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New Netflix show Get Smart with Money is a sore for successful people


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The show actively promotes a concept called FIRE - financial independence retire early.. except the very concept of FIRE is a huge misfire for anyone who values quality of life.


The show suggests things like eliminating dinning out, downsizing your place and even renting rooms out to strangers or international students, selling your car or just driving a beater car from point A to B, no nice clothes no nice trips.


Basically it says live as frugal as possible and in the end you'll have money to live on as interest on your PRINCIPLE.


Except life isn't worth living without quality, you are missing out on so much by not enjoying life YOUNG not old. You don't need money when you are 55 years old you need money at 25. Young people need to live life to the fullest not sacrifice their best years to save and live frugal. 


Just a bad show for cheap people.

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ok....people around 55 dont need money.  Now thats great advice!


edit: im being sarcastic.  The other thing that may come as a surprise to the OP is that im in my 50s and i consider these my best years.  Got my crap together, priorities are good, I have lots of interests and want to travel, see the world. I feel like i did when I was 25 (without the desire to hang out in clubs and bars anymore) and with a bit more of a brain (wiser I guess..dont want to offend young people)...

Edited by Darius
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6 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Uhh.. I'm shook. I thought you are 107 tears old.

107 tears? That's a good skrike.


This show sounds like 'Rich dad, poor dad' stuff.


Anyway, yeah. Don't spend and you will have more money. If you do want to spend, put that money into real estate. Oh, and whatever you do....don't breed. 

Maybe I should stretch my advice out into a book? 


Edited by bishopshodan
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7 hours ago, CanuckRookieFan said:

The show actively promotes a concept called FIRE - financial independence retire early.. except the very concept of FIRE is a huge misfire for anyone who values quality of life.


The show suggests things like eliminating dinning out, downsizing your place and even renting rooms out to strangers or international students, selling your car or just driving a beater car from point A to B, no nice clothes no nice trips.


Basically it says live as frugal as possible and in the end you'll have money to live on as interest on your PRINCIPLE.


Except life isn't worth living without quality, you are missing out on so much by not enjoying life YOUNG not old. You don't need money when you are 55 years old you need money at 25. Young people need to live life to the fullest not sacrifice their best years to save and live frugal. 


Just a bad show for cheap people.

Just a bad take by you..............I have never seen the show, but 


There are lots of things to do on the "cheap" as you say...............even at 25 years old!


Walks, hikes, church, rec ball, soccer, bike riding, crib, monopoly, singing, etc......................all things that cost little or nothing


Ride a bike or take a bus, you don't need a car! Walk! Ditch the cell and get a land line. Use the Library Computers


Buy McDonald coffee instead of Starbuck or Tims, or even better yet, make your own at home and buy a thermos. Don't smoke!


Make your own booze! Eat at home! Pack a lunch. Work 2 jobs!


Buy at Value Village, Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji, etc............


To say, you can not have fun, doing these things, indicates you have a lack of imagination, and have had a pampered life!

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I work in a field dealing with people in financial trouble. Many of them are people who present themselves as successful, and are seemingly addicted to a lifestyle they really can’t afford. I’ve seen lawyers, real estate big shots, financial advisors, and even a guy featured on podcasts for how to be wealthy and successful. In many cases, they are on the verge of bankruptcy, and it’s a total shock to many of their friends and family.


On the other hand, I have a family member who is illiterate (beyond his control), and worked in a mill until having to retire early on disability. He raised 4 kids (wife didn’t work until they were grown up), gave money to many family members from back home, and is living comfortably into his late seventies in a big beautiful house and lots of money in the bank. How? Frugal city. He only eats out a few times a year, and never fancy. Budget everything, even growing lots of his own food.

So yeah, being frugal absolutely works. But for me, I try to find a sweet spot in the middle. I go out here and there, but in between try to cut costs and save each month. But going to bars/clubs and showing off? That’s nonsense. I drink well, but at home…much cheaper.

Edited by D-Money
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On a second note!


I have a 31 year step-son. He is a great guy, and has saved over $100,000.00 for a house, but wants the big new one, the one that 55 year olds have worked their whole life to get.


I have suggested he move north to get a house ( You can buy in Dawson Creek for $150,000 and up, but he does not want to go any place like that...........he wants it down here, and we know it does not exist down here..............but he does not want to sacrifice, which is his problem, not mine!


In Dawson creek, it is cold 4 1/2 months a year, but, if you can save the money, you can go on some nice hoilidays mid-winter...........in 25 to 30 C degree heat


Summers are just as hot, and bars are heated 12 months a year............


Your nest egg will grow quickly up there, and you will be able to buy down here later in life........................again, it's your choice!



Edited by J.I.A.H.N
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9 minutes ago, D-Money said:

I work in a field dealing with people in financial trouble. Many of them are people who present themselves as successful, and are seemingly addicted to a lifestyle they really can’t afford. I’ve seen lawyers, real estate big shots, financial advisors, and even a guy featured on podcasts for how to be wealthy and successful. In many cases, they are on the verge of bankruptcy, and it’s a total shock to many of their friends and family.


On the other hand, I have a family member who is illiterate (beyond his control), and worked in a mill until having to retire early on disability. He raised 4 kids (wife didn’t work until they were grown up), gave money to many family members from back home, and is living comfortably into his late seventies in a big beautiful house and lots of money in the bank. How? Frugal city. He only eats out a few times a year, and never fancy. Budget everything, even growing lots of his own food.

