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[PGT] Colorado Avalanche at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 17, 2021

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3 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

Yeah, lots of examples of players coasting once the deal gets signed and will have an uptick closer to the end of the deal

Nedved....i keep wondering if that's what we have right now.  The difference is EP excelled right away.   EP ... man.   These kids need proper guidance.   Your not even a man these days until 25 or so.   Which is ridiculous.   But it's the way things work now.   Used to be a teenager could be a man.   Not anymore and not for a few decades.   Maturity also could be an issue.  

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44 minutes ago, buddhahoodlum said:

Wasn't Dickenson primarily used as a winger in Dallas? I would say that's on Benning in that case, if he was expecting Jason to be a 3C. Something about putting a square peg in a round hole.

But hasn't that been Jim's modus all along?

sometimes I think he just looks at Hockey DB for stats and makes his call from there.

Loui Ericksson was 10th in Bruin scoring the year Jim left, 

he was second the year before Jim signed him in Vancouver, but 3 of the 4 top scorers were the same in 2016 and 2017.

the only difference was Loui was there one year, and Pasta the next.

Jim does not seem to understand the context in which players he covets excelled/

Gagner had a comeback year in Columbus playing as a PP specialist- Jim signs him as a #3 C (same as Dickinson)

Gudbranson was sheltered by Mitchell and Campbell, while showing slow progress - Jim slots him in as the "stable" guy with an unproven Benni -the- Hut.

and what PK experience do any of the guys(Dowling, DiGuiseppi, Chiasson, Petan) he signed this Summer have.

And even if Sutter and Motte did start the season with the Canucks, everyone with a passing interest knew they would get hurt.

but no competent replacements were found

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28 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

Perhaps he took something that is causing it ?


Anyways, he looks unsettled and confused on the ice.

Took something? Like some kind of meds you mean? 

I mean obviously it's possible.. and I don't mean to say anything with certainty other than the fact that the looks no stronger out there than he did 3 years ago.. which unfortunately  is not a good sign no matter the cause.

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Damn this has been rough. Not a lot of bright spots and I feel so bad for Demko who deserves way better. 


I can't believe how hard our core group is struggling right now. Prior to the season we all anticipated bad D, but a great top 9... 


A couple slight positives in a sea of negatives is, I'll say Garland has been the best forward, the guy hustles hard each shift with little to no support out there and is exciting to watch. Hoglander has also been great this season, great to see how hard he battles for the puck. 

OEL is solid. I'm surprised by his play and then immediately afterwards feel bad for the dude. He came from Arizona to a team that was supposed to be dynamic and hungry for the playoffs, but looks like more of the same for him. I think if our team was playing up to expectations this would be a resurgence year for him, but instead the forwards produce no offense or even control the play and the D gets hammered nightly. 

Oh lastly Poolman is pretty decent. For 2.5 a year not bad, a worse Tanev I think so far (which is not bad taking cap hit into account). 


You gotta think a coaching change is the logical move next. 


But who knows, maybe Benning has been looking for a new coach for a week or so now and has been unable to find someone who fits well?  

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3 minutes ago, Bobby James said:

Damn this has been rough. Not a lot of bright spots and I feel so bad for Demko who deserves way better. 


I can't believe how hard our core group is struggling right now. Prior to the season we all anticipated bad D, but a great top 9... 


A couple slight positives in a sea of negatives is, I'll say Garland has been the best forward, the guy hustles hard each shift with little to no support out there and is exciting to watch. Hoglander has also been great this season, great to see how hard he battles for the puck. 

OEL is solid. I'm surprised by his play and then immediately afterwards feel bad for the dude. He came from Arizona to a team that was supposed to be dynamic and hungry for the playoffs, but looks like more of the same for him. I think if our team was playing up to expectations this would be a resurgence year for him, but instead the forwards produce no offense or even control the play and the D gets hammered nightly. 

Oh lastly Poolman is pretty decent. For 2.5 a year not bad, a worse Tanev I think so far (which is not bad taking cap hit into account). 


You gotta think a coaching change is the logical move next. 


But who knows, maybe Benning has been looking for a new coach for a week or so now and has been unable to find someone who fits well?  

I've asked this before

why would anyone want to come to this gong show?

there is a reason players like Loui and Gagner signed here

 because its a good place to coast

what coach wants to take that on?

that was proven when Willie replaced Torts

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8 minutes ago, lmm said:

I've asked this before

why would anyone want to come to this gong show?

there is a reason players like Loui and Gagner signed here

 because its a good place to coast

what coach wants to take that on?

that was proven when Willie replaced Torts

I think the effort was there under Willie.  Only the roster was old /aging.  I'm not sure you can say the same about the team under Green.  You don't come out flat at the start of games so many times (tells me there is a distinct lack of preparation).  But I've never been a coach so this is just an 'armchair quarterback' opinion.

