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[Report] Canucks recall Arturs Silovs

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25 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

I think he could be, I just think it's presumptuous to assume he will be 


He'd be better served stewing in Abbotsford next season imo, he's only 20 and there really shouldn't be any rush 

That’s what I’m thinking too. Given how young he is still and the fact he was at one point projected to go first overall in his draft year tells me there’s something there that we should be taking our time with. Keep him in Abby and then bring him up for 2024/25.

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3 hours ago, KoreanHockeyFan said:

I honestly still think Martin is a reliable back up. The only reason why his confidence got shot down was because he was forced to play behind a terrible defence during the team's drama around Boudreau and also cover for Demko's injury. 


As long as Martin isn't forced to play 10-20 games in a row, I believe he's a solid back up. He was outplaying Demko at the beginning of the season. 

Same here, but I think Silovs will outplay him in camp. If that happens, we have to make a decision on where Silovs is best placed.

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20 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

Same here, but I think Silovs will outplay him in camp. If that happens, we have to make a decision on where Silovs is best placed.

If Silovs is playing well to that degree I think the Canucks would have to start thinking about potentially accelerating the succession plan by making Silovs the starter and trading Demko while he's still on his bargain of a contract. 

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2 hours ago, KoreanHockeyFan said:

If Silovs is playing well to that degree I think the Canucks would have to start thinking about potentially accelerating the succession plan by making Silovs the starter and trading Demko while he's still on his bargain of a contract. 

So, what you're saying is.....


We'd have ANOTHER goaltending controversy!!!    ;)



Fran Healy Reaction GIF by Travis

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Canucks have used all of their post trade deadline farm team moves already so I wonder if Delia will have a couple more illnesses to allow more "emergency" callups to allow Silovs a few more starts.

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On 3/6/2023 at 10:22 AM, timberz21 said:

Isn't that what we said about Demko and Martin last year?


I mean, I'm glad Silovs is doing well and he's younger than Martin was, but I think we are getting a little of ourselves with him.  Right now, the Canucks have no pressure, they are expected to lose and it's actually motivating to try and prove everybody wrong.  But I honestly don't think Silovs will be with the Canucks next year, he will play, but won't be the backup after training camp.  Canucks will most likely signs a veteran and lets Silovs get another full year in the AHL with a few stints here and there.


Any goalies (i.e. Hamburglar), young or old, can have super crazy hot streak, what differences the best from the rest is the consistency and that we cannot evaluate that from Silovs yet.  I've seen posts here where Silovs is now our #1 prospect apparently, based on a good 1/2 AHL season and 4 games with the Canucks.  That is crazy non-sense.

I keep saying this same thing in one form or another, I trust Ian Clark. He is probably the best goalie coach in the NHL and he's a big believer in Silovs. I see some greatness in the kid, he's quick and rangy, and he never gives up on the play. He's more athletic than Demko, but Demko has superior positioning and rebound control, and uses his size to better effect. I think Silovs is a future superstar. His play in Abby has been stellar, as has been his play with the big club .

Edited by canuckleheads fan
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1 hour ago, Sativika said:

Man! I'm impressed with this kid. Are you?

Look how far he has come in the last 3 seasons. He played almost no games 3 seasons ago. He hasn’t even played 50 AHL games in his career. A 6th rdr. Some fans are calling for him to be Demko’s backup. Big mistake. Arthur’s should be the #1 in Abby for a full season, maybe 2. He is definitely trending as Demko’s heir.

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1 hour ago, Sativika said:

Man! I'm impressed with this kid. Are you?

Yes indeed.

As a goalie guy, I've liked this kid from day 1 - but never imagined he'd be able to perform this way at the NHL level this early.


Really nice to see. Was especially impressed with his performance in the shootout. Kid moves really well in the crease, obviously extremely flexible - that little poke check was a smart, confident play too.


His flexibility reminds me a bit of Miika Kiprusoff. You can definitely see the raw tools that Ian Clark and co. were so excited about.

Not going to come out and say he's an A prospect or anything, but it's nice to see a skilled young goalie developing nicely.


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1 minute ago, nergish said:

Yes indeed.

As a goalie guy, I've liked this kid from day 1 - but never imagined he'd be able to perform this way at the NHL level this early.


Really nice to see. Was especially impressed with his performance in the shootout. Kid moves really well in the crease, obviously extremely flexible - that little poke check was a smart, confident play too.


His flexibility reminds me a bit of Miika Kiprusoff. You can definitely see the raw tools that Ian Clark and co. were so excited about.

Not going to come out and say he's an A prospect or anything, but it's nice to see a skilled young goalie developing nicely.


The Kipper? Good company indeed!

To be honest I was surprised that he got a call up so soon. As I mentioned in another thread, probably was called up to back  up Delia and be with the big team for experience purposes  But as luck would have it, he played. Even better experience for him. And fans, coaching, management alike all were witness to his prowess. Good on the organization to give him the chance to shine in front of our ravenous fans pining for some good in our season.


To be sure Abbotsford is in good hands with Silo holding the fort.

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