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10 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Rather than getting a regular (safe, effective, and free) vaccine for protection people could just get Covid every year and have natural immunity.  If they get really sick, there’s drinking urine, chowing down on horse dewormer, huffing bleach, and bathing in fish tank cleaner as cures.  Me, I’ll just get the vaccine at the same time I get a flu shot.  


I believe Quebec is already on the way to mandating a 3rd shot. I think many people who have gotten 2 don't want a 3rd, but still likely a minority amongst the full vaxxed. We will see if/when it happens. 


Edited by Smashian Kassian
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9 minutes ago, Alflives said:

According to dr. Henry we will all get exposed to Covid, especially with this Omicron variant.  But she also said that those people who are vaccinated (and boosted if in a high risk group) will almost always experience mild symptoms if any at all.  It’s the unvaccinated who are most likely to end up in ICU and intubated.  

She also still says you don't need a KN95 equivalent mask unless in high risk settings.


I call b.s. her Fauci etc the powers that be don't want people panic buying and hoarding the high quality masks that actually filter out the particles in the air vs the other cloth masks which are about as useful as a face diaper or those people who wear those clunky face shields despite the fact this is an airborne virus. 


So basically they are giving up and not caring anymore.


Great leadership. 

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2 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Okay fine...got a link for this? 

The 4th dose is being rolled out, after 3rd booster in other countries? I'm not against the vax, but that argument will wear out soon as new variants evade vaccine immunity.

Instead of arguing over antivaxers we should really support the health care workers and teachers instead. They need support and proper protection from an airborne disease via N95 masks. 

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1 minute ago, gizmo2337 said:

The 4th dose is being rolled out, after 3rd booster in other countries? I'm not against the vax, but that argument will wear out soon as new variants evade vaccine immunity.

Instead of arguing over antivaxers we should really support the health care workers and teachers instead. They need support and proper protection from an airborne disease via N95 masks. 


And come up with a better (early) treatment policy than lay in bed until you can't breathe

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31 minutes ago, Chip Kelly said:

I dont know if this thread is sufficient or perhaps I will start another one as well dealing specifically with what to do if you are identified as a close contact and being potentially exposed as well as how to let others you share a household with including the unvaccinated/high risk immune compromised.


How to self isolate when should you get tested etc.


To get to the meat of the matter.  I got a call from my employer saying that I am a close contact and potentially exposed to a co worker who reported developing Covid 19 symptoms overnight.


I share a household with an elderly family member part of the identified high risk group.


I am fully double vaccinated and sanitize as best I can through out the day and wear a mask except when showering,sleeping or eating or going to the bathroom.


I have made sure not to have physical contact outside my immediate household for the last 2 years and  I have been making only essential trips outdoors for groceries and gas. I have not traveled, have not had any friends or relatives over to my house.


I have canceled and pushed back any non urgent appointments.


My point is despite my uttermost  best efforts to hear this news is devastating..


I don't know where to go from here right now..


I feel angry and stupid. 

Just because you were around someone doesn't mean that you necessarily got Covid as well.  Have you gotten tested?  


In any case you shouldn't feel angry and stupid.  It was inevitable and there's really not much you can do about it unless you choose to live isolated from everyone.  


Be well, and don't stress.  

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1 minute ago, Smashian Kassian said:


And come up with a better (early) treatment policy than lay in bed until you can't breathe

I'll cherry pick how bad this is getting, because our workers deserver better.

“We’re being told now by supervisors that COVID is just everywhere, we’re all going to get it, [and] there’s nothing we can do,” Ashley said. “So even in the hospital, they’ve given up taking any real precautions and they’re just letting rip.”

“I worked one day this past week at Royal Jubilee and we were missing half our staff,” she said. “I am so fed up and honestly scared to go to work right now… We’re still wearing silly medical masks at work, not N95s.”

"Unlike other provinces that changed their guidance in mid-December, BC still requires  healthcare workers to wear surgical masks"

"Testimonies from Ashley and other healthcare workers confirm that N95 masks are still not consistently provided to nurses and staff who regularly interact with COVID-positive patients."


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2 hours ago, stawns said:

We had a father of a grade 4 boy standing just off school property yesterday morning screaming at teachers on supervision that they should might as well "tell the kids they're all going die" among many other things.  Had I been on morning supervision I don't think I'd have a job today.

This pandemic has driven people mad.  I know that me and you disagree on things from time to time but at least it's done with courtesy and there's some good information going back and forth.  


Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy though looking at the online discourse.  It's an even bigger shock when I hear of this happening in real life like that parent screaming, or the news story of people in Kamloops asking shoppers to take off their masks.  

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1 minute ago, gizmo2337 said:

“We’re being told now by supervisors that COVID is just everywhere, we’re all going to get it, [and] there’s nothing we can do,” Ashley said. “So even in the hospital, they’ve given up taking any real precautions and they’re just letting rip.”

