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[Rumour] Major Changes Coming, Country Club Atmosphere ~ Shannon and Kypreos

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46 minutes ago, NucknAsia said:

Dude you just said


Miller, Myers, Garland, Boeser


Then say 


There won't be big turn over


That's 3 top 6 players

And a top 2 D (on our team)


That would qualify as big turn over imho


47 minutes ago, NucknAsia said:

Dude you just said


Miller, Myers, Garland, Boeser


Then say 


There won't be big turn over


That's 3 top 6 players

And a top 2 D (on our team)


That would qualify as big turn over imho

If 2 forwards are moved say Miller for great return and Garland.. That is not a big turn over????? 

If 1 D man is say Myers and he is not a # 2 D man..lol..lol... Myers is a #4 D man..

So 3 players moved is not a big turn over on 23 man roster ??? 

You could be getting a # 3 D man back

Young RD man under 23 with bright future

Roster player to fit in top 7 in package

Draft pick and top prospect in trade..


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2 hours ago, Dazzle said:

You are part of the problem with this toxic fanbase.


Comments like the above are absolutely trash. You should be ashamed of yourself for not evolving beyond your subhuman sensibilities. The Sedins were not the problem, and neither was Naslund.


Both these players had played a long time in the NHL at high levels. You are not "soft" at those levels. Get out of here with your garbage.

Dazzle, you are way off base here. All the players named were not soft, but were not aggressive in nature, What Silent Sam is alluding to, and which there are many that agree with is that hockey is an aggressive game, and a Captain should be able to lead by example, which sometimes means getting your hands dirty and rolling up you sleeves.........


What does mean? It means giving a vicious hit, it means putting your gloves in someone's face, it means not allowing your team-mates get pushed around, and leading the charge in that regard.


Captains like that, that come to mind are Thornton, Iginla, Crosby, Messier, and even Patrice Bergeron, to name a few. Don't get us wrong these guys did not do it every game, as all are/were Super Stars, who were meant to be on the ice and not in the box. But all are no crap type guys, that don't whine, and hold people accountable. Both Foe and team-mate.


Bo is a very good player, who if more aggressive would be a greater player. The guy has a hockey player frame, and could put guys through the boards, to make a point, yet, he chooses not to.


Hockey is a game of emotion, energy, and sacrifice............and that has never been Bo's game, nor was it the Sedin's game, or Naslunds game....................these guys were all extremely talented players, but none of them screamed leadership.............


I remember one time hearing a mic'ed Bo, who was given a cross check, and he piped up.........."Oh, come on guys!" ...........he sounded like Opie (Ron Howard).............I thought, boy he sure did tell that guy off. Now it would have been a fine comment if he would have taken the guy through the boards next shift, but he did not...........that is not leadership................Bo is talented, yes...........a leader......nope!


Keep in mind, some people like a leader as I described, some like a leader like Horvat................, some people do not like fighting in hockey, some people do............


I personally think you were wrong to call out Silent Sam as you did, but that is just me..................

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25 minutes ago, NucknAsia said:

I will remind people, Alvin and JR came from  Pittsburgh


Granted they had superstars in Sid, Malkin, Letang, and Fleury and our 'core' doesn't measure up talent wise (and I would suspect they know our players can't) aka JR "we don't have any superstars here"....but what all those players had and still have is...


Is an intense burning desire to compete and be the best every single night


I would ask those who think Bo can't or won't be moved - do you think he, as a captain, exemplifies that burning desire to be the best every night? Was he the guy leading the charge out of the Greene malaise? Pulling the team out of the doldrums? And please understand the nuance here, no one is saying Bo doesn't compete hard, but does he compete at the level EXPECTED OF A CAPTAIN in the NHL, particularly when the team is struggling? 

Or did he have excuses? Did he disappear for 1/2 the season like the rest of the team? Not trying to take shots at Bo, I respect what he brings, he works hard we all know that, he is good person and sets a good example in his effort in practice and in games....BUT is he the kind of LEADER, that JR and Alvin have seen and expect.


This is why I think he may be part of the group going.


To me JR and Alvin would recognize Miller's fire as more of what they want and have seen from their leaders. A player who cannot accept losing, a player who tried to will this team into the playoffs on his own (often trying to do too much and messing up, but pushing nonetheless). Alot of people say "well bo is a beast in the playoffs"....Bo needed to be a beast when Greene was here so we didn't fall to 8 and 20 or whatever it was. He needed to help lead us out, he didn't. He was not injured, he did not miss camp because of a contract and started slow (very normal for players who hold out sadly, and no excuse for petey but that's a totally different issue).

Since you cannot take a C away from a player as it really messes up their heads (unless they're old), I really can see Bo being moved if we look at it from that perspective.

I have a feeling from what JR said earlier that you might not expect the last 3 yrs to be productive of a contract

I think if they can get JT to sign for 6,5 avg over 6 years  he would do it (depends if JT takes his offer)

I think we will have lots of talk within months speculating on the direction the club  with moves made

Hopefully we get good value for who moves (They won't be giving them to the lowest bidder)  just because we didn't get Makar for Poolman  and Dickenson :)

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1 hour ago, SilentSam said:

No .

You are a bigger part of the problem,  your “paddy cake” complaining is pathetic,  and your “Love” of a few romantic moments with your favourite players should be tattooed on your arm.


Soft IS Soft,  and what is noble and right to you does not win a Stanley Cup Ever.


Please go and enjoy some Bantam Hockey at your local rink with some buttered popcorn and your favourite Blanket.

How do you really feel? LOL :emot-parrot:

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Pure speculation on my part, but it could be that the Canucks are missing a driver in the likeness Sidney Crosby or a Nate McKinnon.  Miller seems to want to be that guy, but who knows if others are allowing him to take on that role.


