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flat land fish

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Everything posted by flat land fish

  1. Damn I hope not, it looks like he lost 2 gears over the off season
  2. Early start time this afternoon what’s that all about?
  3. Because he played chl he can’t play ncaa hockey.
  4. Regardless of whether there is an major issue or not I still think something comes to a head on team leadership. Not many teams don’t have their Alpha dog as captain and arguably there are 3 or 4 players ahead of Bo as on ice leaders. Bo I think is in a similar position to what Dustin brown was with the kings where he was first prospect coming out of their rebuild before their cups to make a splash but was eventually overtaken as the top guy on their team. Some of this will likely come together depending if Horvat resigns or if the team is playing poorly maybe some shakeup happens by way of trade. Eventually here something is going to change and not every fan is going to like it.
  5. That third Columbus goal was awful no excuse to lose the net that bad
  6. Demko like most goalies tends to fare best when the defensive play in front of him is predictable which has been a struggle so far. That said when you need to cut your goals against in half that needs to be fixed all the way through the lineup goalies included.
  7. I think Bruce gets win number 600 in Washington. Perfect storm for the team to come together and get the W.
  8. Agreed hopefully some of the detractors around these parts will appreciate his value to the team
  9. Turning point was certainly the missed call on the high stick on Hughes which lead to the first goal. Team needs to up their mental toughness as the momentum was still there to be had. Move forward on to the next one.
  10. Could have been a situation that Chicago wanted us to take money back to make the deal. Will be interesting to see how much ice time this year.
  11. Disappointing but this is why the team has depth. Timeline isn’t too long and as others have said Brock should be able to train cardio so hopefully timeline to full strength isn’t much beyond the 3-4 weeks.
  12. It’s important to set a tone that we won’t be pushed around. Doesn’t have to be the after the whistle stuff but making sure we are getting our share of the physical play like podkolzin knocking down the flame that cheap shotted him.
  13. Their depth is much weaker when compared to their first couple seasons. Will need all their top players to stay healthy to make their way back to being a top 10 team.
  14. Guess we know who bad cop is to Bruce’s good cop
  15. Agree contract should not exceed 6 AAV, point production especially 5 on 5 is too low for any more.
  16. Are those fresh heights and weights or does that get updated later in the week?
  17. The inflation we are seeing now in many ways links back to the financial crisis of 2008-2009 not so much the crisis itself but the position of central banks and government that they prevented or delayed insolvency of consumers and businesses. If we are sticking with capitalism it’s not the role of the public sector to pick winners and losers. The extreme housing inflation was a byproduct of interest rates that stayed too low for way too long and what we are experiencing or about to experience is a needed correction. The overall market would have never become so overheated without the benefit of record low rates. The real estate equity spun off to other parts of the economy. The pandemics role in inflation stems from the complete lack of common sense in the distribution of relief funds. So many businesses and individuals tapped into funding without need. This cash is the real culprit for inflation as it added the cash to the money supply as much of it became savings rather than offsetting rents, mortgages or day to day costs. Higher rates will pull that money back out of the financial system but we all bare the brunt of that not just those who gained from the public purse during the pandemic.
  18. Next step is to become a difference maker in the AHL. After that sky is the as all the physical tools are there.
  19. Someone has to get San Jose fans on board with the revenge chant
  20. The crazy part is they did some big time wheeling and dealing to arrange those picks. That must haunt there scouting department. Probably would have won a couple more cups if they just picked the next 3 guys.
  21. There’s a lot more to defensive play than faceoff percentage. Being in the right position at all times and being able to read the play make a big difference. Most fans see when there has been a big recovery after a mistake has been made but the two way excellence is snuffing plays out before the chance materializes.
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