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[PGT] Ottawa Senators at Vancouver Canucks | Apr. 19, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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9 minutes ago, Jayinblack said:

What was especially hard to watch was the way they laid back on their heels for the first 5-8 min of the 2nd and 3rd periods.

I get they were tired and due for a let down, but once again that sit back and let the game come to mentality gave Ottawa a lot of life.

I think 2 goals in 10 shots gave them false confidence. The followup shifts were still good effort but they lost that feeling of desperation. It looked like they were coached to continue play hard and not let up rather than feeling that desperation all throughout 60 min. 



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1 hour ago, mikeyman109 said:

Have you watched Petan play this season? silly to focus on one point in the game for sure but its not crazy to ask why when you do have better options on the bench

I heard Shorty say numerous times yesterday "Petan fails to clear the puck" 

The guy is a poor man's Reid Boucher. 

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3 hours ago, wai_lai416 said:

again who cares if you beat the good/great teams if you are just going to follow it up by losing to bad teams? you can't expect to be a consisntent playoff team if you are going to have 10+ lost every season to non playoff teams which is every season since 2014. no one expects you to win all the games against bad team.. but having 10+ lost every season and playoff is your goal? 

I think you missed the point (completely).


Let me use your wording:  "again who cares if you lose to the bad teams if you beat the good teams". Or: a win is a win and a loss is a loss regardless of if it's versus a good or bad team.


You don't seem to be asking for consistency, you seem to be asking for perfection.

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16 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:








































CANUCKS NATION HAS SPOKEN and we can't all be wrong!

OK you put some serious effort in to collecting all those quotes. Nice work!

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15 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

I think you missed the point (completely).


Let me use your wording:  "again who care if you lose to the bad teams if you beat the good teams". Translation: a win is a win and a loss is a loss regardless of if it's versus a good or bad team.


You don't seem to be asking for consistency, you seem to be asking for perfection.

I think some fans (many?) want JR/Allvin to build a consistent playoff team.  Currently we have a bublle team, at best.  To get to be a consistent playoff team (for a prolonged period of time) there needs to be big changes.  

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7 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I think some fans (many?) want JR/Allvin to build a consistent playoff team.  Currently we have a bublle team, at best.  To get to be a consistent playoff team (for a prolonged period of time) there needs to be big changes.  

I think it's tough to assess at this point.


I mean, Green's team or Bruce's team? 


Currently we've been on a tear then our captain got hurt. I do agree that in those situations you have to have a solid plan b. But people want to ignore what we did do in the bubble and under Bruce and use the negative stuff only in their assessment. 


I don't think this team is as far off as some think they are and they were just really starting to give us a good picture of what they are. Confidence is huge and they had none under Green at the end of his run. 


Penciling new guys in doesn't guarantee anything...because chemistry matters.  This team's starting to develop some and know where the other guys will be on the ice and how they think. It's starting to click. Building a consistent team also has to allow for them to do so.

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After losses to Detroit , Buffalo, and now Ottawa, it seems the Canucks are their best when the the other team dictates play and the Canucks cause turnovers. When the opposition is less skilled and the Canucks have to dictate play seems to be where they run into trouble.

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5 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

I think it's tough to assess at this point.


I mean, Green's team or Bruce's team? 


Currently we've been on a tear then our captain got hurt. I do agree that in those situations you have to have a solid plan b. But people want to ignore what we did do in the bubble and under Bruce and use the negative stuff only in their assessment. 


I don't think this team is as far off as some think they are and they were just really starting to give us a good picture of what they are. Confidence is huge and they had none under Green at the end of his run. 


Penciling new guys in doesn't guarantee anything...because chemistry matters.  This team's starting to develop some and know where the other guys will be on the ice and how they think. It's starting to click. Building a consistent team also has to allow for them to do so.

I agree that we are close.  But our best player (Miller) will be 30 starting his next contract.  Are we close enough now to sign MIller to the contract he will deserve?  Will his decline in play (due to age) be offset by younger players coming up in other parts of the club? 

Or do we continue down the current path where we need a year end miracle to get into the playoffs?  

Winning or losing to Ottawa should be a moot point at this late date because we should be set as a playoff team.  


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2 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

I've only missed two games this year. I guess unlike you I assume BB wanted to win the game and picked his best option. You seem to think he was busy ordering pizza for after the game or something and put Petan in by mistake, or he mixed up Petan with someone else, or just picked a guy at random. Doesn't really fly with me but this is CDC so :frantic:

I havent missed any games this season all anyone is saying is they havent seen from Petan what BB must have seen because of the players on that bench last night he would probably be the last one in my list. I might have let Demko have a shot before him. I think Demko may have more points than him as well.

Doesnt really fly with me that coaches never make mistakes or that someone will defend them.

Marc Crawford made a lot of good decisions as a coach also but leaving Gretzky out of the shootout in Nagano was not a good one.

Boudreau could have picked Hughes, OEL, Richardson, Dickenson but went with leading scorer Petan he of the hefty contract deserving one assist this season. If you are only going to play him 9 minutes last night he wasnt really a threat to score was he?

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26 minutes ago, Alflives said:

@RU SERIOUS put in more effort into that one post than the Canucks did in their entire game last night.  

I think the boys were trying their darnedest last night, but just ran out of stream. It was more a problem of execution than effort. Playing elimination games for a month straight has to get tiring. 

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8 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I agree that we are close.  But our best player (Miller) will be 30 starting his next contract.  Are we close enough now to sign MIller to the contract he will deserve?  Will his decline in play (due to age) be offset by younger players coming up in other parts of the club? 

Or do we continue down the current path where we need a year end miracle to get into the playoffs?  

Winning or losing to Ottawa should be a moot point at this late date because we should be set as a playoff team.  


The Avs are close, Florida is close we aren’t close to being a consistent contender for the Stanley cup. 
We fall squarely into the contender for the playoffs and hope Demko gets hot at the right moment category. 
The Leafs spent decades there before finally deciding to tank and are back there again because they cut bait on the rebuild too quickly and built an imbalanced roster, that being said they are closer than us. 
I get we got hot once Bruce came over but again and again this year we have worked our way up to the threshold to fall flat on our faces against bad teams.  Maybe a miracle will happen and we will still get in Playoffs which is an amazing testament to the will of this team but realistically we are not built for a deep playoff run.  With Demko anything is possible but that is not a plan to build a consistent contender. 

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13 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I agree that we are close.  But our best player (Miller) will be 30 starting his next contract.  Are we close enough now to sign MIller to the contract he will deserve?  Will his decline in play (due to age) be offset by younger players coming up in other parts of the club? 

Or do we continue down the current path where we need a year end miracle to get into the playoffs?  

Winning or losing to Ottawa should be a moot point at this late date because we should be set as a playoff team.  


Again, you have to consider that they WOULD be in a playoff spot without the horrible start and Green's failure to adjust.


The team ran out of gas last night, plain and simple. They played extremely hard for 5 periods in a row and it's sad because I feel the piss poor game management/reffing really helped to play into Ottawa's hands by letting things go in the 3rd. It was a clear momentum shift and Ottawa completely took over. After Brady cried to the refs for 20 minutes they basically put their whistles away and allowed him to do whatever. Free wheeling. 


Year end miracle is an opinion and worded to make it seem more desperate than it really is. I mean, if we are "close" then we don't need miracles because that's on a larger scale.

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