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[Report/Rumour] Elias Pettersson Contract Talks

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

Personally, I think they have this year. It's do or die, imo.

Could be... if they don't make massive improvements. The real question is definitely whether its worrh offering bigger contracts to our top players, if they aren't able/capable to get the job done. 

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18 hours ago, AnthonyG said:


If anyone thinks this isnt a playoff team this year because of

1) Demko’s slow start

2) horrendous goaltending for nearly 4 months without Demko



we needed f***ing 13 pts. We EASILY could have had that if we didnt blow the first 5 games and if Demko was healthy 1 week earlier. 

If Demko didnt get injured? 

Despite Demko’s injury and length of time he was out, we only missed by 7 wins with 2 goalies sporting a nearly 4.0GAA

DOES ANYONE REALIZE JUST HOW CLOSE WE ACTUALLY WERE TO PLAYOFFS??? ANYONE?????????? My god. This was literally a matter of one health body, losing our #1 goalie for half a bloody season. Scoring was there, goaltending was not there to back it up.

For anyone to doubt this core’s ability to have an impact on winning games, please just go watch another team.

Unfortunately , your not going to convince the "DOOM AND GLOOM" Club of any common sense. They don't see that Bo was an issue, BB was an issue, Demko's injury was a BIG issue , the PK was an issue etc. etc. 

We have better coaching, a healthy Demko, some anchors removed and a much improved D core.

Getting rid of Benning itself is going to prove Franchise Changing!

These guys are also so impatient its mind boggling. We obviously have personnel that obviously aren't wanted but we are stuck with them for the time being. 

I think after this season, the team is going to look more like what Alvin and co. were looking for , but its by no means that team now, so why be so critical of them?

I am willing to be a little more patient and wait a while longer before thinking of tearing this team down! LOL. 

Judging from past moves by NHL teams, most of their fantasy moves would never happen in the first place.

Moving 30+ million worth of players like its a video game is dreams these guys think might become a reality one day.  :picard:

I am thinking probably not.

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1 hour ago, Citizen Erased said:

I’m sorry you feel that way, but I believe that the free agent signings should vastly improve the penalty kill and overall goals against deferential, in combination with the sound defensive structure Tocchet has implemented. 

Don’t get me wrong. It might not be enough to make the playoffs, but I think the team will definitely be better.

I think the points should be better based on Demko being himself to start and as I mentioned a more experienced core. Who knows if we make the dance. 

On paper we looked good going into last season but we all know what happened. I like the new additions but I'm not blown away.


I am a big fan of the core, I've supported Miller since he got here and was thankful they kept him over Bo. I liked Bo but just knew JT gave us more.

However, we then brought in a nepo-coach with a crap head coaching record. I was gutted. They didn't try to find the best candidate, they went with mediocre Rick.


If he proves me wrong I will happily admit it.

Like all of us, i just want a cup before my last breath. 

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1 hour ago, Westcoastcanucks777 said:

Pay him now

Could contain: Face, Frown, Head, Person, Sad, Adult, Female, Woman, Portrait, Blonde

Ummmm, what are the expected pronouns for this? 

Already making itself look pretty for it’s next endeavour…prison bitch.


Or maybe he joined a Poison or Crüe cover band? 

Regardless it’s a bad look when he lets his hair down. 

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54 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

Unfortunately , your not going to convince the "DOOM AND GLOOM" Club of any common sense. They don't see that Bo was an issue, BB was an issue, Demko's injury was a BIG issue , the PK was an issue etc. etc. 

We have better coaching, a healthy Demko, some anchors removed and a much improved D core.

Getting rid of Benning itself is going to prove Franchise Changing!

These guys are also so impatient its mind boggling. We obviously have personnel that obviously aren't wanted but we are stuck with them for the time being. 

I think after this season, the team is going to look more like what Alvin and co. were looking for , but its by no means that team now, so why be so critical of them?

I am willing to be a little more patient and wait a while longer before thinking of tearing this team down! LOL. 

Judging from past moves by NHL teams, most of their fantasy moves would never happen in the first place.

Moving 30+ million worth of players like its a video game is dreams these guys think might become a reality one day.  :picard:

I am thinking probably not.

No one’s being impatient at least from what I can tell. The reality is that this mgmt team’s contract dictates what they are expected to achieve in its current duration. We make playoffs, we do some damage in the playoffs, they get extended. 

If after all the moves made, alllll the changes throughout the entire organization from up top all the way down to the ice, if they fail, then unfortunately the end result is likely going to be drastic change.