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This is 100% a coaching issue. I've been lucky to watch most games from high up. 

On the pk they are dropping way way too low. The opposing teams are passing right by the 1 Canucks player pressuring. The point men and corner men are able to walk right in and launch bombs. It was so obvious they were going to get scored on from the moment the pk started. 

The d are just standing around since they are so close to the net and then just screen the goalie. 


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15 minutes ago, lmm said:

I've asked this before

why would anyone want to come to this gong show?

there is a reason players like Loui and Gagner signed here

 because its a good place to coast

what coach wants to take that on?

that was proven when Willie replaced Torts

Yeah that is my concern right now too. 


What if we can't find a qualified/experienced coach to come here? I guess give another AHL coach a shot and see if it works.

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13 hours ago, bad alice french said:

Super complicated from the outside looking in.

Players are saying all the right thing. Even Millsy sounded like a team-first guy in an interview earlier this week. He's our best player of late IMO but you can tell he's fed up. 

Huggy and Petey probably practice/play/meet then get the hell out of there. i really question the bond and glue elements on the team. Not too seem nostalgic or date myself too badly but those late 2000s and 2010-11 ish teams were an attitude machine and were hated league wide because of it. Everyone had everyones back and the room was overflowing with numerous levels of leadership and strong personalities. They even handled team drama amongst themselves like total pros. The game has changed so much with the youth movement now representing both core and future (in some cases anyhow). These stars aren't real "men" yet. Quiet, timid, restrained... shy even.

Its daunting for sure.

Can Bo lead? Not great at dragging the team into a fight.

Other than Pearson, no winners on this team at the pro level, not even in the minors.

I feel that players like Dickinson, OEL, Garland etc. don't know what to make of things and the team is scattered.

So many issues and questions. 

Other than a massive shake up (which, I believe would involve some investigating then pull the trigger and move out any negative or ill fitting elements) the quickest way to a fresh reset is to change the coaching staff and I feel management at the same time.

Fresh perspective. Unfortunately it will probably have to wait till next season.... again.

Thanks for listening. What is the rental fee on your therapy couch BTW?

Great points cause the divide is noticeable (even from the fans POV), that there is divide in the locker room.  Also, one thing to consider nowadays, especially, in Vancouver is the sign of times - of not offending someone.  Must be hard for Bo, to represent a group that seems to represent both sides: Miller vs Bo, one show his emotion and the other is, what might be called a quiet leader.   Imo, Miller is the vocal leader in the locker room - right now: and a (short term) veteran coach - with a winning track record in the NHL - that can click with him, MIGHT be a good starting trait to look for (?).


Any, major changes will happen in the offseason cause it is too early, in this season to fire a newly extended coach; and the only, logical move is to buy time by making a desperate trade.  Might have already started: Bailey put on waivers (?).  As for therapy, just enjoy how Aquaman will fix HIS Canuck team and perhaps learn something about being a leader - cheers !

Edited by ShawnAntoski
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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

Nedved....i keep wondering if that's what we have right now.  The difference is EP excelled right away.   EP ... man.   These kids need proper guidance.   Your not even a man these days until 25 or so.   Which is ridiculous.   But it's the way things work now.   Used to be a teenager could be a man.   Not anymore and not for a few decades.   Maturity also could be an issue.  

Based on the players demeanor on the ice and vanilla answers: Green has loss the Playmakers ear in that room and they are making a joke of his system.  Green is not a good leader, just based on his tendency to have favorites....

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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

Nedved....i keep wondering if that's what we have right now.  The difference is EP excelled right away.   EP ... man.   These kids need proper guidance.   Your not even a man these days until 25 or so.   Which is ridiculous.   But it's the way things work now.   Used to be a teenager could be a man.   Not anymore and not for a few decades.   Maturity also could be an issue.  

Based on the players demeanor on the ice and there vanilla answers, it shows, Green has loss the Playmakers ears, in that room.  Green has earned, his record as a mediocre coach despite how well he presents himself to the public or his bosses.


Imo, Green is not a good leader, just based on his tendency to have favorites; and this is a trait that all immature leader will tend to have.   

Edited by ShawnAntoski
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1 hour ago, 'NucK™ said:

Took something? Like some kind of meds you mean? 

I mean obviously it's possible.. and I don't mean to say anything with certainty other than the fact that the looks no stronger out there than he did 3 years ago.. which unfortunately  is not a good sign no matter the cause.

Or perhaps, he is daring Green to sit him ?

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