Oh man, sorry to make light of this bad situation but I couldn't help but laugh when I read that quote! 

That's the most Canadian quote I've read today :) 

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22 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

I'll cherry pick how bad this is getting, because our workers deserver better.

“We’re being told now by supervisors that COVID is just everywhere, we’re all going to get it, [and] there’s nothing we can do,” Ashley said. “So even in the hospital, they’ve given up taking any real precautions and they’re just letting rip.”

“I worked one day this past week at Royal Jubilee and we were missing half our staff,” she said. “I am so fed up and honestly scared to go to work right now… We’re still wearing silly medical masks at work, not N95s.”

"Unlike other provinces that changed their guidance in mid-December, BC still requires  healthcare workers to wear surgical masks"

"Testimonies from Ashley and other healthcare workers confirm that N95 masks are still not consistently provided to nurses and staff who regularly interact with COVID-positive patients."



Thats so awful. I saw another story about an urgent care center in Brampton having to shut down due to staffing shortages.



I don't want to walk into another tired argument about the vaccine; but I remember seeing a post (similar to what you are saying here I suppose) that they were allowing HCW's who have tested positive to work because they are short staffed.** Now that we know the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission, it seems completely insane to me that they are allowing that while they've just fired all these other people at a time when the healthcare system is under such strain. (A health care system that was likely already inadequate to begin with). Self inflicted wound.




**Edit 2: Found the link, Quebec has already while others are considering it. 




Edited by Smashian Kassian
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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:



Wow, apparently cannabis might actually help.  Before any antivaxxers get excited, the abstract starts with "As a complement to vaccines".

And the one story out of the UK that has Tucker Carlson all excited ..... viagra. 


It may be a hard pill to swallow ..... er or the other way round..... but pot and viagra as treatment for covid may get traction ..... although not an actual cure I'm sure for some it will catch on lol 

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22 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

“We’re being told now by supervisors that COVID is just everywhere, we’re all going to get it, [and] there’s nothing we can do,” Ashley said. “So even in the hospital, they’ve given up taking any real precautions and they’re just letting rip.”


19 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Oh man, sorry to make light of this bad situation but I couldn't help but laugh when I read that quote! 

That's the most Canadian quote I've read today :) 

That part is not funny in "letting it rip" because our top Doctor Bonnie is responsible for this. I hope everyone see's the problem here. We should have given the health workers and teachers proper N95 masks at minimum. That was a massive mistake made by your top doctor. I fully expect to get roasted here, but my heart is in the right place.

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6 minutes ago, iwtl said:

And the one story out of the UK that has Tucker Carlson all excited ..... viagra. 


It may be a hard pill to swallow ..... er or the other way round..... but pot and viagra as treatment for covid may get traction ..... although not an actual cure I'm sure for some it will catch on lol 

I thought these people didn't like Pfizer.  I can't see smoking anything being good for a respiratory illness though.

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10 minutes ago, King Heffy said:



Wow, apparently cannabis might actually help.  Before any antivaxxers get excited, the abstract starts with "As a complement to vaccines".

Another early study out of Oregon suggests that hemp prevents the virus from entering human cells. Don’t get excited yet though as it has only worked in vitro so far. 

Hmmm, could be good news for me since I’ve been eating hemp seeds for years. Very rarely get a cold and never the flu but I certainly never associated that with the hemp seeds.



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1 hour ago, gizmo2337 said:

The 4th dose is being rolled out, after 3rd booster in other countries? I'm not against the vax, but that argument will wear out soon as new variants evade vaccine immunity.

Instead of arguing over antivaxers we should really support the health care workers and teachers instead. They need support and proper protection from an airborne disease via N95 masks. 

I specifically asked you for a link to something to back up your claim that "boosters only last weeks and are being oversold" and you respond with an answer to the part of your post I cut out. Can you provide anything or is all of this a disingenuous attempt to muddy the watters?

Edited by JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo
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I'm not celebrating their deaths or illnesses.


It is a tragedy that people are dying because of all the misinformation out there.


There are dozens of posts on these forums with the same type of misinformation... suggesting Covid is 'mild' or that vaccines are unnecessary.


They should take a warning from the examples of those on the website... who ignored the advice of medical experts in favour of conspiracy theories, pseudo-science and the advice of untrained rumour mongers.


This is the real tragedy.

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i just dont care anymore, im vaxxed, and if others wanna get vaxxed cool, if people dont wanna get vaxxed cool aswell, there body there choice ...really shouldnt force people to get vaxxed or forever be punished .

more would get vaxxed if they had to choice, and not be forced, just my thoughts anyway


Also this kinda funny

"Quebec wants to tax people unvaccinated against COVID-19. Can the province do that?" aahahaha

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