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7 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

Do you think that it would be cool to make a website showing all people that died this year from not wearing a seatbelt?  

Let's see for an equivalent domain name we could pick




I'm beginning to think that a lot of people have lost their mind.  Sure there's a greater percentage of anti-vaxxers that have gone crazy, but some of the people on the pro vaccine side are just as crazy. Don't be one of them.

Except that there's no concerted disinformation campaign telling us that seat belts are dangerous, that holding onto the dashboard is an acceptable replacement for wearing a seat belt, or that the consequences for not wearing seat belts is "vastly overblown".....


That being said, I agree that this could have just been a post in the Covid thread....

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8 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I specifically asked you for a link to something to back up your claim that "boosters only last weeks and are being oversold" and you respond with an answer to the part of your post I cut out. Can you provide anything or is all of this a disingenuous attempt to muddy the watters?


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8 hours ago, aznmonk said:

U guys better start jabbing or else there might be a covid tax lol




Better yet they probably make u pay out of pocket for care

This is literally a tax on the stupid, it's finally here. :picard: Congratulations, you are the dumbest people in Canada. So dumb you have to pay money for it. 

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10 hours ago, Chip Kelly said:

I dont know if this thread is sufficient or perhaps I will start another one as well dealing specifically with what to do if you are identified as a close contact and being potentially exposed as well as how to let others you share a household with including the unvaccinated/high risk immune compromised.


How to self isolate when should you get tested etc.


To get to the meat of the matter.  I got a call from my employer saying that I am a close contact and potentially exposed to a co worker who reported developing Covid 19 symptoms overnight.


I share a household with an elderly family member part of the identified high risk group.


I am fully double vaccinated and sanitize as best I can through out the day and wear a mask except when showering,sleeping or eating or going to the bathroom.


I have made sure not to have physical contact outside my immediate household for the last 2 years and  I have been making only essential trips outdoors for groceries and gas. I have not traveled, have not had any friends or relatives over to my house.


I have canceled and pushed back any non urgent appointments.


My point is despite my uttermost  best efforts to hear this news is devastating..


I don't know where to go from here right now..


I feel angry and stupid. 

I don't think it's possible to complete isolate yourself and remain part of society, Chip.


I would try and avoid close contact with the elderly family member as much as possible and see if you develop symptoms in the next few days. Someone who knows more than me can correct this if I've got it wrong, but my understanding is that the latest information we have on Omicron is that it shows within 5 days or so.


If you start to feel symptoms, see about getting tested. (It might be an idea even if not)

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5 minutes ago, psharpe07 said:

Let me preface my statement by saying I am vaccinated.  That said, I could care less if others get it or not.  The old argument that the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated is officially baloney now since we all know the vaccinated can get it and spread it just as easily.

Vaccinated people do not spread covid on the same level as unvaccinated people.





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8 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

I don't think it's possible to complete isolate yourself and remain part of society, Chip.


I would try and avoid close contact with the elderly family member as much as possible and see if you develop symptoms in the next few days. Someone who knows more than me can correct this if I've got it wrong, but my understanding is that the latest information we have on Omicron is that it shows within 5 days or so.


If you start to feel symptoms, see about getting tested. (It might be an idea even if not)

It's possible if he's able to work from home, but difficult.

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12 minutes ago, psharpe07 said:

Everyone needs to stop, take a chill pill and start showing others who choose differently in this regard some grace.  Taking an unvaccinated persons livelihood away from them is going too far, and if you are still afraid of the unvaccinated then I suggest you educate yourself or stay isolated for the rest of your life.  

The Government is the one dictating everything, they are the ones that need to change their stance. At this point, it is what it is with Covid everyone knows there is a vaccine available if they want to protect themselves, if you choose not too so be it. If the vaccine PREVENTED anyone who took it from contracting Covid then things should be different but that is not what the vaccine does.


I don't agree with people who are NOT vaccinated but it is their choice. I do believe if its been highly recommend you get the vaccince and you choose NOT to get it you SHOULD have to pay for any COVID related health care you receive if you end up in hospital, like Quebec but hey that is too cruel for ALL of Canada to agree to apparently...


Sadly the people who watch the news have been brainwashed and have outcasted UNvaccinated people from their lives all together...I have seen it in my own family and it is sad, sad they aren't vaccinated of course but almost equally as sad that their siblings and other family have all but outcasted those people who chose not to get jab. 

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8 hours ago, Jam126 said:

Living in infinite fear due to a virus is insanity, this virus is endemic and will be part of our lives like the flu and the cold. 

I don't think you know what the word endemic means. For covid to be classified as endemic it needs to have an R0 of 1, right now omicron has an R0 of 4.1, we have a long way to go to get to endemic levels of spread.

Edited by Playoff Beered
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23 minutes ago, psharpe07 said:

Everyone needs to stop, take a chill pill and start showing others who choose differently in this regard some grace.    

why? respect is a mutual thing. They have no regard for their impact on others, so why should anyone take the high road? what do we get out of it?