So yeah, being frugal absolutely works. But for me, I try to find a sweet spot in the middle. I go out here and there, but in between try to cut costs and save each month. But going to bars/clubs and showing off? That’s nonsense. I drink well, but at home…much cheaper.

Happy Well Done GIF

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6 minutes ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

On a second note!


I have a 31 year step-son. He is a great guy, and has saved over $100,000.00 for a house, but wants the big new one, the one that 55 year olds have worked their whole life to get.


I have suggested he move north to get a house ( You can buy in Dawson Creek for $150,000 and up, but he does not want to go any place like that...........he wants it down here, and we know it does not exist down here..............but he does not want to sacrifice, which is his problem, not mine!


In Dawson creek, it is cold 4 1/2 months a year, but, if you can save the money, you can go on some nice hoilidays mid-winter...........in 25 to 30 C degree heat


Summers are just as hot, and bars are heated 12 months a year............


Your nest egg will grow quickly up there, and you will be able to buy down here later in life........................again, it's your choice!

Wow, that sounds great, working two jobs in Dawson Creek and hanging out at a church or a library drinking McDonald's coffee.





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8 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

Wow, that sounds great, working two jobs in Dawson Creek and hanging out at a church or a library drinking McDonald's coffee.


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Well, I guess you can continue doing nothing and whining about it.


Funny, thing. I was in Mexico one year, and had a burger at the resort, it was good, so the next day, I was there again. The cook was the same guy. I said to him, that it seemed like he was always there, and said yes, 10 hours a day, and 6 days a week. He said, Noooo (with a mexican accent) on Sunday, I go to church and then home to study law for my exam. I said wow,  and he said that is the only way to get ahead in Mexico. 


He later told me he was 28 years old with 4 daughters and a wife. He then laughed and said no, it is more life 5 wives, all telling him what to do! Yet, he had a smile on his face and he was happy............... 


That always impacted me, as he was making his own opportunity, and happy about it! 


Another story about Mexico..I met a tourist down there that had been out Marlin fishing, and they did well, he gave the captain a tip, and the captain shared it, then said that they should come to his house for dinner. Well, to shorten the story up, they arrived, and the family was there to meet them, all in white clothing. The wife invited them into the house, and as they entered, they noticed the floor was made of dirt. (and the house was clean!)


Something to think about, right?

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9 hours ago, CanuckRookieFan said:

The show actively promotes a concept called FIRE - financial independence retire early.. except the very concept of FIRE is a huge misfire for anyone who values quality of life.


The show suggests things like eliminating dinning out, downsizing your place and even renting rooms out to strangers or international students, selling your car or just driving a beater car from point A to B, no nice clothes no nice trips.


Basically it says live as frugal as possible and in the end you'll have money to live on as interest on your PRINCIPLE.


Except life isn't worth living without quality, you are missing out on so much by not enjoying life YOUNG not old. You don't need money when you are 55 years old you need money at 25. Young people need to live life to the fullest not sacrifice their best years to save and live frugal. 


Just a bad show for cheap people.

Everything in moderation...  


I would definitely recommend to young people in their teens and early 20s to worry more about experiences rather then money.  


I'm very familiar with FIRE concept, watched a lot of shows about it over the last 5 years, etc...  

It's just an idea to live by.  I have a friend that's into it and he never comes out to do anything fun or does any trips.  What can you do. 

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9 hours ago, J.I.A.H.N said:

Well, I guess you can continue doing nothing and whining about it.


Funny, thing. I was in Mexico one year, and had a burger at the resort, it was good, so the next day, I was there again. The cook was the same guy. I said to him, that it seemed like he was always there, and said yes, 10 hours a day, and 6 days a week. He said, Noooo (with a mexican accent) on Sunday, I go to church and then home to study law for my exam. I said wow,  and he said that is the only way to get ahead in Mexico. 


He later told me he was 28 years old with 4 daughters and a wife. He then laughed and said no, it is more life 5 wives, all telling him what to do! Yet, he had a smile on his face and he was happy............... 


That always impacted me, as he was making his own opportunity, and happy about it! 


Another story about Mexico..I met a tourist down there that had been out Marlin fishing, and they did well, he gave the captain a tip, and the captain shared it, then said that they should come to his house for dinner. Well, to shorten the story up, they arrived, and the family was there to meet them, all in white clothing. The wife invited them into the house, and as they entered, they noticed the floor was made of dirt. (and the house was clean!)


Something to think about, right?

That is by my definition doing nothing. And I'm not whining about it.


As for the cook in Mexico, he was smiling so he's happy right? No he's smiling because if he doesn't then someone else will get the job of cooking for fat entitled tourists taking advantage of the exchange rate by vacationing in a developing country and living in temporary luxury, a luxury that a vast majority of the locals there will never be able to afford. 


The Marlin fishing guide and his family wear white and live in a clean house with dirt floors, so what? What's there to think about?



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18 hours ago, CanuckRookieFan said:

The show actively promotes a concept called FIRE - financial independence retire early.. except the very concept of FIRE is a huge misfire for anyone who values quality of life.


The show suggests things like eliminating dinning out, downsizing your place and even renting rooms out to strangers or international students, selling your car or just driving a beater car from point A to B, no nice clothes no nice trips.


Basically it says live as frugal as possible and in the end you'll have money to live on as interest on your PRINCIPLE.


Except life isn't worth living without quality, you are missing out on so much by not enjoying life YOUNG not old. You don't need money when you are 55 years old you need money at 25. Young people need to live life to the fullest not sacrifice their best years to save and live frugal. 


Just a bad show for cheap people.

you don't need money at 55? clearly you're not 55. 

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