Just because you root for the team and want to be optimistic does not deny relevant facts that others are also pointing out. 

Optimism is based in hope. To become a serious team that has the capability of regular playoff hockey, you don’t rely on hope intertwined on some minor past laurels. That would just be subverting responsibility. This mgmt team has a serious agenda and if they can’t achieve it because of the players assembled on hand, the roster will change…as we have seen. 

Thats what people are aware of. Fans, not just naysayers or whatever you choose to classify people who are just as passionate about and aware of the team as you are.  Congrats on being positive. We need more of that. Seriously.
But don’t go negating that by being condescending to others and their perspectives. That’d make you a bit hypocritical, which you’re not. 


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55 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I think the points should be better based on Demko being himself to start and as I mentioned a more experienced core. Who knows if we make the dance. 

On paper we looked good going into last season but we all know what happened. I like the new additions but I'm not blown away.


I am a big fan of the core, I've supported Miller since he got here and was thankful they kept him over Bo. I liked Bo but just knew JT gave us more.

However, we then brought in a nepo-coach with a crap head coaching record. I was gutted. They didn't try to find the best candidate, they went with mediocre Rick.


If he proves me wrong I will happily admit it.

Like all of us, i just want a cup before my last breath. 

Agree mostly but imho you’re incorrect about why Tocchet was brought in. Familiarity is one thing, but approach to the game is another and if the coach and GM/Pres have differing ideas on how this team will be successful, then it just won’t happen. 

As I mentioned in previous post, there is a short term contract for mgmt/execs to turn this team around. JR realized that we are soft as butter and that alone will not suffice even if we make it to post. 

Tocchet embodies accountability (on the ice). He won’t allow the country club to continue. JR himself alluded to that same country club atmosphere when he got here. No more. This is about business and approaching the game with no excuses and a required change of the loser mentality the room had become accustomed to.



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8 hours ago, AnthonyG said:

Last year vs VGK





We absolutely can compete with them. That was with 3.99GAA Spencer Martin between the pipes

Edmonton, who’s to say their PP will be as successful?

LAK I truly dont see their roster as better

SEA plays a great 2 way game, but I dont see them as a clear cut better team than us. Our ability to score with Demko in net, we’ll be fine.

lol so we based whether we can compete or not against a team based on 3 games?? well then i'll say with certainty we can't compete with detroit who clobbered us 11-3 in 2 games? Demko haven't proven he can get thru playing more than 50 games a season.. he started breaking down after 50 game in the season before last and he was god awful in net the 1st half of last season prior o his injury.. and it wasn't just because of the defence.. he was letting in weak goals bad goals.. he was as awful as martin. he bounced back after the injury.. but then again we played 70% of the games against teams that are inferior on paper so who knows if he'll be back to his peak form.. so basically what you are saying.. the canucks should be competing for the pacific division title coz every other team sucks compared to us.. we are as good as vegas.. edmonton will suck coz they PP won't be as successful we are way better than the LAK and seattle should also be should be battling for the pacific title because they are probably as good as us?

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20 minutes ago, RWJC said:

Agree mostly but imho you’re incorrect about why Tocchet was brought in. Familiarity is one thing, but approach to the game is another and if the coach and GM/Pres have differing ideas on how this team will be successful, then it just won’t happen. 

As I mentioned in previous post, there is a short term contract for mgmt/execs to turn this team around. JR realized that we are soft as butter and that alone will not suffice even if we make it to post. 

Tocchet embodies accountability (on the ice). He won’t allow the country club to continue. JR himself alluded to that same country club atmosphere when he got here. No more. This is about business and approaching the game with no excuses and a required change of the loser mentality the room had become accustomed to.



Does he?

He talks a good game but his head coaching record is a losing one. I remember him as head coach of the Yotes, dont remember them as a tough, hard workers etc...


Anyway, my point is that they didn't do their due diligence. Did they intereview all candidates, did they hire the best one for the job?

The decorated JR hasn't done much to impress me either. I dont buy too much inot the country club stuff, seemed like it was just a slight to BB, I felt he dragged his ass to get us D-help when he first arrived and his handling of BB's dismissal was straight up gross. 


Ok, some positives about the brass for me. I like Alvin from the litte I have seen and our assistant coaches seem great.


I know what you mean when you say soft as butter but I don't like saying it that way. We need to work harder, finish checks, improve team D but that squad had the most fights in the league, mostly Schenn, but it's a harsh diss to say soft as butter when they would often knuckle up if needed.