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The fact that this thread is not locked yet doesn't look good. It is mind boggling. I've had COVID at least 3/4 times now but I am rare and have a medical exemption. I am lucky where I show little symptoms except for the first time I got it in 2020. Freedom of choice should always be number 1 in our country. If you don't get the vaccination and you pass away well that was your freedom of choice. Maybe you do not get the vaccine and you have minor symptoms well that's was your choice. Maybe you get the vaccine and have an adverse reaction or maybe you are fine, but that was your choice. The consequence of getting it or not getting the vaccine is consequence enough. If you get the vaccine or not you can still catch, spread and potentially pass away. Stop Fighting and lets get on with our lives people.

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9 hours ago, x00x said:

The point is, the government forces people to get vaxxed, and if they actually let people decide for themselves, since it is a free country and all have rights, more would get vaxxed, only reason people ( well not majority , but alot ) are not getting vaxxed is cause they are being TOLD to, but if the govenrment didnt force peoples hand , more would, just saying, we as humans are always defiant/sturborn esp if forced to do soemthing we dont have a choice of ...for me i choose to get vaxxed, i didnt do it cause the government forced me to, but others would be more inclined to do it, if given the choice without replications 

We didn't choose to be vaccinated so that idiots can argue about their rights being supposedly infringed. We didn't choose to be vaccinated because it was "cool". We did it because it increases survival expectancy against the disease, part of which saves us from having to go to ICU, which takes up valuable spaces and makes work harder for doctors.


These people had MORE THAN ENOUGH chances to do it on their own, but they choose not to. In some cases, they are now believing drinking urine will cure covid (some Americans now).


Edited by Dazzle
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6 minutes ago, #Canucks said:

The fact that this thread is not locked yet doesn't look good. It is mind boggling. I've had COVID at least 3/4 times now but I am rare and have a medical exemption. I am lucky where I show little symptoms except for the first time I got it in 2020. Freedom of choice should always be number 1 in our country. If you don't get the vaccination and you pass away well that was your freedom of choice. Maybe you do not get the vaccine and you have minor symptoms well that's was your choice. Maybe you get the vaccine and have an adverse reaction or maybe you are fine, but that was your choice. The consequence of getting it or not getting the vaccine is consequence enough. If you get the vaccine or not you can still catch, spread and potentially pass away. Stop Fighting and lets get on with our lives people.

What a totally privileged worldview you got there.

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1 minute ago, #Canucks said:

The fact that this thread is not locked yet doesn't look good. It is mind boggling. I've had COVID at least 3/4 times now but I am rare and have a medical exemption. I am lucky where I show little symptoms except for the first time I got it in 2020. Freedom of choice should always be number 1 in our country. If you don't get the vaccination and you pass away well that was your freedom of choice. Maybe you do not get the vaccine and you have minor symptoms well that's was your choice. Maybe you get the vaccine and have an adverse reaction or maybe you are fine, but that was your choice. The consequence of getting it or not getting the vaccine is consequence enough. If you get the vaccine or not you can still catch, spread and potentially pass away. Stop Fighting and lets get on with our lives people.

There will always be aholes everywhere I agree. We have to move on. To each their own but if they don't want to be a positive contributing member of society than let them sit at home. They don't deserve the same access to societies benefits like the rest of us do. Same way you need a license to drive, carry a gun, or practice medicine. It's not like their lives are over because they can't go out to a movie but there should be consequences to the choices one makes.

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38 minutes ago, psharpe07 said:

Let me preface my statement by saying I am vaccinated.  That said, I could care less if others get it or not.  The old argument that the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated is officially baloney now since we all know the vaccinated can get it and spread it just as easily.  In Ontario 46% of those in hospital with covid were submitted for other reasons before they even knew they had it.  70%+ who are there for covid are obese.  


Yes people have died of it, I'm aware.  I am also aware that the overwhelming majority get over it.  99% basically unless you are 65+, overweight, or come with other comorbidities.  If you are scared of a 1% chance you should probably walk around in bubble wrap for the rest of your life.  


Shall we create a website listing all the people who died of heart disease and cancer which kills 1 in 3?  Perhaps something like "John Doe, Obesity denier and lover of sugar and fried food dies at 40." ?  


Everyone needs to stop, take a chill pill and start showing others who choose differently in this regard some grace.  Taking an unvaccinated persons livelihood away from them is going too far, and if you are still afraid of the unvaccinated then I suggest you educate yourself or stay isolated for the rest of your life.  

This is a totally garbage viewpoint.


It's not just people have died of it. LOTS of people have died of it. Why are you minimizing the amount of deaths? Lots of healthy people (not within your silly parameters) have died of COVID. Some elite athletes have had their asses kicked by COVID.


Shut the front door dude.



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9 hours ago, x00x said:

i just dont care anymore, im vaxxed, and if others wanna get vaxxed cool, if people dont wanna get vaxxed cool aswell, there body there choice ...really shouldnt force people to get vaxxed or forever be punished .

more would get vaxxed if they had to choice, and not be forced, just my thoughts anyway


Also this kinda funny

"Quebec wants to tax people unvaccinated against COVID-19. Can the province do that?" aahahaha

lol what, where have you been? they've had 2 years to make the choice :picard:

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1 minute ago, #Canucks said:

Call it what you want. Our country has always been based on freedom that why so many other citizens of other countries want to live here.

This freedom is a privilege, not a right. Don't mix the two up.

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