Karl Alzner (of all people to quote) said something like how he couldn't believe how hard Matt Niskanen practiced and trained, and when asked, Niskanen said that's the standard that Crosby set.  Apparently Jay Beagle was the hardest working Capital and Niskanen lapped him.


I can't remember who said it among the new hockey ops group this past season (whether it was JR, Allvin or Boudreau?), but there was criticism about the intensity level at which the Canucks players practiced.  If that was indeed the case, that's 100% on the leadership group. I remember the good old days when Kesler and Mitchell had their intense battles in practice.  It's great that everyone on the team gets along, but a little internal circumstantial hate and fierce competition in practice is good for the team.  I have a feeling that is what's missing with the current version of the Canucks.


It's cliche, but I remember Scotty Bowman saying that you play games like you practice, and his dynasty team of the 1970s practiced harder than they played their games.  So much so that Bowman was universally disliked (but respected) by the players he coached.

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Man, I hate these media spreading all of these negative Canucks news. First, they don't support us when we get to the Finals. Now, they just pile it on after a tough season when the Canucks almost miraculously make the playoffs. It's almost like they want to snuff out all the positivity with the Vancouver franchise.

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49 minutes ago, bigbadcanucks said:

Pure speculation on my part, but it could be that the Canucks are missing a driver in the likeness Sidney Crosby or a Nate McKinnon.  Miller seems to want to be that guy, but who knows if others are allowing him to take on that role.


Karl Alzner (of all people to quote) said something like how he couldn't believe how hard Matt Niskanen practiced and trained, and when asked, Niskanen said that's the standard that Crosby set.  Apparently Jay Beagle was the hardest working Capital and Niskanen lapped him.


I can't remember who said it among the new hockey ops group this past season (whether it was JR, Allvin or Boudreau?), but there was criticism about the intensity level at which the Canucks players practiced.  If that was indeed the case, that's 100% on the leadership group. I remember the good old days when Kesler and Mitchell had their intense battles in practice.  It's great that everyone on the team gets along, but a little internal circumstantial hate and fierce competition in practice is good for the team.  I have a feeling that is what's missing with the current version of the Canucks.


It's cliche, but I remember Scotty Bowman saying that you play games like you practice, and his dynasty team of the 1970s practiced harder than they played their games.  So much so that Bowman was universally disliked (but respected) by the players he coached.

exactly this.


And I really like Bo Horvat and Boeser as people and players, but as complementary pieces for the reasons you mentioned. We don't need all our players being Lady Byng candidates.

Bo learned how to be a captain from Hank. Turn the other cheek, get them back on the PP. The problem is Bo is not a 100 pt center. He is a 50-60 pt center with much more size than Hank and doesn't use those tools. Its just not in his personality makeup to be an in your face player. He is a guy who plays an honest 200 ft game (and that's really respectable) but you also need your captain to have some fire....I just have never seen that. And yes he had a great playoffs, but anger, fire, some sandpaper when the team needs it.

As another poster mentioned, give me Stan Smyl again, or give me someone who competes like Linden, you could see 'I don't give up' in those names. You saw them force their teams to be better even when our teams sucked royally, and def had alot less talent than this group.


If you're going to pay a player 7 mil (Bo) and he's your captain, I am sorry but he HAS to bring more....to me I think Bo and Boeser are the players to move.

Edited by NucknAsia
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1 hour ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Dazzle, you are way off base here. All the players named were not soft, but were not aggressive in nature, What Silent Sam is alluding to, and which there are many that agree with is that hockey is an aggressive game, and a Captain should be able to lead by example, which sometimes means getting your hands dirty and rolling up you sleeves.........


What does mean? It means giving a vicious hit, it means putting your gloves in someone's face, it means not allowing your team-mates get pushed around, and leading the charge in that regard.


Captains like that, that come to mind are Thornton, Iginla, Crosby, Messier, and even Patrice Bergeron, to name a few. Don't get us wrong these guys did not do it every game, as all are/were Super Stars, who were meant to be on the ice and not in the box. But all are no crap type guys, that don't whine, and hold people accountable. Both Foe and team-mate.


Bo is a very good player, who if more aggressive would be a greater player. The guy has a hockey player frame, and could put guys through the boards, to make a point, yet, he chooses not to.


Hockey is a game of emotion, energy, and sacrifice............and that has never been Bo's game, nor was it the Sedin's game, or Naslunds game....................these guys were all extremely talented players, but none of them screamed leadership.............


I remember one time hearing a mic'ed Bo, who was given a cross check, and he piped up.........."Oh, come on guys!" ...........he sounded like Opie (Ron Howard).............I thought, boy he sure did tell that guy off. Now it would have been a fine comment if he would have taken the guy through the boards next shift, but he did not...........that is not leadership................Bo is talented, yes...........a leader......nope!


Keep in mind, some people like a leader as I described, some like a leader like Horvat................, some people do not like fighting in hockey, some people do............


I personally think you were wrong to call out Silent Sam as you did, but that is just me..................

Daniel ?  Or Hank ? … is that you? ;)


much appreciate you understanding and putting to words,  what a lot of us feel.


I do think Marcus, Danny,Hank and many others Sami , Eagle ,  the list goes on..  were all remarkable world class hockey players.


but had they composed the mindset and release of volition when required , like P Forsberg, Zeterburg,  and others who could squeeze a trigger when that testosterone needed to release in the most mental aspects of winning,  they would have stepped outside of mere greatness,  and become more legendary for it.

One moment sticks out in my mind to me, Pavel Bure putting up with weeks and weeks of pugilists trying to take him out of the game..

the mother of all elbows.

 He created more room for himself for years after that.

Cheers JIAHN.

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