the numbers are in fact higher but many not getting tested as a result of this direction 

Edited by iwtl
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28 minutes ago, AbbyNux said:

As more people lose their businesses, their livelihood, their minds there will be less like the few in this thread and more like me. 


Not alt right, just not buying the doom and gloom and pushing backs towards mental health happiness and no longer hating people because they don't want to take the vaccine. 






But I am locked down the same as I was years ago 


Reads the "losing...(everything except their lives)" 


And "lockdown for YEARS"


Then thinks to herself...."wait a minute, who's selling gloom and doom here again?

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7 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Wow, this is getting scary ... these numbers obviously being low due to closure of some testing sites.


Those numbers are way lower than the reality, I bet.


We have 8 sick people from our boxing day. No question it is omicron but i dont think anyone has gotten tested, just went into isolation. So, lots of cases not being recorded. 

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