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1 hour ago, RWJC said:

No one’s being impatient at least from what I can tell. The reality is that this mgmt team’s contract dictates what they are expected to achieve in its current duration. We make playoffs, we do some damage in the playoffs, they get extended. 

If after all the moves made, alllll the changes throughout the entire organization from up top all the way down to the ice, if they fail, then unfortunately the end result is likely going to be drastic change.


Just because you root for the team and want to be optimistic does not deny relevant facts that others are also pointing out. 

Optimism is based in hope. To become a serious team that has the capability of regular playoff hockey, you don’t rely on hope intertwined on some minor past laurels. That would just be subverting responsibility. This mgmt team has a serious agenda and if they can’t achieve it because of the players assembled on hand, the roster will change…as we have seen. 

Thats what people are aware of. Fans, not just naysayers or whatever you choose to classify people who are just as passionate about and aware of the team as you are.  Congrats on being positive. We need more of that. Seriously.
But don’t go negating that by being condescending to others and their perspectives. That’d make you a bit hypocritical, which you’re not. 


Wanting to gut this team if they don't make the playoffs this year is being impatient. Like I said, they were assessing last year and I am pretty sure they got stuck with a few players I am sure , they wanted gone. Nothing happened with OEL, so they had to buy him out. 

This year, they will try to get this group to gel , as there are many changes from last year. I am sure they are still assessing, so there will be movements made as opportunities present them selves, as how we acquired Hronek and how we were able to get a good return for Horvat. 

Because they are being patient about it, we are not making rash decisions, this is not how we did business in the past with Benning. It seemed like he panicked every time he made a decision.

So should they be punished for not getting this team Contender ready in such a short period of time? I would rather they build it the right way, even if it takes a little more time. The true measure I believe, is that they improve year over year as opposed to saying that they need to make the playoffs and everything else is a failure. 

Like many have said, lots of things dictate success or failure including injuries, teams gelling and contract disputes etc. Last years failures had a lot to do with our #1 Goalie missing most of the season. This happens. 

Peteys situation is going to fall entirely on him as he can find a spot on this team like Hughes or Miller did?, or, he can follow the path like Horvat and see how that turns out for him. 

I seriously don't want to have anything to do with him if that is his intenetions, no matter how talented he is. We all seen how much of a cancer a player or two can be when they are only thinking of themselves and not their team and team mates.

I don't think that is what he is like, but if he is, he can go and we can find a player who wants to be here and wants to be part of the solution to winning instead of blaming others for the inabiility to gain success.

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55 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

lol so we based whether we can compete or not against a team based on 3 games?? well then i'll say with certainty we can't compete with detroit who clobbered us 11-3 in 2 games? Demko haven't proven he can get thru playing more than 50 games a season.. he started breaking down after 50 game in the season before last and he was god awful in net the 1st half of last season prior o his injury.. and it wasn't just because of the defence.. he was letting in weak goals bad goals.. he was as awful as martin. he bounced back after the injury.. but then again we played 70% of the games against teams that are inferior on paper so who knows if he'll be back to his peak form.. so basically what you are saying.. the canucks should be competing for the pacific division title coz every other team sucks compared to us.. we are as good as vegas.. edmonton will suck coz they PP won't be as successful we are way better than the LAK and seattle should also be should be battling for the pacific title because they are probably as good as us?

I think what he is trying to say is that there is a lot of parity in this league and things like key injuries can make or break your season. I don't think we have Powerhouse teams anymore, including Vegas, that totally dominate the league. I think most teams can beat anyone on most nights, especially if they are a hard working team with a good system.

Look at the teams which got knocked out in round 1 of the playoffs last year , which included the Lightning, Avalanche and the Bruins. Those are some pretty good teams that were knocked out by some seemingly more inferior teams.

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58 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Does he?

He talks a good game but his head coaching record is a losing one. I remember him as head coach of the Yotes, dont remember them as a tough, hard workers etc...


Anyway, my point is that they didn't do their due diligence. Did they intereview all candidates, did they hire the best one for the job?

The decorated JR hasn't done much to impress me either. I dont buy too much inot the country club stuff, seemed like it was just a slight to BB, I felt he dragged his ass to get us D-help when he first arrived and his handling of BB's dismissal was straight up gross. 


Ok, some positives about the brass for me. I like Alvin from the litte I have seen and our assistant coaches seem great.


I know what you mean when you say soft as butter but I don't like saying it that way. We need to work harder, finish checks, improve team D but that squad had the most fights in the league, mostly Schenn, but it's a harsh diss to say soft as butter when they would often knuckle up if needed.

I think what you failed to mention is that they have won Cups in one capacity or another and that is all I am worried about. They know what it takes to get to that next level. 

We couldn't even get this team to work hard or stick up for each other. RT has changed that. Alvin is bringing in players who follow that mentality as well. Can we say the same for Myers? Horvat? Boeser? 

I say give them as least a full season before drawing any conclusions.

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1 minute ago, EdgarM said:

I think what you failed to mention is that they have won Cups in one capacity or another and that is all I am worried about. They know what it takes to get to that next level. 

We couldn't even get this team to work hard or stick up for each other. RT has changed that. Alvin is bringing in players who follow that mentality as well. Can we say the same for Myers? Horvat? Boeser? 

I say give them as least a full season before drawing any conclusions.

I want nothing more than to be surprised.


Who they hired and how they did it deserves fair criticism.


side note...I now hear some posters ( not you)  saying that we also had a loser mentality...where does that come from?


Last year we were 3rd in teams coming back from trailing to win. We scored tons but had dodgy goal tending/ D so we were 13 ( ithink) in blown leads.

We didn't have a loser mentality, we tried hard to always climb back into games. What we had was an underwhelming D-group and a Demko that wasn't there for us in the early going. 


That said, I do like the new additions, however as I stated I'm not blown away. 


This is a big season coming up. AQ has never looked so bad for various reasons and apathy about the team is setting in amongst a lot of people I know. 

They screw up this next season and a lot of things could go even further south....including EP looking elsewhere to be on a winning team.

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:

Does he?

He talks a good game but his head coaching record is a losing one. I remember him as head coach of the Yotes, dont remember them as a tough, hard workers etc...


Anyway, my point is that they didn't do their due diligence. Did they intereview all candidates, did they hire the best one for the job?

The decorated JR hasn't done much to impress me either. I dont buy too much inot the country club stuff, seemed like it was just a slight to BB, I felt he dragged his ass to get us D-help when he first arrived and his handling of BB's dismissal was straight up gross. 


Ok, some positives about the brass for me. I like Alvin from the litte I have seen and our assistant coaches seem great.


I know what you mean when you say soft as butter but I don't like saying it that way. We need to work harder, finish checks, improve team D but that squad had the most fights in the league, mostly Schenn, but it's a harsh diss to say soft as butter when they would often knuckle up if needed.

But soft as butter doesn’t just describe physical play. They couldn’t hold leads. They didnt have the determination or discipline to play the type of hockey required to be successful. They left Demko to hang. They played a passive game that rarely translated in any cohesiveness and undermined establishing an identity which unfortunately perpetuated a numbing mindset realized by the Green era. 

Soft as butter when it comes to being a hard to play against hockey team? 100%.


what was the quote…”fun to play against”?

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3 minutes ago, RWJC said:

But soft as butter doesn’t just describe physical play. They couldn’t hold leads. They didnt have the determination to play the type of hockey required to be successful. They left Demko to hang. They played a passive game and unfortunately perpetuated a numbing mindset from the Green era. 

Soft as butter when it comes to being a hard to play against hockey team. 100%.


what was the quote…”fun to play against”?

Leaving Demko to hang is what we have done for a long while. He is a big part of the core. An allstar goalie. 

We had never properly addressed getting good D to support him.

Didn't mean the team didn't try hard till the end and often came back to win. They just didnt' have the horses on D, the right side mostly. 

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Leaving Demko to hang is what we have done for a long while. He is a big part of the core. An allstar goalie. 

We had never properly addressed getting good D to support him.

Didn't mean the team didn't try hard till the end and often came back to win. They just didnt' have the horses on D, the right side mostly. 

Maybe so, but as much as I loved having Bruce here, the team needed a hardline hard nosed coach to straighten them out. If they have success this year, you can bet Tocchet will be a large part of that. 

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20 minutes ago, RWJC said:

Maybe so, but as much as I loved having Bruce here, the team needed a hardline hard nosed coach to straighten them out. If they have success this year, you can bet Tocchet will be a large part of that. 

I was skeptical of Tocchet at first, but really liked his approach so far. He sure came in under harsh circumstances, boo’d by fans in his first game. But he employs a much better system than run-and-gun Bruce, and he demands more accountability from his players. I think it could make for some positive results.

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